Any chance Butch brings Fulmer back?

I just used that for an example, why would anyone take years off a coaches record?

He was a great coach, then became a good coach, then a midiocre coach, then a good coach, then a mediocre coach.

If you follow that pattern, Great is up next.

he was not a good coach in 2007. His teams got blown out by a 7-6 bama (who lost to ULM at home that season) and quit during a beating at UF.

He was 29-21 his last 4 seasons. That is not good at a school with the resources of UT

I bet there will be a division "title" if CBJ finishes 1st.

and as usual you would be wrong
Its deductive reasoning

We deduced that a majority of Fulmer's wins and titles were when the SEC was down.

We also deduced that once the SEC became stronger by adding coaches like Spurrier again, Meyer, Saban, Richt, and Miles, Fulmer started to nose dive

This is fact. Not made up Fulmer hate.

That has nothing to do with anything, I can say the SEC was down when Neyland Won his NC or when Nebraska went on there run or Miami.

What if FSU won a NC this year? Is it because the ACC is weak? How about Louisville? They only win bc the Big East is weak right?

Who cares the only thing people remember are wins/loses and championships.
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That has nothing to do with anything, I can say the SEC was down when Neyland Won his NC or when Nebraska went on there run or Miami.

What if FSU won a NC this year? Is it because the ACC is weak? How about Louisville? They only win bc the Big East is weak right?

Who cares the only thing people remember are wins/loses and championships.
the WAC wasnt anything close to a powerhouse when BYU won the NC in 1984
That has nothing to do with anything, I can say the SEC was down when Neyland Won his NC or when Nebraska went on there run or Miami.

What if FSU won a NC this year? Is it because the ACC is weak? How about Louisville? They only win bc the Big East is weak right?

Who cares the only thing people remember are wins/loses and championships.

Why you mad?
So most here aren't even willing to honor the man who brought us our last National Championship and whose love for all things Tennessee is matched by no other.

Truly shameful. Shame on the majority of you who get a good thing and then want more. Shame on you for turning your back on a man who would do anything for Tennessee. Shame on you for betraying the success and legend of Phillip Fulmer. You truly are despicable

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he was not a good coach in 2007. His teams got blown out by a 7-6 bama (who lost to ULM at home that season) and quit during a beating at UF.

He was 29-21 his last 4 seasons. That is not good at a school with the resources of UT

and as usual you would be wrong

As usual, I am right. I want CBJ to be successful, but anything he accomplishes will be celebrated with the same intensity that CPF's accomplishments are downplayed.
Still can't believe the hate for Fulmer.

I may be out of the loop totally on this, but I don't know anyone that "hates" Fulmer. I think there are many, maybe even a majority, of UT fans that felt his time at UT had reached It's conclusion and he really needed to move on. But that's not hate. I have great respect for the man, but I'm glad we have Butch as our coach.
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I may be out of the loop totally on this, but I don't know anyone that "hates" Fulmer. I think there are many, maybe even a majority, of UT fans that felt his time at UT had reached It's conclusion and he really needed to move on. But that's not hate. I have great respect for the man, but I'm glad we have Butch as our coach.
Then yes, you're out of the loop. If you do a search on here you'll find many that call him everything but Lucifer. Even the word 'hate' is mild to some of the stuff that's said.
No, because it proves how blind you are to his accomplishments.

No. That is a bald faced lie. I have expressed honor for what he accomplished HERE recently. Just because I recognize that a once successful coach later failed and was passed by other coaches... does not mean I am "blind to his accomplishments".

Do you really have that much difficult dealing with the facts of history in a rational way? Being a great success in 98 does NOT mean you have not failed so badly at job performance in 2008 that you deserve to be fired.
Don't turn a blind eye to how he fell?

He won the East in 07 you clown.
.... and in the same season was blown out by a pretty mediocre Cal team, UGA, and Bama. The only win that could even remotely be considered "impressive" is UGA... you blind clown. Wow. Childish name calling is pretty fun, huh?

Under Fulmer 14/16 good seasons
Well clown, you don't just look at it like that. You look at recent results, trajectory of the program, discipline, and competitiveness of the coach. He was rightly found failing on all accounts... you clown.

With Out Fulmer 0/4 good seasons

Do the math Jack

I have. And I have done reasoning based on the FACTS. It would have been much more accurate to say that the first 3 of those 4 bad seasons was primarily BECAUSE of Fulmer's abject FAILURE to recruit and discipline the program. That FAILURE, you clown, resulted in a non-competitive roster that had to be rebuilt from scratch starting in '10.

Do the research Jack. The rosters that SHOULD HAVE been made up of upper classmen recruited by Fulmer... depended on around 17 freshment two years in a row to play significant roles.

Dooley's failures were almost completely responsible for '12. But his first two teams were critically young and thin because of Fulmer.

Fulmer would not have done any better with those rosters than Kiffin or Dooley. However it is VERY likely that recruiting would have continued to fall making things even harder to rebuild.
I may be out of the loop totally on this, but I don't know anyone that "hates" Fulmer. I think there are many, maybe even a majority, of UT fans that felt his time at UT had reached It's conclusion and he really needed to move on. But that's not hate. I have great respect for the man, but I'm glad we have Butch as our coach.

Most of what is labeled "hate" for Fulmer is actually in response to blindness by Fulmer's apologists.

I don't hate him. He was great in his time. His time passed. Neither he nor his blind devotees want/wanted to accept it.

Possibly the worst part is that he may never get his proper due for the great things he accomplished because some will not accept the facts of his decline. You can't really honor someone without being honest about the whole of their career.
You can nitpick all you want, We won the East in 07.

1 NC
2 SEC Titles
7 Division Titles

He did go from great to average towards then end, but what person who has done anything great in life, hasn't struggled at one point? Give him a chance to pull his self out.
He got that chance after 2005. That year was a disaster of poor coaching. You cannot claim the team lacked talent. It had a ton. it was very, very poorly coached. That poor coaching was the culmination of several years of decline.

Cut improved O results which improved wins. Cut left. What was left after he was gone was STILL a program without strong leadership at the top, adequate recruiting, and off the field discipline. How many "chances" did you want him to get? Did you want him to be the coach until UT had to start walk-ons on both lines? That's where his recruiting was headed.

Some of the old timers here KNOW that I argued hard for the guy to get a fair chance. He did. He failed. He's gone.

No use crying over spilt milk, what's done is done.

You seriously need to take your own advice.
So in your mind, we should be winning a NC every 10 years?

I really don't understand where the sense of entitlement comes from. If you take away WW2 era, and maybe 5-10 seasons in between and then part of the Fulmer era. Historically Tennessee is a mediocre team.

Just taking me orange glasses off for a second.

Ah, so there's the problem. Mediocrity is OK with you. You don't want a dominant program. You want a program that tolerates a coach that "tries like heck" but still gets outclassed by UF, Bama, et al.
Wait tell Sjt gets on, he's going to write a 5000 word essay
That's interesting. You cannot come up with reasonable answers so the problem is my arguments based in fact and reason are too long. Gotcha.
on why Fulmer failed as a coach and why Dooley should of been givin more time. Lol

Why do you persist in LYING?

Fulmer got his chance and failed. He was fired as he should have been.

Dooley got his chance and failed. He was fired as he should have been.

I said in 2006 that Fulmer should get a shot to turn it around when the loud and angry voices wanted him drawn and quartered. I said he should have to improve steadily without backsliding until he won the SEC. With Cut, he got better in 06. He made the CG in 07 though he kind of backed into it. In 08, he needed to take the next step or at least not backslide to 05. He failed. You can blame the asst coaches but Fulmer hired them. He's responsible.

When it became impossible for Fulmer to meet those expectations in 08, I began to say he should be fired.

In '10, I said Dooley's chances of making it past 3 years were slim. I NEVER said any different than that. I said he should have to show he could coach by winning no later than the third season.

When that goal was out of the question (USCe loss), I began to call for him to be fired.

The ONLY thing I care about with regard to Fulmer, Kiffin, Jones, or Dooley is UT winning. I have no particular allegiance to any of them outside of their ability to make UT a championship team.

Now that I have told you this and even challenged you to look it up on multiple occasions... you can stop lying.
No. That is a bald faced lie. I have expressed honor for what he accomplished HERE recently. Just because I recognize that a once successful coach later failed and was passed by other coaches... does not mean I am "blind to his accomplishments".

Do you really have that much difficult dealing with the facts of history in a rational way? Being a great success in 98 does NOT mean you have not failed so badly at job performance in 2008 that you deserve to be fired.

So you resort to name-calling? That is not up to your standards of a good person to debate.
I was a loyal Fulmer guy. He was awesome in his prime. Played here, coached here, won us a NC here.

His time was up and we needed to move forward. I supported that too.

I do wish the firing could have been behind closed doors and released publicly as a retirement.

We could have lured a big time winner much easier that way. Look at Fulmer's record on paper coupled with his loyalty to the program.

That is hard to match and to be fired for that kind if record looks scary from the outside if you are a coaching candidate.

Hamilton mishandled that process.

Removing Fulmer was justified but poorly handled from a PR standpoint.

That was the beginning of the last four years of failure.
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Ah, so there's the problem. Mediocrity is OK with you. You don't want a dominant program. You want a program that tolerates a coach that "tries like heck" but still gets outclassed by UF, Bama, et al.

Yeah, and people in jail want out.
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