Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

The CBC in Canada cut Trump out of Home Alone yesterday.

Lmao. Talk about TDS.

I view it more as an accurate reflection of how the world rightfully views Trump.
It seems as if these types of things would give Trump supporters pause.
True TDS is what afflicts his supporters. That's been true since day one.
I view it more as an accurate reflection of how the world rightfully views Trump.
It seems as if these types of things would give Trump supporters pause.
True TDS is what afflicts his supporters. That's been true since day one.

It’s hard for a group of people that cry over an election , scream at the sky ,dress as vaginas while wearing pink puss hats and confessing that they will vote for anyone besides Trump to try an convince me TDS is on Trump supporters .
It’s hard for a group of people that cry over an election , scream at the sky ,dress as vaginas while wearing pink puss hats and confessing that they will vote for anyone besides Trump to try an convince me TDS is on Trump supporters .
It's pretty easy for most everyone else to interpret the meaning.
The majority of the world and this country rightfully thinks that Trump sux. That's just a fact.
The reasons underlying that fact are what some struggle with.
It's pretty easy for most everyone else to interpret the meaning.
The majority of the world and this country rightfully thinks that Trump sux. That's just a fact.
The reasons underlying that fact are what some struggle with.

The "majority of the world" are idiots and would disapprove of President Trump curing cancer.
It's pretty easy for most everyone else to interpret the meaning.
The majority of the world and this country rightfully thinks that Trump sux. That's just a fact.
The reasons underlying that fact are what some struggle with.

This issue didn’t have anything to do with trump..... it was a video that had been trimmed down in 2014 for commercials..... Are you sure the world is overwhelmingly against trump..... it appears that the UK let their voices be heard when voting for someone very similar to Trump.
This issue didn’t have anything to do with trump..... it was a video that had been trimmed down in 2014 for commercials..... Are you sure the world is overwhelmingly against trump..... it appears that the UK let their voices be heard when voting for someone very similar to Trump.
Even looks like him, albeit disheveled
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You are about to get hit with the Rasmussen is a far alt right organization.
Rasmussen is a right-leaning polling service. I wish a different organization would keep a daily/weekly tracker like Rasmussen does. An organization that is much more reputable and trusted as opposed to a propaganda arm for the GOP.

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