
So why did Android decide to change the Android Market's name to Google Play Store? How about a real update?

Essentially, Google wanted to turn the Android Market into a digital media hub. Just like iTunes can be used by those without iPhones to buy, store, and play digital content, Google basically re-branded Android Market for this reason.
I'm liking the AOKP roms that are coming out. I'm running CM9 right now, but when the US GS2 source drops, I'll be switching over to a Kang'd version. Epic Touch here.

Gotta say ICS is nice. The app manager is great with a touch of WebOS in there (they hired the lead WebOS UI guy awhile ago).

Even though Samsung is the worst at updates, especially when US carriers are involved, they have been better to GS2 owners. They leak the latest ICS builds for the GS2 fairly regularly now days giving the developers something to play with. There's a new modem or build every couple of days.

Hope the US carrier sources are released sometime soon. Full CM9 is just sweet.

ps. I'm also running CM9 on my HP Touchpad. That $100 toy is great.
So this is how its going to be huh? Android users are taking their ball to the feild across the street. Is this the official end of the iPhone vs droid thread? A good percentage of my 200 posts are in that thread.

I guess us iPhone simpletons need to start a separate thread too?
So this is how its going to be huh? Android users are taking their ball to the feild across the street. Is this the official end of the iPhone vs droid thread? A good percentage of my 200 posts are in that thread.

I guess us iPhone simpletons need to start a separate thread too?

The vs. thread has actually had some action lately - but I created this one for Android discussion rather than the back and forth in the other one.

I'm surprised to hear that there isn't an iPhone thread.
Noob question and I haven't bothered to Google, because I don't care *that* much, but...

Replacing apps on the home row -- would like to replace the Android e-mail with the GMail app, because that's how I access my university e-mail. Easiest way to do it?
I'm surprised to hear that there isn't an iPhone thread.

there is one in here already. May have fallen down the list a bit but it exists

Noob question and I haven't bothered to Google, because I don't care *that* much, but...

Replacing apps on the home row -- would like to replace the Android e-mail with the GMail app, because that's how I access my university e-mail. Easiest way to do it?

been a while but just tried on mine and all I did was press and hold and a window popped up that said "Change Shortcut". Then just pick the gmail app and it switched. I am running LauncherPro so it may be different without that
You are running a launcher (but I don't know which one). I don't recall what phone you have. If it's a newer Samsung, open the App tray, hit menu, then edit. You can then change the bottom dock icons.
Now that the GS3 has been revealed I'm pretty sure I'll end up with the EVO LTE. HTC looks to be the winner this round. The One X looks incredible.
I'm with AT&T. I have wait until you Verizon peeps get tired of your S3's before I'll see one.

Not to bring up the One X but its arguably a better phone and launches next week. Reviews so far have been outstanding and its got the better screen.
Not to bring up the One X but its arguably a better phone and launches next week. Reviews so far have been outstanding and its got the better screen.

Thanks for the info. I'd overlooked the HTC. Reviews look good. Blazing processor. Almost 9 hours on video rundown battery test.
I read more. One X dropped from quad core processor to dual in US. And no microSD. Not quite as enthused as earlier...
The S4 dual core has been taking the quad core to school so far. Certainly not less of a chip. Battery is the only concern but everyone is praising the battery thus far.

Also, it's unlikely you'll see the quadcore S3 here in the states any time soon. The dualcore S4 has LTE built in the chip that supports US carriers. It's cheaper for them to use it in LTE devices here, and requires less battery to power an on-chip antenna. The S4 also beats the Tegra3 in most benchmarks, so it's no slouch.

Consensus so far is that it's likely Samsung will be using the S4 dual core in the US versions of the S3.

Both are great phones, I just wasn't impressed yesterday and the EVO LTE continues to impress me with it's great camera, battery life, and the re-vamped Sense.
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The WSJ has reported that Google will likely release Nexus phones (and possibly tablets) with 5 companies (likely Samsung, LG, Moto, HTC, and Sony) at the same time (likely around Thanksgiving). These future Nexi will probably be the release of Android 5.0, aka Jellybean.

This is great news for fans of a non-skinned Android experience. You will no longer be forced to one device for stock Android (no offense Samsung, but your hardware leaves a bit to be desired for a Nexus device).

Nexus devices coming this fall, from 5 manufacturers, Jelly Bean onboard: WSJ
I have seen that but no way I will wait (probably pick up the S3 in June). Lots of open questions with that plan around contracts and phone pricing. Not sure I want to pony up full price for a phone
I dont know if I can wait and not pick up the S3. The S2 has been the best phone I have ever owned and the improvements to the S3 has me hooked. But, Nexus has sparked my interest as well........what to do
I dont know if I can wait and not pick up the S3. The S2 has been the best phone I have ever owned and the improvements to the S3 has me hooked. But, Nexus has sparked my interest as well........what to do

I jumped from a DX to the GNex a few months ago, and I don't think I will ever have another non-Nexus Android. The number of ROMs available, the speed in which updates are received, and the specs are well worth (though the S3 and HTC One X both look awesome) paying a little more and going to a Nexus device, IMO.

Whether or not I jump to the next Nexus release will depend on the price (I will have to pay full price since I won't have a VZW upgrade for a while), where the GNex is on the Jellybean release, and the hardware specs of the Nexus devices that come out (as much as I despise Moto for their locked bootloaders, etc., I really like their hardware).

If the GNex isn't out-spec'd too badly, I may hang on to it and buy a Nexus tablet instead. Either way, I need to put back some $$$ for this purchase, starting today, haha.

VN Store
