Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

Fake outrage. Where were you when kids were being put in cages?
Back in 2014? I was waiting on your outrage. Never came until TRUMP.



Shame on the parents on both sides! Children who are not even old enough to vote(which clearly all those kids on that bus were) shouldn't be encourage by their parents to wear political garments.
Shame on the parents on both sides! Children who are not even old enough to vote(which clearly all those kids on that bus were) shouldn't be encourage by their parents to wear political garments.
WTF? How about parents shouldn't encurage their kids to be violent against anyone wearing political garments. 1st amendment mean anything to you?
WTF? How about parents shouldn't encurage their kids to be violent against anyone wearing political garments. 1st amendment mean anything to you?

It's why I said shame on the parents on both sides.

Getting back to the original twitter post I'd argue that that may be a misleading video as I see no MAGA hat and no verbal mention of a hat. All that is depicted is a kid getting beat up by mostly an enraged black girl. The context could be completely random.
Shame on the parents on both sides! Children who are not even old enough to vote(which clearly all those kids on that bus were) shouldn't be encourage by their parents to wear political garments.
WOW. Who in the hell said he was encouraged? Even if he was who gives a F.
We all know, except you red-hatters that drink the Fox News Kool-Aid and are uninformed, that Trump had a zero tolerance policy that mandated the obscene act of deliberately separating families. Trump enacted the policy, then took credit for reversing it saying it was an Obama policy which was a bald-faced lie. Do some homework next time.
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It's why I said shame on the parents on both sides.

Getting back to the original twitter post I'd argue that that may be a misleading video as I see no MAGA hat and no verbal mention of a hat. All that is depicted is a kid getting beat up by mostly an enraged black girl. The context could be completely random.
It was for his "support" probably through things he said. Still 1st amendment.

Uh, uh, uh, Barrack Hussein Obama. . . none of those kids look old enough to vote to me.
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We all know, except you red-hatters that drink the Fox News Kool-Aid and are uninformed, that Trump had a zero tolerance policy that mandated the obscene act of deliberately separating families. Trump enacted the policy, then took credit for reversing it saying it was an Obama policy which was a bald-faced lie. Do some homework next time.
Look at the pictures, then don't believe your lying eyes.
We all know, except you red-hatters that drink the Fox News Kool-Aid and are uninformed, that Trump had a zero tolerance policy that mandated the obscene act of deliberately separating families. Trump enacted the policy, then took credit for reversing it saying it was an Obama policy which was a bald-faced lie. Do some homework next time.
You are simply trying to deflect. Back to the story, if that teacher put his hands on the girl he should be fired and arrested. Own it lib, he's one of yours
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We all know, except you red-hatters that drink the Fox News Kool-Aid and are uninformed, that Trump had a zero tolerance policy that mandated the obscene act of deliberately separating families. Trump enacted the policy, then took credit for reversing it saying it was an Obama policy which was a bald-faced lie. Do some homework next time.

Don't bring facts and knowledge in here, it just confuses them even more.
We all know, except you red-hatters that drink the Fox News Kool-Aid and are uninformed, that Trump had a zero tolerance policy that mandated the obscene act of deliberately separating families. Trump enacted the policy, then took credit for reversing it saying it was an Obama policy which was a bald-faced lie. Do some homework next time.
Well I’m not a red hatter nor do I watch Fox. Are you denying that the Obama administration built cages and then placed children in them that they had separated from their families?
We all know, except you red-hatters that drink the Fox News Kool-Aid and are uninformed, that Trump had a zero tolerance policy that mandated the obscene act of deliberately separating families. Trump enacted the policy, then took credit for reversing it saying it was an Obama policy which was a bald-faced lie. Do some homework next time.

You might want to stop drinking the CNN koolaid.
Shame on the parents on both sides! Children who are not even old enough to vote(which clearly all those kids on that bus were) shouldn't be encourage by their parents to wear political garments.
LMFAO!!! But they’re old enough to vote according to your idiot representatives! 😂😂😂
Yes. As a parent you influence your kids in almost everything. From religion, work ethic to politics the parent is the primary influencer in a kids life.
Until they get smart enough to realize that half of what we say and do is BS.

Then it's on.

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