Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

What don't you understand about the word "deliberate"? Trump was wrong, even he reversed his policy, just admit it and move on.
Your accusation was about fake outrage and kids being put in cages. Now your outrage about kids in cages is shown to be fake as you make excuses for your guy being the OG on the subject. Hilarious.
It's pretty easy for most everyone else to interpret the meaning.
The majority of the world and this country rightfully thinks that Trump sux. That's just a fact.
The reasons underlying that fact are what some struggle with.
Thinking he sucks is an opinion. Wearing a vagina hat and pretending to be offended every time he tweets is a personal choice.
Thanks. Went and listened on YouTube. I’ve heard that song before.

All of those were her songs starting with my post . My mom had quiet the LP record collection that she broadened my knowledge base with growing up . Lol
There was a band in the mid-60's called Linda Rondstat and the Stone Poneys. One song of hers was "When Will I Be Loved." Another was "Different Drum." The other lines are from the songs.
Dwight Yoakam has an XM station and it’s at least 40% Linda Ronstadt songs.

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