Another moslem terrorist attack on Christians.

I think you completely missed his point.

That could be.

What exactly is your point?

Do you understand my point?

At this point in time islam in America is at the
recruitment stage, the litigant in the above
mentioned law suit was recruited after he was
sentenced to prison.

Here is another example of recruitment in America:

Muslim site tells children become Muslim in secret, tell parents later « Creeping Sharia

From a website called

If you are a Small child you can still become a
Muslim without your parents permission

If you are a child you do not need your parent’s
permission to become a Muslim. If you fear they
may harm, you can become Muslim in secret and
tell them when you are ready.

What if their are no Muslims (or no Mosque or Islamic
center) in your town

Another common question is that there are no Muslims
in the city. This too is not an obstacle in you becoming
a Muslim. You do not have to go to a Masjid (Mosque)
or Islamic center or know any Muslims in order to be a
Muslim. You can say the declaration of faith (called the
Shahadah) to yourself and from then onwards you are
a Muslim. This is explained in the article below in greater

BTW, BHO does and excellent version of the Shahadah
in Arabic no less, according to the NY Slimes.

Religion is the excuse, control of oil and mineral resources is the issue.

Looking at it from a larger issue, islam is always about monetary and political control.

Sadly no one on this forum seems to have a clue about Nigerian history. (that seems to include you dude)

You're close. For the Afghan issue, though, you can leave Israel out. A presence in the midst of 4 nuclear armed countries is important for a lot of reasons, only 1 of those 4 could conceivably be at odds with Israel. Any of the four could easily become a problem if they decide to use a nuc, or, God forbid, should lose control of one.

Recent revelations indicate that Obama has agreed with Karzai for the USA to provide security for his corrupt government for another twelve years!!!

What do we have to profit from that??
This is just dumb.

How dumb?

I'll have a BLT, oh wait, I'm in a hallal approved prison where all the food must be bought from moslems, I guess I can forget the chitlin' pizza for supper tonight.

My point was that you missed his point. Implying that you should reread his post and see where you might have went awry when reading his post originally.

Sure do. I understand both of y'all's points.

Could be, on all points.

I thought the post was way too nebulous to be called a point to begin with.

Whats the name of it when it's creeping christian law? Thats really whats happening

Surely you jest?

NYPD officer told to get Muslim leaders' blessing to honor cop killed in mosque | Fox News

A New York police officer seeking to rename a Harlem street for a cop gunned down inside a Manhattan mosque 40 years ago was told by local leaders to seek the blessing of area Muslims.

NYPD Officer Philip Cardillo was shot dead in an infamous 1972 incident in which police responded to a fake “officer down” call from Muhammad Mosque No. 7, the New York headquarters for the Nation of Islam. The accused gunman was later acquitted, and the city's perceived unwillingness to back the police has long been seen as a low point in relations between city government and the police department.

In New York, the City Council typically approves street namings on the recommendation of local Community Boards. But members of Community Board 10, which represents the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan, have effectively blocked Harrison's plan by telling him to seek the approval of local Muslim leaders.

“While he had letters of support, he did not have any from any imams,” said one person from CB 10 who is familiar with the matter. “The letters aren’t required for the proposal to go through, but we feel that those involved with the proposal should reach out to them.”

CB 10 Chairwoman Henrietta Lyle told Harrison had not completed his application properly. But at the public meeting, she said the board needs to hear from the mosques and that it is up to the NYPD to arrange a meeting with the imams, according to an observer at the meeting.

FWW, Loopie Loui Farrakhan should have been prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder in that case but no charges were ever brought against him.

So the black muslims murder a cop but now we have to get their approval to name a street after the murdered cop??

Am I the only one who sees something amiss with that picture?
My Grandmother had a beautiful Creeping Sharia growing on the side of her shed in her flower garden. I think she got it from her granny in Mississippi. It bloomed every year around Mother's Day.

GS, if you like, I can get you a cutting from it. Just let me know.
House Panel Presses Clinton to Designate Nigerian Jihadist Group as Terrorists - U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor

The U.S. Department of State must explain to Congress
if it fails to designate Boko Haram, an Islamic jihadist
group, as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization," or FTO,
according to amended legislation a House panel
approved Thursday.

The House Appropriations Committee by unanimous voice
vote supported the measure, which Rep. Charlie Dent
(R-PA) offered as an amendment to the State, Foreign
Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill (FY
2013). The panel likewise approved the $40 billion State
& Foreign Ops funding bill, which it sent to the full House
for consideration.

Boko Haram, which means ‘‘People Committed to the
Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad,’’ has
carried out attacks on Nigerian Christians, hundreds
whom have died in recent weeks. Although Dent did not
specify the following, State reportedly not only has
failed to designate the group as an FTO, but refers to
the conflict between Nigerian Christians and Muslims as
a fight over land rather than theology.

"In April 2012, the State Department warned American
citizens in Nigeria that the group may be preparing
additional attacks on Abuja sites frequented by
Westerners. Recent intelligence reports also indicate
Boko Haram is expanding its coordination with the Al
Qaeda terrorist network through a growing relationship
with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)."


The map above is from about the time Obama took office,
a current map would show the areas of radical islamic
influence to have grown by 4 or 500%, so much for the
Arab Spring and Obama/Clinton foreign policy.
Maybe they have grown in response to the reciprocal violence from the Christians in Nigeria?
My Grandmother had a beautiful Creeping Sharia growing on the side of her shed in her flower garden. I think she got it from her granny in Mississippi. It bloomed every year around Mother's Day.

GS, if you like, I can get you a cutting from it. Just let me know.

I'll bet she knitted you an Afghan too?

Here's are some things you pollyannas ought to look into:

New Black Panther leader King Samir Shabazz advocates violence against whites - Spokane Conservative |


Father, 56, in critical condition after being stabbed trying to shield dying son from frenzied attack by hoodie gang outside pub | Mail Online

Woman attacked while ordering lunch at McDonald's drive-thru |
Maybe they have grown in response to the reciprocal violence from the Christians in Nigeria?

Either you jest or you ARE a joke.

There isn't one chance in a ten million that the answer
to your silly question would be yes.

Weekly Jihad Report

May . 12 - May. 18

Jihad Attacks: 48

Allahu Akbars*: 6

Dead Bodies: 134

Critically Injured: 394

* Suicide Attacks

A sampling:

2012.05.25 (Hazm, Yemen) - An al-Qaeda suicide bomber plows into a crowd of Shiites and massacres at least a dozen.

2012.05.25 (Kazi Ahmed, Pakistan) - Islamic 'separatists' murder seven passengers on a civilian bus.

2012.05.24 (Killi Chakar, Pakistan) - Militant Sunnis take down a Shiite in a targeted attack.

2012.05.23 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Islamic militants shoot a businessman to death on the street.

2012.05.23 (Khawezai, Pakistan) - A woman and her young son bleed to death following a Religion of Peace mortar attack on their residence.

2012.05.23 (Ramadi, Iraq) - Sunnis manage to take down three Shia pilgrims riding on a bus.


The muslim brotherhood has just announced that they
lead and expect to have a MB president of Egypt soon.

This isn't just a problem for Saharan Africa, it is spreading
through sub-Sahara rapidly, like a wild fire, fueled by
oil money and fanatical islamic radicals.

Islam in Africa > Hugh Fitzgerald

Now, all over black Africa, and through money and money alone, Arabs have been attempting to spread Islam. Sometimes it is the Saudis, with those mosques and madrasas. Sometimes it is Muammar Khaddafy. A few weeks ago, as I said, I ran into an American couple, the wife a native of Togo, who had just returned from a year in Lomé. And their horror at the number of mosques – from 4 a decade ago to 400, they estimated, today, and the sullen Muslims who have suddenly appeared everywhere, with a way of life distinctly different from that of the Christians, is not something that one would necessarily know about if merely looking at an Annual Yearbook and reading that Togo has a population that is “13% Muslim” or some such figure. The American husband and his Togolese wife were equally scathing about the representatives of the U.N. and the F.A.O. and other putative aid organizations whose representatives drove about, they said, in their Mercedes – the white version of East Africa’s “waBenzi” –and saw nothing, understood nothing, stayed well above, in the sphere of the abstract, the reality of Togo, never daring or able to delve beneath the surface of life.

I asked them how it was that so many mosques had been built and how it was that all of these mosques had expensive P.A. systems that enabled the muezzins, five times a day, to force everyone, Muslim and Christian and animist, to hear the Muslim Call To Prayer. Oh, they said. It’s the dictator, Faure Gnassingbé. Khaddafy gave him the money for an $800,000 Lamborghini (in a country where the average wage does not break a thousand dollars a year). There’s not much paved road in the whole country, but the dictator (the son of the previous dictator, Gnassingbé Eyadéma) likes to rev up his Lamborghini and go ten or twenty or even thirty miles in one direction, and then turn around and race back. And though this President-for-life is not known to have converted to Islam, what he has done is allow Khaddafy to give as much money as he wants in order to spread Islam in Togo, and to keep it spreading.
If one thought the American State Department were vigilantly monitoring the spread of Islam in Togo as elsewhere in East – as in West – Africa, and if one thought that people in the American government understood that the spread of Islam in black Africa is not in America’s or Europe’s or Africa’s interest, and that the West had to find a way to check this advance, not merely by relying on private efforts by Christian missionary groups, but by actively raising, at every meeting with every African leader, the matter of the spread of Islam, and of what great concern it is, and giving them the sign that they will be supported by the West if they deal with this problem in their own way, then one might be less worried.

And the Western world does nothing. Or rather, it sends some military aid and advisers to countries near the Horn of Africa, and the rest is left up to the hapless locals.

What the Christians of Africa need is a dramatic sign of Western support in halting the progress of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa. An obvious example presents itself: the Sudan. There, a few thousand troops, and a very few planes, could take care of the threat from the Arab north, and hold, and secure, both the Southern Sudan, and Darfur, as part of a well-publicized “humanitarian mission” that would be undertaken after, so President Obama could declare, every possible effort was made to allow the government of Sudan to change its ways.

No doubt it is easier for the Western, non-Muslim world, to come to the rescue of people who, as in Darfur, are called Muslims, and to pretend, as such people as Samantha Power do, that such conflicts have “nothing to do with Islam because all parties are Muslim.” But it isn’t true. The war in the southern Sudan, against Christians (almost all Catholics) and animists (about 1/6 of the population), is a classic war against Infidels. But the war made on the Muslim blacks in Darfur by other, but Arab, Muslims (or those who think of themselves as Arabs, and thus in a special and higher category of Muslim) is also attributable to another aspect of Islam – Islam as a vehicle for Arab supremacism.

Is there, anywhere in the Pentagon, or the State Department, an office where people are working to figure out how to halt the advance of Islam here and there and everywhere?

If you think that Islam is not a threat, but merely “one of the world’s great religions” that has been “misinterpreted by extremists” – if that is, you wish to ignore the texts and tenets of Islam, and the 1350-year history of Islamic conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims, then you will not worry overmuch about the spread of Islam in black Africa, nor worry about the arabization that inevitably accompanies islamization. You will find the suggestions I have made absurd, or even malevolent.

If, on the other hand, you are well-prepared, and know the texts, the tenets, the attitudes, the atmospherics of Islam, and are familiar with that 1350-year history of conquest and subjugation in which so many local histories, cultures, artworks were made to disappear, physically and from the minds of those conquered, then you may have quite a different attitude.

But no, the west seems unable to make any sort of
stand against islamic violence and agression.

Our state department can't even find the guts and
backbone to designate the AQ affiliated extremist
group in Nigeria a terrorist organization even though
they continue to terrorize non muslims.

Even worse, in the Ivory coast French special forces
went in and arrested the rightfully elected Christian
president and turned him over to the muslims who used
violence to further thier goals and are headed by a
usurper who isn't even a citizen of the Ivory Coast and
now hundreds of thousands of the Cristians of that
country live in refugee camps in Liberia and Ghana and
refuse to return to their native country for fear of their
Either you jest or you ARE a joke.

There isn't one chance in a ten million that the answer
to your silly question would be yes.

Weekly Jihad Report

May . 12 - May. 18

Jihad Attacks: 48

Allahu Akbars*: 6

Dead Bodies: 134

Critically Injured: 394

* Suicide Attacks

A sampling:

2012.05.25 (Hazm, Yemen) - An al-Qaeda suicide bomber plows into a crowd of Shiites and massacres at least a dozen.

2012.05.25 (Kazi Ahmed, Pakistan) - Islamic 'separatists' murder seven passengers on a civilian bus.

2012.05.24 (Killi Chakar, Pakistan) - Militant Sunnis take down a Shiite in a targeted attack.

2012.05.23 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Islamic militants shoot a businessman to death on the street.

2012.05.23 (Khawezai, Pakistan) - A woman and her young son bleed to death following a Religion of Peace mortar attack on their residence.

2012.05.23 (Ramadi, Iraq) - Sunnis manage to take down three Shia pilgrims riding on a bus.

I imagine that your "Weekly Jihad Report" does not mention the order that came from the President (a Christian) in January, in which searches without warrants and indefinite detentions were authorized and have unceasingly continued to be carried out against the Muslims in Nigeria. Or, does the "Weekly Jihad Report" make that known?
I'm starting to think gsvol is having butt sects with a moslem and all this hate is just a ruse.
I'm starting to think gsvol is having butt sects with a moslem and all this hate is just a ruse.

You'd have to pull your head out of your butt
before anyone can expect a cogent thought from

I imagine that your "Weekly Jihad Report" does not mention the order that came from the President (a Christian) in January, in which searches without warrants and indefinite detentions were authorized and have unceasingly continued to be carried out against the Muslims in Nigeria. Or, does the "Weekly Jihad Report" make that known?

Do you have links to your so-called facts or
just pull it out of thin air?

IF what you say is true then who can blame the
president of Nigereia for trying to stop the
violence? It seems the rational, responsible
thing to do to me. Furthermore he should be
getting some (at least) diplomatic support from
the USA, which he isn't.

BTW, do you dispute any of the facts presented
in the weekly jihad report?

So why is islam promoting violent jihad in so
many places.

Don't try to tell me it's because of warrantless
searches in Nigeria.

You act as if you don't have the first clue
about the history of Nigeria.
Do you have links to your so-called facts or
just pull it out of thin air?

Nigeria's Rising Violence Threatens Its Stability -

IF what you say is true then who can blame the
president of Nigereia for trying to stop the
violence? It seems the rational, responsible
thing to do to me. Furthermore he should be
getting some (at least) diplomatic support from
the USA, which he isn't.

Who can blame the president, a Christian who has been accused of bombing Muslims, as recently as October 2010, for completely taking away civil rights and recourse to due process? Right, who can blame him???

BTW, do you dispute any of the facts presented
in the weekly jihad report?

No. Does the "Weekly Jihad Report" provide a list of how many Muslims are killed in Nigeria? how many are locked up on a weekly basis? how many have their homes subject to warrant-less searches? Those statistics would be highly relevant.

So why is islam promoting violent jihad in so
many places.

Who is Islam?

Don't try to tell me it's because of warrantless
searches in Nigeria.

You act as if you don't have the first clue
about the history of Nigeria.

Please, feel free to provide me with your own history lesson regarding Goodluck Jonathan.
IF what you say is true then who can blame the
president of Nigereia for trying to stop the
violence? It seems the rational, responsible
thing to do to me. Furthermore he should be
getting some (at least) diplomatic support from
the USA, which he isn't.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

We should not compromise our democracy and freedoms in the name of national security because we're scared of foreign terrorists. When we do, they win.
you need to get out of the house some bruh, it ain't that scary...

I don't recall saying anything about being afraid.

But I do advocate for awareness and perhaps even preparedness.

I think at this point that most everyone should be aware of the fact that sharia law is not only unconstitutional, it is contrary in every way to the traditional freedoms enjoyed in America.

I see nothing in the article that indicates our state department should not designate a moslem terrorist organization that has vowed to kill every Christian in the country as well as make war on America to be a terrorist group. Even when it is known they are affiliated with al Qaeda and proclaim even more radical rhetoric that bin Laden, an amazing feat given some of his statements over the years.

Do you agree with the statement by our state department that this has nothing to do with religion or islamic radical politics?

Who can blame the president, a Christian who has been accused of bombing Muslims, as recently as October 2010, for completely taking away civil rights and recourse to due process? Right, who can blame him???

So you do blame the Nigerian president for trying to stop the violence?

No. Does the "Weekly Jihad Report" provide a list of how many Muslims are killed in Nigeria? how many are locked up on a weekly basis? how many have their homes subject to warrant-less searches? Those statistics would be highly relevant.

No, I'll leave that up to you.

If you think it is anything like as many as the Christians you are way off base.

Have you forgotten the '70s when something like a quater million Christians died?

Compare the number of churches destroyed vs the number of mosques destroyed.

As per usual you only prevaricate in attempt to avoid the greater problem, islamic agression accross the globe, particularly in Africa.

Who is Islam?

The Umma, moslems who follow the teachings of the man man muhammed.

Please, feel free to provide me with your own history lesson regarding Goodluck Jonathan.

For over a thousand year the moslems, primarily Berbers and Arabs took slaves from Nigeria and surrounding areas and carried them north through Niger and Libya to the slave markets in Tripoli, nine out of ten of those slaves perished in the Sahara, it is impossible to estimate how many but suffice it to say exponentially more that were sent to the much more publicised Americas.

Even then the moslem slave traders brought them to salve markes on the west coast of Africa because it was much easier that carrying them accross the desert and not so many died in the process.

Review: Islam's Black Slaves by Ronald Segal | Books | The Guardian

............... half-forgotten and deeply unsavoury aspect of Islam. Until Ronald Segal, author of the excellent and similarly panoramic survey of the Atlantic slave trade, The Black Diaspora, began to pick at the scars Arab raiders and their black African outriders left on large parts of the continent over 14 centuries, this had been one of the great untold stories.

Unlike the millions of west Africans who were crammed on to coffin ships bound for plantations in the Americas, those dragged through the Sahara or down to the Indian ocean at Zanzibar were mostly women. Zanzibar was a black Belsen, a clearing house of shackled humanity, where the stench of death was masked by the cloves on which the island's Omani emirs built a great trading empire.

Without a nascent industrial complex to feed, many of the men were castrated for domestic service or drafted into slave armies that emptied the lands around the great lakes of their peoples. One in 10, by some estimates, survived the trek from the interior. By the mid-19th century, when east African slave magnates - many of them the free sons of Arab slavers and their black concubines - ran out of infidels and animists to enslave, they, and the expanding black Islamic empires that supplied them, circumvented the scruples set out in the Koran and carried off their own on the flimsiest of criminal pretexts.

An incredible history, almost more notable for the silence that envelops it than for the horrific treatment that captured black Africans received. Castration, sexual slavery, marches through the Sahara to leave 90% of the original black Africans starving and dead in the sands. The promise of a free Hajj trip to Mecca for African Muslims - who were then trapped and sold into slavery in Arabia. Where is this history being taught? You will not hear it in America!

Even today slavery still exists in the moslem world and Arabic still only has one word that means both 'slave' and black person, ie; abed.
Why is this swept under the rug?

How long will the deception be continued?

The Genocide of the Ottoman Greeks: The First Academic Publication on the Greek Genocide | Modern Tokyo Times

The Genocide of the Ottoman Greeks (Caratzas Bookstore: Welcome to Caratzas / Melissa International) is a book which digs deep into the deplorable actions of the dying embers of the Ottoman Empire and the foundation of the Turkish Republic which systematically annihilated various Christian communities. These various Christian communities were the indigenous people and suffered such brutality because of their ethnicity and religious affiliation. However, in the vast majority of schools throughout Europe and further abroad, this “hidden genocide” remains “in the dark” because of enormous pressure from modern Turkey and other factors.

“During the years 1914-1923, whilst the attention of the international community focused on the turmoil and aftermath of the First World War, the indigenous Greek minority of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey’s predecessor, was subjected to a centrally-organized, premeditated and systematic policy of annihilation. This genocide, orchestrated to ensure an irreversible end to the collective existence of Turkey’s Greek population, was perpetrated by two consecutive governments; the Committee for Union and Progress, better known as the Young Turks, and the nationalist Kemalists led by Mustafa Kemal “Atatürk”. A lethal combination of internal deportations involving death marches and massacres conducted throughout Ottoman Turkey resulted in the death of one million Ottoman Greeks.”

William Ramsay, a British ethnographer, visited the Ottoman Empire and clearly he understood what Turkish Muslim rule meant. He commented that the “Turkish rule…meant unutterable contempt…The Armenians (and Greeks) were dogs and pigs…to be spat upon, if their shadow darkened a Turk, to be outraged, to be the mats on which he wiped the mud from his feet. Conceive the inevitable result of centuries of slavery, of subjection to insult and scorn, centuries in which nothing belonged to the Armenian, neither his property, his house, his life, his person, nor his family, was sacred or safe from violence – capricious, unprovoked violence – to resist which by violence meant death.”

Henry Morgenthau, the ambassador of the United States (1913-1916) to the Ottoman Empire, stated that the policies of the Turkish government led to “outrageous terrorizing, cruel torturing, driving of women into harems, debauchery of innocent girls, the sale of many of them at 80 cents each, the murdering of hundreds of thousands and the deportation to and starvation in the desert of other hundreds of thousands, [and] the destruction of hundreds of villages and many cities”, all part of “the willful execution”

“The period of transition from the collapse of the Ottoman Empire to the foundation of the Turkish Republic was characterized by a number of processes largely guided by a narrow elite that aimed at constructing a modern, national state. One of these processes was the deliberate and planned elimination, indeed extermination, of the Christian (and certain other) minorities. According to demographic studies, the numbers are stark: In 1912 the areas of Asia Minor and Thrace were inhabited by about 4-5 million Christians and 7-8 million Muslims; by 1923 only 250-300,000 Christians remained.”

“Raphael Lemkin, the legal scholar who introduced the term genocide into international law, formulated his early ideas on the definition of this war crime by studying the destruction of the Christians of Asia Minor, while the distinguished Turcologist Neoklis Sarris has noted that the annihilation of the Christian minorities represented an integral element in the formation of the Turkish Republic. As the editors of this volume note the 2007 resolution by the International Association of Genocide Scholars, recognizing the Greek and Assyrian Genocides suggests a wider range of victim groups. This volume therefore represents an effort to provide an outline and a direction of a more extensive study of the deliberate destruction and elimination of a Greek presence that spanned over three millennia, in the space that became the Turkish Republic.”

“The last two decades have seen a massive amount of research of the genocide of the Armenian population in the Ottoman/Turkish space. Much less scholarly work has been done on the genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor and Thrace; there are many reasons for this, including the fact that Turkish governments have been successful in intimidating diplomats in the context of Turkish-Greek relations of the last generation, and of subverting academic integrity (inducing some scholars to make a career as denialists supported by international NGOs, all in the name of countering nationalism).”

This book is essential reading for all people who are concerned about the genocide of Christians by Turkish rulers. The denial of the genocide encouraged Adolf Hitler because he stated “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians? Therefore, the book called The Genocide of the Ottoman Greeks is a must read in order to fully understand the brutal reality of what happened to the Ottoman Greeks and other minorities.

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