Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

So you don’t think CNN is correct

I wasn't questioning if CNN's reporting was accurate. I was questioning the claim that CNN reported it.
It seems that they did report it.
So this was not 100% rightwing propaganda as I wrongly assumed....just the normal right wing biased slant.
lol......The tweet referenced CNN.....SMDH
So he dislikes trans and isn't trans. Throws a wrench in that narrative

“im committing a mass shooting and im waiting a good 2-3 years,” stated the account user, according to screenshots included in an FBI incident report from May 2023 obtained by CNN. “I cant kill myself yet, cause I’m not contributing anything to culture I need to go out knowing I did.”

The account referenced Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, and in separate posts shared a desire to target an elementary school and expressed frustration that transgender people were being accepted in society.

Ok didn't realize that. It was a serious question no sarcasm intended. No reason to be defensive.
Is CNN your standard for truth in news or reporting?

^^^^^That was a serious question?^^^^^^^
Austin? Yeah, I doubt they see much but north and west TX can get hit hard.
Austin actually had a terrible freeze just a couple years ago that wreaked havoc on pools that weren't built to weather that kind of cold.
Blaming “the modern LGBTQ movement” like this, when his problem was that he DISLIKED trans people, is insane (as usual from that clown show of an account)
To be fair those quotes some of his are hard to interpret either way from those choices in the article. Is there any link to the actual words of his in context?
As do I......that's why it was hard to take your question as being serious.....that's kind of insulting.
Many people here do, on both sides of the political spectrum. It's why I asked.

Assuming you did the same without first asking would be insulting.
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It is, but as I pointed out to Luth, their opposition to guns is based on the emotional reaction to guns.

That Freakonomics chapter I referenced earlier addresses this by posing that people's demand for gun control over filling in pools is because a gunshot wound is a more visceral death than drowning in spite of the clear data over the relevant danger posed by each. Luther mentions relevance, but ignores that operative part of it: what is the likelihood of the various weapon choices.
Their opposition to guns is based in Marxism. An armed populace should not be able to be controlled. However, we are one generation removed from the pussies that our kids have become to seeing disarming the public.
I get a sense LG is more emotional about it than Luther and the politicians he supports appeal to his emotion better.

I've always thought and said Luther is a master troller. His comments seem to be designed more to garner responses than present any cogent argument. He's a smart guy and knows what he's doing (x over y).
Then he has you fooled like a 5 year old. For LG it is pure ambulance chasing.
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world would be a lot better place if both were actually responsible and not empowering bad actors.

must be nice having a career that lets yall hide behind your job when yall help bad people. makes it easy for people like you to throw rocks in glass houses.
And you thought meteorologist had it easy. Lawyers (and those that work for them) don't have to be right, they just need billable hours.

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