Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

A knife and an AR are not equally deadly. No need to even pretend as if they are.

No one has ever claimed mass killings will not happen. No one has ever claimed automatics are the only way to carry out mass killings.

Dead is dead. Neither weapon can make you more dead or less dead than the other. And that killer killed and injured the same number of victims as the one with the gun.
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You can not honestly believe you are making a valid point. If you actually do, I've given you far to much credit - I'm about to put you in LSU-SIU status.
You’re in denial if you can honestly tell me the mass killer with the knife did not indeed inflict the same results as the kid with the AR.
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Dead is dead. Neither weapon can make you more dead or less dead than the other. And that killer killed and injured the same number of victims as the one with the gun.
Dead is dead.
A knife has been used to kill multiple people.
AR's are far more deadly than knives. (not to be confused with - responsible for more deaths)

All of the above are simply facts.
bans don't work. Its 2024, the drugs won the war on drugs. and there was never a right for them. if bans worked prisons wouldn't have contraband, including guns, get into prisons.

the successful bans he points to are small or isolated populations, much easier to control.

what all of them want, but won't admit, is a disarmed population that will be victims so that the government can grant itself more power so they can "protect" the more vulnerable population.
Actually, all the federal letter agencies have won the war on drugs. They facilitate and perpetuate.
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Dead is dead.
A knife has been used to kill multiple people.
AR's are far more deadly than knives. (not to be confused with - responsible for more deaths)

All of the above are simply facts.
You should refer back up to the data presented for deaths by weapon.
Dead is dead.
A knife has been used to kill multiple people.
AR's are far more deadly than knives. (not to be confused with - responsible for more deaths)

All of the above are simply facts.
Fact. Death by Chicago far out paces death by mass shooting.
Dead is dead.
A knife has been used to kill multiple people.
AR's are far more deadly than knives. (not to be confused with - responsible for more deaths)

All of the above are simply facts.

Where are you going with all this, or where do you want it to go?

You are actually having a discussion as to the word "deadly" at this point. What is your goal here?

Even if one were to agree with you, potentially a dump truck or even a regular car is more "deadly" in every sense of the word. What exactly are you after?
Fertilizer and diesel fuel is far more deadly than an AR.

He's not really stating that I can see as far as what he wants to happen. He said regulation and control, that exists.

At the end of the day, he is not working in good faith... .and we all know it.

He simply won't state why we are discussing this.
I agree but we put quite a bit of faith in our Drs. We all don't have medical degrees. For the most part Americans are stupid. Most people do what the Dr tells them to do without question. Drs make bank on prescriptions they write. That should be illegal, imo.

Out of curiosity, from where did you inform yourself to get this hot take?
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I would probably put him in the same basket as LG if he's not elderly. He is not outwardly lying as LG normally does to gain empathy, he is using ignore as the tool to waste people's time.
Good assessment. I do not believe for a second Luth does or would lie to antagonize. As crazy as he may seem, his commtiment to his derangement is honest. I respect that even though he is contradictory and has not nor never will admit that he is wrong on something.

Fact of the matter is that a person with a knife can absolutely inflict as much or more damage than a person with a gun. They can get more deaths in before people realize what's happening. And even though bullets may be flying, and collateral injuries will happen, most deaths in gun mass shootings happen early on, and everyone knows what that sound means and scatters. Guns provide a personal separation from having to get your hands dirty and are a more natural choice in the matter. Just like standard homicides, knives are personal. Guns are for detached execution.
Gotcha. So, to be clear, you've ran with an opinion drawn from an unknown source for, what, multiple decades?

Kind of like doctors telling people to mask up.

to me there is only two points to his post.... receiving payment (illegal) and whether the public trust doctors

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