Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

I am disgusted, but not the least bit surprised, to see that the father not only gave this kid access to guns, he bought him this gun AFTER learning of the threats attributed to him.

What an idiot.

Parents need to learn a lesson. I'm afraid. Your kid has issues your best bet is to get rid of any guns in the house and, if you keep them, lock them away in a truly secure fashion.

The dad should be on the hook for purchasing a gun after the fact. The rest of your diatribe is ridiculous as usual.
I am disgusted, but not the least bit surprised, to see that the father not only gave this kid access to guns, he bought him this gun AFTER learning of the threats attributed to him.

What an idiot.

Parents need to learn a lesson. I'm afraid. Your kid has issues your best bet is to get rid of any guns in the house and, if you keep them, lock them away in a truly secure fashion.

I think you're about as disgusted and concerned as you were with the GOP and Melania Trump. There is no lesson to learn here. 😂
The dad should be on the hook for purchasing a gun after the fact. The rest of your diatribe is ridiculous as usual.

Do you not agree the father bears responsibility at some level, for the murders? He was charged with manslaughter. Completely appropriate.
Maybe I'm wrong but I was told Drs get some kind of kickback for prescribing some drugs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Doesn’t happen anymore. At least not to a big degree. You might be lucky to have lunch bought for you or your staff these days. They really restrict that a lot now days. There are some benefits for research drugs but pts have to meet certain criteria and generally the pts that get in those trials are compensated.
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Yes. To be clear we do not know right now where he got the gun and my comments about parental responsibilities apply ONLY if he got the gun from them. That may well not be the case. It's just that at 14 yoa it's a working assumption.

You were going to address my question about where the line is in your opinion.
The dad should be on the hook for purchasing a gun after the fact. The rest of your diatribe is ridiculous as usual.

They guy literally was lying out here about voting for 3 people that admitted to killing an American kid with a hellfire missile.... he doesn't care, never cared, and never will.
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Do you not agree the father bears responsibility at some level, for the murders? He was charged with manslaughter. Completely appropriate.

I do if he purchased a gun after he was spoken to by the fbi which seems to be the case. The other scenarios you presented before not so much.

I don’t disagree with you on holding parents responsible for being irresponsible. What I’m trying to figure out is where you (LG) draws the line.

So far per your own posts the parents are only responsible if their kid uses one of their guns to commit mass murder and not responsible if the kid uses something else in the house. Is that your position?
I do if he purchased a gun after he was spoken to by the fbi which seems to be the case. The other scenarios you presented before not so much.

I'd like to see parents who allow kids access to guns held responsible even without warning like we have here, though at a lesser degree.
I am disgusted, but not the least bit surprised, to see that the father not only gave this kid access to guns, he bought him this gun AFTER learning of the threats attributed to him.

What an idiot.

Parents need to learn a lesson. I'm afraid. Your kid has issues your best bet is to get rid of any guns in the house and, if you keep them, lock them away in a truly secure fashion.
Honestly I agree with you on the last statement period. Guns should be secured. I don’t agree with banning, restricting access to or taking away people’s firearms as long as they’re a responsible adult citizen.
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Doesn’t happen anymore. At least not to a big degree. You might be lucky to have lunch bought for you or your staff these days. They really restrict that a lot now days. There are some benefits for research drugs but pts have to meet certain criteria and generally the pts that get in those trials are compensated.
No free golf, no free weekends at the reps beach house?
Honestly I agree with you on the last statement period. Guns should be secured. I don’t agree with banning, restricting access to or taking away people’s firearms as long as they’re a responsible adult citizen.

A firearm generally isn't anything different than anything else. One can be held responsible for all kinds of things.... matter of facts, it come up from time to time. (its not an easy thing) The use of a gun is mostly immaterial though.... it could be an axe, it could be a car, it could be poison, etc.

If you allow someone to operate your car which shouldn't be... it is possible you could be held responsible financially.


If the parent was aware the kid had made threats of the mass shooting nature and allow access, manslaughter charges if the kid actually does it. Minimum 10 years per victim. That's minimum.

If the parents are generally aware of the kid being troubled, and allow access, if the kid engages in mass shooting then some kind of criminal liability specific to that, call it what you want, but still significant prison time. I.e. 5 years per victim.

If there is no warning but the kid has access to guns, and acts, I'd call it criminally negligent homicide. 2 years minimum for victim.
No free golf, no free weekends at the reps beach house?
That’s not supposed to happen. I’m not saying it doesn’t but it’s not supposed to. Some stuff is harder to track than others. Reps of course are going to do whatever they can to push product if it’s legal.

If the parent was aware the kid had made threats of the mass shooting nature and allow access, manslaughter charges if the kid actually does it. Minimum 10 years per victim. That's minimum.

If the parents are generally aware of the kid being troubled, and allow access, if the kid engages in mass shooting then some kind of criminal liability specific to that, call it what you want, but still significant prison time. I.e. 5 years per victim.

If there is no warning but the kid has access to guns, and acts, I'd call it criminally negligent homicide. 2 years minimum for victim.

Well, good luck.... you'll have to lock up a good portion of Chicago.

If the authorities knew he was a threat to himself or others there is a process for that.
You said you would hold them responsible even if he broke into a safe.

Yeah, what happens if he killed four people with Dad's hammer? (as I mentioned a page or two back, the details would matter but what this nut is proposing makes little sense legally)

Probably X number of people will have been shot in Chicago since the start of the thread and nobody really cares. Tator is all about showing fake empathy. Tator didn't care and probably wished Trump was killed... he doesn't care.
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Yeah, what happens if he killed four people with Dad's hammer? (as I mentioned a page or two back, the details would matter but what this nut is proposing makes little sense legally)

Probably X number of people will have been shot in Chicago since the start of the thread and nobody really cares. Tator is all about showing fake empathy. Tator didn't care and probably wished Trump was killed... he doesn't care.

Dims like him always want to blame everyone/everything else besides the criminal.

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