And you guys really put blind faith in Fauci?

The anti Fauci camp would have everyone taking worm pills, hydroxychloroquine, lysol and shining intense lights on infected people.

Ridiculous mischaracterization of the majority of people who are critical of Fauci.

He is a proven liar, thus is thoroughly untrustworthy. Add the following to his already untrustworthiness, and I think you'd have to be mentally challenged to continue to carry water for this man.

Public health policy makers ought to have ONE mission: to create policy which promotes the health of the population. Yes? For months prior to the release of vaccines, the health benefits of Vitamin D deficiency pertaining to the susceptibility of being infected by covid were known by doctors, but were not being emphasized in the least by public health policy makers. Obesity was a known severe co-morbidity yet no public health focus on that fact. Those two examples are about the lowest hanging fruit there is. Broadcasting that information and forming health policy with those things in mind would have saved untold numbers of lives. But it was never even a footnote. It was "LOCKDOWNS, MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCE" for months and months, and then later "VACCINATE OR YOU HATE GRANNY!".

So the question is if you find a disease that infects bats in an isolated cave system and is apparently not transmissible to other species, why not eradicate the bats ... or just leave them alone? Why in the name of science (and supposedly not Nazi science or biological warfare) would you set out to enable a virus contained locally and to one species into a virus that has infected and killed millions of people around the globe? No sane member of any real scientific community would create a Frankenstein, but that's what Fauci signed on to do - perhaps the fool aided and abetted the CCP in producing a new biological agent. At best Fauci was an unwitting dupe; at worst he actually understood the implications. The other obvious question is why hasn't the biden administration fired him.
I don’t hate Fauci. I do question his credibility at this point.

How do you personally view his credibility at this point?

I don't pay attention to him. It's easy, all you have to do is not pay attention to him.
secondly, that came from "somewhere" that nobody knows exactly, but it came out exactly after I openly said go to darpa. very suspicious.
Thirdly, we already knew they were using rna research to fight sars. That's how it was developed, and old news.
You don’t have a problem with conspiring to defame other scientists?

Sure, conspiring and defaming seems like a low rent, dirty move. I'll agree to that.

Still, I stand by my statement that the only people who seem to want to talk about him are his partisan detractors. I'm not sure how you got from that, "you don't have a problem with conspiring and defaming..."

I'm sure you have it in you to address the words that people say and not the words that are easier for you to assume a higher ground on. I'm sure you do, now if you could just do that.
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I don't pay attention to him. It's easy, all you have to do is not pay attention to him.

That part is easy enough to agree with, but it still leaves the other part. Fauci is still in a position of power in agencies dedicated to our health and well being; he's still doing harm even if we ignore him. We may not have to listen to him, but some people who matter to our health do.
Sure, conspiring and defaming seems like a low rent, dirty move. I'll agree to that.

Still, I stand by my statement that the only people who seem to want to talk about him are his partisan detractors. I'm not sure how you got from that, "you don't have a problem with conspiring and defaming..."

I'm sure you have it in you to address the words that people say and not the words that are easier for you to assume a higher ground on. I'm sure you do, now if you could just do that.

The issue is you went out of your way to read and post in a thread about his wrong doing, while ignoring the wrong doing and complaining about the fact that people noticed the wrong doing.

It’s not only absurd but it’s par for the course with the left as a whole.
The issue is you went out of your way to read and post in a thread about his wrong doing, while ignoring the wrong doing and complaining about the fact that people noticed the wrong doing.

It’s not only absurd but it’s par for the course with the left as a whole.

I made no comment on him being bad or good, I simply made an observation on who brings him up, which clearly caused your butt to hurt.

And here you are again, working to gin up a position for me that you have no basis for - so you must assume.

You're either too ignorant to realize you're doing this or this is an intentionally dishonest tactic. Since I don't believe you are being malevolent, I must assume the former.
Dude. Did you read this?

it reads like a qanon post on steroids with claims that this was designed for bats. The supposition dressed up as facts is enough to make any scientist question who wrote this.

The documents Project Veritas used are from DARPA. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military. There's absolutely nothing qanon related here.
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That part is easy enough to agree with, but it still leaves the other part. Fauci is still in a position of power in agencies dedicated to our health and well being; he's still doing harm even if we ignore him. We may not have to listen to him, but some people who matter to our health do.

That's a fair argument, i don't really know that he's anymore influential than a mouthpiece like Jen Psaki.

They're all just barking dogs for me to tune out. Right or wrong, I feel fortunate that I'm in a State that has a gov that chose wisely - I feel bad for the folks in the States that dealt with and are still dealing with shutdowns.
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The documents are from DARPA. There's nothing qanon related here.

It's a redacted image of a email that say's darpa at the top, it could have come from your moms basement for all I know.

Perhaps its real, perhaps it isn't - given that it reads like a qanon wet dream, I'm skeptical. The fact that project Veritas is the source simply adds to the skepticism.

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