Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

Once I learned it would be illegal I stopped looking really. Never bought one. So tell me again how big of a hypocrite I am. I own a 22 LR given to me by my dead grandfather that I shoot maybe 3 times in 5 years. And I don't even shoot at anything just fire off into the woods behind my house. Yes yes, such a hypocrite.
Can you direct me to the part in gun safety that says to freely “fire off into the woods”?
Lawtator is so worried about kids he had to lie on the forum and claim he didn't vote for Obama, Clinton, and Biden who weren't just killing Americans... they were killing an American kid with a drone with hellfire missiles.

So freaking strange.
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My father said they brought their rifles into shop at school so they could learn to repair, clean and service them.
I think having a class similar to that would be a good first step. right now kids are only taught that guns are negative tool for evil. the fear and misunderstanding that comes with that drives a culture that turns to gun for the use of evil, instead of it being a purely neutral inanimate object.

like school driving classes, we were having problems with kids dying in car crashes, we started teaching drivers ed. same with sex ed, and other health based classes. Give these kids a healthy outlet, to begin teaching them to respect the gun as a tool, instead of only seeing it as something to hurt others.

usually the kids who are going to shoot up a school don't have any positive influences in their lives, and thus turn to the largest negative narrative out there when something comes up. instead of fixing the child, ending a system of failure and suffering, the solution from the left is to keep ignoring the child while creating the very narrative that drives the problem. often these kids just want to be heard, or seen, because they aren't. they are taught by the anti-2A crowd that hurting others via a gun is the best way to be seen or heard.

as with most things we refuse to admit our failings in the matter and in turn focus on 3rd parties to blame, meanwhile the actual problem remains unaddressed. pretending like the problem is better because they can't use a gun due to access or laws or whatever, just ignores the problem and allows it to get worse.
Once I learned it would be illegal I stopped looking really. Never bought one. So tell me again how big of a hypocrite I am. I own a 22 LR given to me by my dead grandfather that I shoot maybe 3 times in 5 years. And I don't even shoot at anything just fire off into the woods behind my house. Yes yes, such a hypocrite.
PSA..... as a responsible gun owner, you should always be aiming at something, otherwise you don't know what you will hit, especially with a 22 LR which can travel up to a mile.
If a lawyer defends someone in court and lose they should be subject to the same sentence as the person they are representing.
There is a difference between defending and representing..... trying to get someone found not guilty when they are versus, making sure the defendant is not abused by the judicial system.
My initial reaction is yes, Drs should bear some responsibility but then what about the FDA? They approve the poisons and approve the labels the Drs go by. You'd think the CDC or some other .gov agency would have done a study by now on any possible links between these ADD, anti-depressant drugs and random mass murders.
You and I both know who controls all this. It's big pharma funneling $$$$$$$$$$$ to politicians.
Lawtator is so worried about kids he had to lie on the forum and claim he didn't vote for Obama, Clinton, and Biden who weren't just killing Americans... they were killing an American kid with a drone with hellfire missiles.

So freaking strange.
It’s always for the kids….unless they’re unborn.
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You have no guess?

Some threats should be taken more seriously than others.
You guys need to be careful what you wish for.
A threat of a shooting at school should be taken seriously 100% of the time. Extra officers, heightened security etc. Looks like it was business as usual at this school. A student was able to retrieve a firearm and come back to school, that shouldn't be possible if you've been warned.

Has the type of weapon been released? Was this a handgun or rifle?
All I've heard is "AR platform" which is pretty generic but it's been described as a "rifle".
I've heard it described that he left the school or class and came back with the gun. Do we know where he retrieved it from?
Colt Gray (pictured) opened fire at Apalachee High School in Winder shortly after 10.20am - killing two classmates and two teachers



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