Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

Another day, another citizen murdered by an illegal immigrant;. Nothing will ever change.

Waiting on Lawgator to start THAT thread
who has said this was an illegal?

Right now this comment is just as supported as LG saying its the NRA's fault. don't be like LG.
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Why would anyone do that? Crediting the NRA for any shooting is asinine.
It always amazes me how he goes after the one of the smallest percentages of the problem, and tries to make it the whole problem; while ignoring the larger factors.
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Another day, another citizen murdered by an illegal immigrant;. Nothing will ever change.

Waiting on Lawgator to start THAT thread
He wouldn’t.

But if he did, Lg would blame Trump. Further proof that the Golden Bill of all immigration bills lost an opportunity to save lives. If only a person that wasn’t even if office at the time hadn’t of killed the bill.
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I begin with the premise that they are all credited to the NRA. You want to claim some are not, make your case.
I didn’t make the accusation, you did. According to their website they promote gun safety including safe storage . Why would they be on the top of your list of people to blame? I think every shooting (where someone isn’t in imminent danger)is the fault of the shooter and the shooter alone . A 14 year old able to access any firearm is the fault of their parents. Any shooting much less one like this is horrific and dumbfounding because the actions don’t make sense to normal people.
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Except almost none are committed by an nra member or one who is even likely to be targeted for membership. I realize how inconvenient it is to actually go after the cause but most of these categorized as mass shootings have a common denominator

It's not membership. Come on.

It's the NRA killing any meaningful gun reform or effort to hold owners responsible.

I doubt seriously that the shooter bought this gun, himself. He got it from somewhere and that's the choke point we need to address.

If it was from parents, they need to be held criminally and civilly responsible. If from criminals they need to be found and held responsible.
It's not membership. Come on.

It's the NRA killing any meaningful gun reform or effort to hold owners responsible.

I doubt seriously that the shooter bought this gun, himself. He got it from somewhere and that's the choke point we need to address.

If it was from parents, they need to be held criminally and civilly responsible. If from criminals they need to be found and held responsible.

Nothing in your last sentence requires reform, especially not the type being called for from the potus account. It requires tough conversations you're not prepared to have about families, drugs, personal responsibility, etc.
Where are all the good guys with guns?
Like Uvalde, Parkland?

The issue is a threat that should be taken seriously but it appears it wasn't. I do know there are some good ones with guns on my kids campus because it's allowed. Not sure about GA
It's not membership. Come on.

It's the NRA killing any meaningful gun reform or effort to hold owners responsible.

I doubt seriously that the shooter bought this gun, himself. He got it from somewhere and that's the choke point we need to address.

If it was from parents, they need to be held criminally and civilly responsible. If from criminals they need to be found and held responsible.
So to be clear. Speculation is fine so long as you are doing it.

Jumping the gun on this one. Cause still unknown. Just a right wing bloggers speculation.

But when others do it, they are accused of buying into the right wing bloggers.

How about you stop being such a hypocrite and let’s wait for all the facts to come in!
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It's not membership. Come on.

It's the NRA killing any meaningful gun reform or effort to hold owners responsible.

I doubt seriously that the shooter bought this gun, himself. He got it from somewhere and that's the choke point we need to address.

If it was from parents, they need to be held criminally and civilly responsible. If from criminals they need to be found and held responsible.

Sounds like something an ambulance chaser would say.
It's not membership. Come on.

It's the NRA killing any meaningful gun reform or effort to hold owners responsible.

I doubt seriously that the shooter bought this gun, himself. He got it from somewhere and that's the choke point we need to address.

If it was from parents, they need to be held criminally and civilly responsible. If from criminals they need to be found and held responsible.

What meaningful gun reform did the NRA kill? What piece of legislation that would have stopped this shooting did the NRA oppose?
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Let me get this straight, someone, the shooter or someone close enough to know warned what was going to happen and when........ And nothing was done.

But some people believe more laws restricting gun ownership would stop a juvenile who was not legally able to obtain weapons from doing what he or she did?

I'm trying to draw a line from point A to B but it's just not working in my brain.

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