Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

This is a problem for this school system ...

From the article:

Marcee Gray, mother of suspect Colt Gray, texted her sister that she had notified the school counselor that “it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [her son] to check on him,” according to text messages obtained by then Post. The outlet also obtained a call log from the family’s phone plan showing a 10-minute phone call placed at 9:50 a.m. from the mother’s phone to the school, 30 minutes before the Sept. 4 shooting started.

This is a problem for this school system ...

From the article:

Marcee Gray, mother of suspect Colt Gray, texted her sister that she had notified the school counselor that “it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [her son] to check on him,” according to text messages obtained by then Post. The outlet also obtained a call log from the family’s phone plan showing a 10-minute phone call placed at 9:50 a.m. from the mother’s phone to the school, 30 minutes before the Sept. 4 shooting started.

This seems like a rather weak red herring attempt to the issue of the Dad giving him a gun.
Not following the logic here. One doesn’t excuse the other.

Exactly my point. But the anti government crowd wants to blame the school and deflect attention from the fact a 14 year old with a history or reported threats had easy access to a firearm.
Exactly my point. But the anti government crowd wants to blame the school and deflect attention from the fact a 14 year old with a history or reported threats had easy access to a firearm.
Haven’t seen anybody go there.
Not the point. They are minimizing the firearm and assigning blame to school officials for failing to prevent it.

So you’re for bs red flag laws even though there’s numerous instances where they have been ignored…..including the FBI! Maybe they can be used to disarm a few law abiding citizens though.
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Its ok to say dad screwed up
School screwed up
Cops screwed up

Why dont you want to be honest about it?

As I understand it, the SROs were looking for him at the time.

Regardless, the main fault here is the kid had a gun and should not have.

Why don't you want to be honest about that?
We never really hear why these kids do what they do.

How can we help this kid before he gets to this point?
As I understand it, the SROs were looking for him at the time.

Regardless, the main fault here is the kid had a gun and should not have.

Why don't you want to be honest about that?
If the SROs were looking for him...why didn't they look for him in the classes he was in..they have his schedule.m.and according to interviews he left class for the gun and came that mean they knew where we was before he got the weapon..or did the mean gun come into the school itself and start shooting? The dad, kid, school, local Leo's, and FBI should all be accountable for these call could have been prevented..
We never really hear why these kids do what they do.

How can we help this kid before he gets to this point?

In this case, I think the answer is solve the drug epidemic. Everything is downstream of families. We have one party who seems to have abandoned the idea that families matter at all. We have another party that wants to promote family structure but has no clue how to do so.

The situation isn’t promising and I don’t have solid answers either.
Not the point. They are minimizing the firearm and assigning blame to school officials for failing to prevent it.

So you're one of those "it's the gunz" people.

This is where this side loses me, I would want to know WHY this kid felt the need to do something so horrible.

There's over 400 Million guns in this country with an estimated over 25 Million AR-15''s not the guns and the guns aren't going anywhere.
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So you're one of those "it's the gunz" people.

This is where this side loses me, I would want to know WHY this kid felt the need to do something so horrible.

There's over 400 Million guns in this country with an estimated over 25 Million AR-15''s not the guns and the guns aren't going anywhere.
yeah, they never really address what happens when they don't fix the person, and they just end up stabbing someone, making a bomb, or poison gas.

they are wanting to pull what they see as the biggest branch out of the fire, but have no plans to deal with the fire itself, or all the other branches that are going to get more oxygen when the first branch is removed.
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Exactly my point. But the anti government crowd wants to blame the school and deflect attention from the fact a 14 year old with a history or reported threats had easy access to a firearm.
No one's deflecting, just pointing out the schools alleged failure to act. If this is true there are students and faculty that could have been saved if prudent/proper action according to school policy would have been followed in a timely manner.

The fact the father gave him the gun isn't relevant to the schools actions here.
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As I understand it, the SROs were looking for him at the time.

Regardless, the main fault here is the kid had a gun and should not have.

Why don't you want to be honest about that?
Nobody has denied that, you've conjured a strawman.
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