Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

Our schools have completely failed to teach history. My grandfather took the pictures when they liberated the camps. He would have punched someone for the comparison
When the D day thread was active, i discovered many of us had grandfathers who served in WW2. Myself included.
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All I care about is the truth. Many do not. Sodomite behavior is wrong and comparing Trump to Hitler is also wrong and hateful.
It is sinful from a christian perspective, but so is premarital sex, pornography, adultery. I see many upset with homosexual sexual activity but seem to turn a blind eye to the rampant heterosexual sexual activity.
It is sinful from a christian perspective, but so is premarital sex, pornography, adultery. I see many upset with homosexual sexual activity but seem to turn a blind eye to the rampant heterosexual sexual activity.
I agree wholeheartedly with you on that.
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I agree wholeheartedly with you on that.

So, in a gentle spirit, I simply ask you to consider tossing out "fornicator" or "adulterer" when discussing ideas. You may be "right" in doing so, but is it really helpful for the cause of Christ. We're Jesus here with us today, he would be having dinner with the sodomites, adulterers and other sinners more than having dinner with you and me.

Just something to consider.
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So, in a gentle spirit, I simply ask you to consider tossing out "fornicator" or "adulterer" when discussing ideas. You may be "right" in doing so, but is it really helpful for the cause of Christ. We're Jesus here with us today, he would be having dinner with the sodomites, adulterers and other sinners more than having dinner with you and me.

Just something to consider.
Some of those "sodomites" are damn good cooks!
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So, in a gentle spirit, I simply ask you to consider tossing out "fornicator" or "adulterer" when discussing ideas. You may be "right" in doing so, but is it really helpful for the cause of Christ. We're Jesus here with us today, he would be having dinner with the sodomites, adulterers and other sinners more than having dinner with you and me.

Just something to consider.
Very possible and Jesus would boldly tell them and us that all of our sin is wrong and we must all repent and follow him. Of course we continue to sin every day and struggle with it daily but many do not. Many proudly admit and boast about their sinful behavior and blaspheme God in doing so. As Christians, we are convicted by our sin and seek forgiveness daily and try to do better. Basically comes down to where and whom you put your trust. Jesus or the World?
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Some are really decent people, very hospitable, very charitable.
Agree but that will not save their souls unfortunately. Many good people will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and that is sad for me. I really wish everyone would Trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior so they can all have eternal life with the Father.
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Agree but that will not save their souls unfortunately. Many good people will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and that is sad for me. I really wish everyone would Trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior so they can all have eternal life with the Father.

Hopefully we can retain our charity and grace with others even in the face of rejection of Christ.
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