And you guys really put blind faith in Fauci?

Seems like the only folks who ever bring up Fauci are his haters. They definitely seem to be the only ones to bring him up in here.
Seems like the only folks who ever bring up Fauci are his haters. They definitely seem to be the only ones to bring him up in here.

I don't hate him - I hate that he has as much power as he does and any attempts to hold him accountable or question his pronouncements are treated as personal affronts or conspiracy theories.

He's a public servant (highest paid public servant) and he should be held accountable
The anti Fauci camp would have everyone taking worm pills, hydroxychloroquine, lysol and shining intense lights on infected people.
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Seems like the only folks who ever bring up Fauci are his haters. They definitely seem to be the only ones to bring him up in here.
I'm your huckleberry. I mistrust him and can give you a very long list of reasons. He has not been truthful. He has suppressed information concerning the efficacy of natural immunity. He is grotesquely arrogant in a way that suppresses real science. What he's done cannot be described as informing the public. He has engaged in propaganda attempting to herd people into HIS solution.
I'm your huckleberry. I mistrust him and can give you a very long list of reasons. He has not been truthful. He has suppressed information concerning the efficacy of natural immunity. He is grotesquely arrogant in a way that suppresses real science. What he's done cannot be described as informing the public. He has engaged in propaganda attempting to herd people into HIS solution.

You seem like a hater that would be the kind of person to want to bring up why you hate him.

Sooo.... I'm not sure where my statement went wrong.

Oh and it's properly referred to as being a huckle bearer, Val.
The anti Fauci camp would have everyone taking worm pills, hydroxychloroquine, lysol and shining intense lights on infected people.

These are generally your covid denying, vaccine hating folks who loathe Biden but conveniently forget that Trump 'warpspeeded' the Vax and gave Fauci the soap box to begin with.
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The anti Fauci camp would have everyone taking worm pills, hydroxychloroquine, lysol and shining intense lights on infected people.
And the Fauci camp would have you believe that he is just a devoted public servant not pushing his own agenda.

Here is a link to a device that I had installed in the office spaces at my plant around March of 2020. We have NEVER instituted a mask mandate. We have had multiple people with early stages of symptomatic Covid in the plant and in close contact with others- often for as much as 10 hours in a day. We have had ZERO transmissions at work. This is known technology. Its effectiveness is well known to people like Fauci. It is marketed as an alternative to HEPA filters on commercial aircraft. A report earlier this year showed that less than 50 transmissions had occurred on airline flights... out of about 2 billion trips.

Performance Data | Pathogen Test Results | iWave (

This technology would have saved 10's of thousands of lives and possibly contained the virus completely. It costs about $500 for 6 tons of HVAC... roughly 4000 sq ft with a 9 ft ceiling. But Fauci et al never proposed that this be "mandated" for tight public spaces. Why? Why has he drug his feet on therapeutics while pushing vaccines? Why has he suppressed info concerning the efficacy of naturally acquired immunity?

He fostered mask mandates. If you think any of the things you listed are "ridiculous" then you should really oppose "masking up". PS- Ivermectin has not been ruled on by CDC or FDA but HAS been successfully used with Covid patients in combination with other treatments.

Here is a study showing that HCQ has medical value in the treatment of Covid.

Observational Study on 255 Mechanically Ventilated Covid Patients at the Beginning of the USA Pandemic

Being well propagandized... does not mean someone is well informed.

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