I like what Ron Slay said yesterday. While enrolled in school individual players shouldn't get all the money but for certain things. if #35 jerseys sell of the 5-10% that could be given to the athletes. The entire team splits it equally. I personally believe make the # like 7 %. Then give the equal share of it but only like 5% of their individual cut at the time. That should help them get through college. The other 2% think like a 401k. It goes to a fund they can't touch until they graduate. That would dangle another credit for every player to get their degree.
This also eliminates the issue that some have said title IX will rear it's head saying if you pay one athlete then you have to pay them all. If someone is willing to pay a golfer or women's swim team then their team splits it. Obviously the stipend to all athletes equally no matter the sport is not feasible. A golfer shouldn't get the same as a football player. We don't tune in TV's or fill stadiums to watch some golfer.