Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

I think what makes this case different is that the FBI had already interviewed the father previously about this kid, as he was already on their radar for previous threats.
Then….turns around and gifts his son an AR Christmas of last year after the Feds had already been there to question them. Talk about a complete lack of awareness.
Correct. Enforcing current laws would disrupt the lefts perfect utopian society they've created in their minds, so they'd rather throw tantrums than do what's right.

The fake empathy is used as in.... sociopaths. In the case of both LG and Luther I have directly confronted them. They don't care, they just continue on ignoring what they are doing.

Its all about context, they care about all these kids so much they want to lock everyone up or lock up guns, but that is just the "in" to try and get what they want. They don't really care about the people that died, that's the "in".
How would the federal government have anything to do with drugs and abuse ?
Authorities failed because a subject they had supposedly been alerted to was either lost to follow up or somehow allowed to get a firearm into a school. The system also failed when it was warned that a shooting threat had been made that day, at the very school where it occurred, yet somehow a child was able to get a rifle into the building, the rifle was not discovered, and the child was able to leave class, retrieve it, and reenter an unsecured door.

Failure after failure.
Agree 100%. But I ain't touching that last sentence. As much as I disagree with Luth's anti-Trumpism ( the severely decrepid personal nature of his anti-Trumpism), I'd still buy him a beer and drink one with him. It ain't like his kids went to UGA.

My take is Luther is in his last inning or so, I generally give him a break. When LG posts, its like a reminder that a person can't have enough ammo. Mental illness everywhere in today's society.
The fake empathy is used as in.... sociopaths. In the case of both LG and Luther I have directly confronted them. They don't care, they just continue on ignoring what they are doing.

Its all about context, they care about all these kids so much they want to lock everyone up or lock up guns, but that is just the "in" to try and get what they want. They don't really care about the people that died, that's the "in".
Just look at the outpouring of empathy from them towards Trump and the rally attendees after the assassination attempt.
I think the kid will be toast. The dad won't get as much. And maybe shouldn't. While I do support he was responsible for a minor kids access to the weapons, he can't be held totally at fault for the kids decisions otherwise. We can have all the opinions we want on parenting and conditioning and who provided what influences to what extent. Making it a legal argument is another book.
Oh the kid is f’d.

That’s why I bolded about the dad.
Just look at the outpouring of empathy from them towards Trump and the rally attendees after the assassination attempt.

Well, at least the absence of empathy I can get to a degree. Its the fake empathy that really gets me, as they are using that as the "in" on what they really want. Luther nor LG care about these kids, probably every weekend you have more kids than that shoot up. Its all about context to me. In their eyes, its about the "in" to get what they want and it doesn't matter how much of your time they waste. And instead of just coming out and saying something you have LG who constantly just lies about what he is trying to do because that breaks the "in".

I've asked Luther many times whether Obama and crew should be held by the same standards you have in this thread, he knows I'm not falling for his mental illness anymore.

Luther nor LG care about this, other than to take guns away from the common innocent person. It really is that simple.
My take is Luther is in his last inning or so, I generally give him a break. When LG posts, its like a reminder that a person can't have enough ammo. Mental illness everywhere in today's society.
Not sure what you mean by last inning. As far as age he's prob a good bit younger than me. I was 37 when I had mine. Which is why I am as old as I am with a kid same age as his. He's got kids at GT. Maybe one is finished.

His 'mental illness' is an uncontrollable hatred for an individual he doesn't like or agree with. In other apsects, he's pretty normal and fun. But, I guess we are all quirky in some way. I just don't get incomprehensibly obsessive over any one individual the way he does on Trump, and yet gives Stacey Abrams Lucky Charms for mid-morning snacks.
Something I haven't seen in mainsteam news. Kid was 14. Did parents drive him to school. Was he a bus rider. Either way, how'd he get the AR out of the house and onto campus. Had to be in a back pack. And partially unassembled to do so I'd think. And hot as crap, so some kind of outer wear to hide the gun until used? I get how someone old enough to drive gets this on campus. Lots of failures for a 14 year old to carry out.
He rode the bus. The neighbor across the street saw him that morning for the first time waiting at the bus stop and didn't recognize him. Later she saw a picture and realized she had seen the shooter.
Oh the kid is f’d.

That’s why I bolded about the dad.
They would only show the kid this morning in court from the back/side. Definitely not groomed the same as released pics I saw. Had that shoulder length, stringy bleach blonde hair.
Not sure what you mean by last inning. As far as age he's prob a good bit younger than me. I was 37 when I had mine. Which is why I am as old as I am with a kid same age as his. He's got kids at GT. Maybe one is finished.

His 'mental illness' is an uncontrollable hatred for an individual he doesn't like or agree with. In other apsects, he's pretty normal and fun. But, I guess we are all quirky in some way. I just don't get incomprehensibly obsessive over any one individual the way he does on Trump, and yet gives Stacey Abrams Lucky Charms for mid-morning snacks.

Just ask his if Obama should be held too the same standards he has set up in this thread. (I don't believe that is a gotacha or out of context either) It will all crumble.


I would not feel too sorry for him, he is always speaking of "uneducated" this or "uneducated" that, and to be honest he really shouldn't be throwing those stones.
He rode the bus. The neighbor across the street saw him that morning for the first time waiting at the bus stop and didn't recognize him. Later she saw a picture and realized she had seen the shooter.
That's eff'd up. Yo, mom-dad. Gonna take the bus today for the first time in my life. Nothing to be suspic of but don't wait up.

Me and my wife would be looking at each other saying what's up with this effer wanting to ride the bus. B****, get yo a** back in this house.
I understand, and I promise I'm not trying to draw you into a gotcha moment.

I'm conflicted on the regulation, in theory it sounds reasonable, but we already have so many restrictions and they honestly don't seem very effective.

It also conflicts with my deep regard for the founding fathers intent to afford the people the right and means to rid itself of tyrannical government. Once that right is taken away we never get it back.
I don't see a lot of fully automatic weapons used is mass killing events, which is a very good thing.

So maybe regulation is more effective than some like to believe.
I don't see a lot of fully automatic weapons used is mass killing events, which is a very good thing.

So maybe regulation is more effective than some like to believe.

Generally speaking unless its a particular situation fully automatic is a waste of time and resources. A dump truck would be much more efficient the vast majority of time. There is a reason why on a good portion of automatic weapons there is a switch to semi-automatic or burst.

If more regulation = less deaths, where I live would be dangerous and Chicago would be safe. No?

Firearms are regulated, you have been asked multiple times what is the actual problem?
@luthervol are you in favor of banning knives???
There was a mass stabbing in UK where 3 kids killed and 10 by your theory then knives would be banned and the knife manufacture should be accountable right
I find it amazing that you honestly believe you are making a point.
Just ask his if Obama should be held too the same standards he has set up in this thread. (I don't believe that is a gotacha or out of context either) It will all crumble.


I would not feel too sorry for him, he is always speaking of "uneducated" this or "uneducated" that, and to be honest he really shouldn't be throwing those stones.
We overestimate that GT education maybe. I'd put my HS educated nephew against his GT degree mind any day. And his dad's uneducated youngest brother who holds an HVAC certification only 3 or 4 in the country have (like for airports and such), and acquired such certification by simply deciding he wanted it, and went and to the tests blind. And fully aced. We're talking high level stuff.

I'm never a fan of looking down on others cause they are educated differently than myself, or have a different skin wrap than myself. Wasn't raised to be judgemental and I do take that seriously. I'm not above poking some bears in here and having a little fun, but I have no, nor feel ill will at all.
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I find it amazing that you honestly believe you are making a point.
A knife caused the same carnage as an assault gun? The talent of the user makes all the difference. The weapon is a mere stone at the bottom of the creek otherwise.
We overestimate that GT education maybe. I'd put my HS educated nephew against his GT degree mind any day. And his dad's uneducated youngest brother who holds an HVAC certification only 3 or 4 in the country have (like for airports and such), and acquired such certification by simply deciding he wanted it, and went and to the tests blind. And fully aced. We're talking high level stuff.

I'm never a fan of looking down on others cause they are educated differently than myself, or have a different skin wrap than myself. Wasn't raised to be judgemental and I do take that seriously. I'm not above poking some bears in here and having a little fun, but I have no, nor feel ill will at all.

I don't give a crap about someone's formal education. If they make sense than it doesn't matter. If Luther is educated, that would be an example of a failed education system. If he's not elderly, he has all kinds of issues.
Generally speaking unless its a particular situation fully automatic is a waste of time and resources. A dump truck would be much more efficient the vast majority of time. There is a reason why on a good portion of automatic weapons there is a switch to semi-automatic or burst.

If more regulation = less deaths, where I live would be dangerous and Chicago would be safe. No?
No - you aren't really that simplistic.......are you?
Firearms are regulated, you have been asked multiple times what is the actual problem? Who, other than you, has asked me that? Please show me.

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