And then the Trumpsters on VN had no idea what to say....

You are in an alternate universe as it pertains to this thread. Carry on.

It's simple Econ 101 stuff, really. Sorry it's above your pay grade...

Then again, you also think that 90% of our taxes goes to other countries.

Why are we sending Middle Eastern countries hundreds of millions of dollars? Why are allocating 10 million for “gender programs” in Packistan? Our congress is filled with Vermin. What they are doing should be criminal. That’s probably something you should be more bothered with

Once you master the spelling of Pakistan, come back and educate us all.
Once you master the spelling of Pakistan, come back and educate us all.
That is what you get from that? Are you not bothered that we are printing money irresponsibly and hundreds of millions of it are going to random places in the Middle East? How is that not the pinnacle of corruption?
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That is what you get from that? Are you not bothered that we are printing money irresponsibly and hundreds of millions of it are going to random places in the Middle East? How is that not the pinnacle of corruption?

You don’t feel good about funding terrorists and 3rd world regimes?
Ironically, they'd probably say the same thing about us.

After all, who bombs more people in the world... USA or Pakistan?
Oh I make no bones about it. Our congressional authorities are just about as awful. But it’s pretty damn hard to be worse than the country that sheltered effing Bin Laden
Oh I make no bones about it. Our congressional authorities are just about as awful. But it’s pretty damn hard to be worse than the country that sheltered effing Bin Laden
They sheltered a guy trained and funded by the US. Who is really at fault?
It's simple Econ 101 stuff, really. Sorry it's above your pay grade...

Then again, you also think that 90% of our taxes goes to other countries.


First of all, I was not the one that even made the foreign country remark. But as it pertains to this stimulus, which is the actual subject of this thread, 90 % of THIS money IS going out of the country!!
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That is what you get from that? Are you not bothered that we are printing money irresponsibly and hundreds of millions of it are going to random places in the Middle East? How is that not the pinnacle of corruption?

Sending $$$ to other countries is not corruption, it's called foreign diplomacy. We do it for good reasons that are self-serving for the United States. If you don't get this, I can't help you.
Sending $$$ to other countries is not corruption, it's called foreign diplomacy. We do it for good reasons that are self-serving for the United States. If you don't get this, I can't help you.
If the US economy collapses then diplomacy will be worth less than the paper it's printed on. This country needs to handle itself first and then worry about other countries we want to control
They sheltered a guy trained and funded by the US. Who is really at fault?
I’m not sure what you are getting at. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who resents our government and foreign policy in general more than I do. You aren’t really telling me anything I don’t already know. That doesn’t exonerate Pakistan for sheltering the man that sent a thousands of Americans to an agonizing burning death
Oh I make no bones about it. Our congressional authorities are just about as awful. But it’s pretty damn hard to be worse than the country that sheltered effing Bin Laden

Agree with you 100%. BUT, Pakistan is not like our country... it's torn between western ideals and theocracy. Alot of middle eastern countries struggle with this, and they often go back and forth in dramatic struggles that make our democratic/republican administration changes pale in comparison. For all we know, only a few people in the government (or the country, for that matter) knew about Bin Laden's whereabouts. Need proof? Given the $25 million reward on his head, plenty of Pakistanis would have jumped at the chance to claim that - had they known about him being there.
First of all, I was not the one that even made the foreign country remark. But as it pertains to this stimulus, which is the actual subject of this thread, 90 % of THIS money IS going out of the country!!


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