Any chance Butch brings Fulmer back?

You forgot to mention anything about the meaningless National Championship and the 5 out of 6 six seasons Fulmer won 7+ games b/t `93-98.
Do I really need to remind anyone here that UT won the NC in 98?

You are trying to suggest Fulmer's success was based on Major's which is beyond comical.
In a way... and if you think logical and realistic is comical then so be it. If Fulmer had taken over the program when it was in the shape it was when Majors arrived then he very likely would not have won a NC in 98.

One thing builds on another.

You give us 8 years from coaches that had over 30 yrs coaching b/t them to tell us what we need to know about them.
Because ONLY those years are relevant to the state of the program when they took over and when they left.
If anything, Id say looking at our post Fulmer era we fired him too quickly instead of securing a proper coach.
The Kiffin hire was a terrible mistake in retrospect though many... not unlike you in their thinking.... thought he was a "rock star". Firing Fulmer was absolutely the right thing to do. In retrospect, giving him the extra time after 05 turned out to be a mistake. The trajectory of the program and especially recruiting and discipline continued down. But at the time with the information available, it was a reasonable choice to make. He had been successful and the hope was that he could turn it around.

Hahahha a quoted "non-winning" record, i love that. Give me a f'ing break you clown. Do you write for MSN sports or something?

5-5 is a "non-winning" record there genius. How would you rather it be stated?
we settled for a field goal inside the 5 yard line right before the half and JTM went ballistic in the locker room at halftime for not getting TD. several coaches left the locker room and indicated they were done working for him. CPF got them pulled back in. CJM was cursing out coaches and players something he had been doing frequently anyway. Many had had enough of it..

conversation occurred back in Knoxville the next day.. another CJM incident later in month with some big donors and the 3 losses closed the book on his career.

We got bits and pieces of it through the father of a player at the time. Having worked with people who have alcohol problems, that kind of behavior is consistent with someone who had a real problem.

Rumor was he drank "on the job"... and not just a little or infrequently.
So most here aren't even willing to honor the man who brought us our last National Championship and whose love for all things Tennessee is matched by no other.

Truly shameful. Shame on the majority of you who get a good thing and then want more. Shame on you for turning your back on a man who would do anything for Tennessee. Shame on you for betraying the success and legend of Phillip Fulmer. You truly are despicable
Sjt has some mental issue, every Fulmer thread he spews his garbage over and over again.

Nope. Just the truth against the MORONIC notion that he would have been good to rehire or did not deserve to be fired to start with.

I respect what Fulmer did. I got beat up often here for arguing that Fulmer deserved a chance to turn his ship around after 2005 because of the success you and others point to. But ANY good manager of that situation would have told him that he got one shot and things had to steadily improve in every area of the program.

He got his shot as was right. He failed and was fired as was right.

He was NOT becoming more competitive on gameday vs elite coaches like Spurrier, Saban, and Meyer.

He was no longer getting high caliber recruits who could stay eligible.

He was no longer recruiting DT's or OL's in sufficient numbers or quality.

Program discipline on and off the field sans Cutcliffe was embarrassing.

And... without Cutcliffe, he wasn't winning.

The game passed him by. His ego would neither let him change with it or admit that it had happened. THAT is what got him fired. Put yourself in the shoes of his boss. Results are not good on or off the field. You see sloppy mgt of the program and the coaching staff... and then you have a guy who tells you he has no intentions of changing what he's doing. What would YOU do?
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So most here aren't even willing to honor the man who brought us our last National Championship and whose love for all things Tennessee is matched by no other.

Truly shameful. Shame on the majority of you who get a good thing and then want more. Shame on you for turning your back on a man who would do anything for Tennessee. Shame on you for betraying the success and legend of Phillip Fulmer. You truly are despicable

I certainly do honor that. Losing to UF as often as he did was frustrating but his record for the first 10 years or so was great. The Vols have not been nearly that successful or fun to watch since.

But he got passed and left behind by the competition and refused to change. His ego got the best of him.

Richt IMO is a similar type of coach. But either because he was willing or because someone force him... he's done a couple of complete makeovers.
So most here aren't even willing to honor the man who brought us our last National Championship and whose love for all things Tennessee is matched by no other.

Truly shameful. Shame on the majority of you who get a good thing and then want more. Shame on you for turning your back on a man who would do anything for Tennessee. Shame on you for betraying the success and legend of Phillip Fulmer. You truly are despicable

Shame on you for misinterpreting what most are saying and boring the crap out of me with a post I've seen about 500 times.
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isn't fulmer working for the ut president with some sweet 6 figure deal doing some PR??

I don't think so. he is working for a former walk on who owns a financial company. does PR work for that company. he isn't doing anything with UT that I'm aware of and getting paid for it
152-52 needs no exaggeration. Speaks for itself.

Florida was great under Spurrier
Arkansas was up and down
Alabama was on probation
Auburn was on probation
Georgia had Ray Goff
Ole Miss was bad
Miss. St was bad
LSU had Di'Nardo
South Carolina sucked
Kentucky was Kentucky
Vandy was Vandy
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sjt and the like are just setting themselves up to have this same conversation about butch is a few years; they are among those who live and breath negativity, likely in all aspects of their life. There is no changing their mindset. Its best to just leave them alone and let them think they are right. 13 year olds are like that too............
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I think a realistic view is Majors built the program and Fulmer took advantage of that momentum and continued building the program and won the NC.

Unfortunately Fulmer let the program slip into mediocrity.
I've softened on Fulmer a bit, but he didn't do himself any favors hovering over the program for so long after his dismissal, or by leaving the way he left.

He would likely have the fan base's universal appreciation had he exited with a little more grace, and put some distance between himself and the program like Johnny did.

Holy ****, he was basically thrown out in the road like a drunk in a saloon
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Butch will absolutely bring Fulmer back. It will be for a photo of Fulmer standing next to his Sears trophy while Butch stands next to his own Sears trophy. I can't wait for that moment. Go Vols!
Fulmer will not coach here again, but I think Butch may bring him in to speak to the team at some point. Probably not this year, but at some point moving forward. Fulmer played and coached here and was pretty dang good at it overall.

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