Anybody notice the cops beating the crap out of our students!!



Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2009
We were up there for Parents Weekend! I had just finished enjoying the best B'Ball game I had ever seen live when I looked down at the student section and watched the cops gang tackle one kid. Then pushed up their way into the student section and dragged another kid out. TOO AGGRESSIVE ON THEIR PART!!! I WONDER IF HAMILTON THINKS BEATING THE SH1T OUT OF OUR STUDENTS IS BETTER THAN A $25,000 FINE. Nice Work on family weekend, we like to see how our students are being taken care of up there!!
That was midfielder / blaker and fraternity brothers. They were threatening to beat down the football team.
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We were up there for Parents Weekend! I had just finished enjoying the best B'Ball game I had ever seen live when I looked down at the student section and watched the cops gang tackle one kid. Then pushed up their way into the student section and dragged another kid out. TOO AGGRESSIVE ON THEIR PART!!! I WONDER IF HAMILTON THINKS BEATING THE SH1T OUT OF OUR STUDENTS IS BETTER THAN A $25,000 FINE. Nice Work on family weekend, we like to see how our students are being taken care of up there!!

there was an earlier post about a couple of students trying to rush the court at the end of the game
I say anytime someone is mistreated by cops and they win in court, they should be allowed to return the favor to those cops as retribution. Especially if the people being mistreated were wrongly accused. If cops were held accountable for their actions, some of them wouldn't be such power abusing pricks. It's easy to abuse people when they can't fight back without even more repercussions than an a** kickin.
Stop resisting means stop resisting:rock:

"I'm not resisting so get your "I'm THE BOSS", grimy pig paws off of me"
We are talking about students here buddy, not gangsters. Chances are they were trying to show their authority and went overboard. Happens every day.
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I say anytime someone is mistreated by cops and they win in court, they should be allowed to return the favor to those cops as retribution. Especially if the people being mistreated were wrongly accused. If cops were held accountable for their actions, some of them wouldn't be such power abusing pricks. It's easy to abuse people when they can't fight back without even more repercussions than an a** kickin.

Really? they are held accountable, It's called law suits.
"I'm not resisting so get your "I'm THE BOSS", grimy pig paws off of me"
We are talking about students here buddy, not gangsters. Chances are they were trying to show their authority and went overboard. Happens every day.
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:eek:lol:thats funny. Yes they may not be gangsta's but they still can break the law. I agree force should only be used when needed, and some do abuse that, but no one has a right to resist the piggies, wrong or right.
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From what I saw, one of the kids wasn't resisting. He had his hands up, and the one cop was pushing him down the steps to the bottom. After that he knocked the kid to the ground and handcuffed him, just making a show out of it. It was not necessary, and it pissed me off and pissed off a bunch of other students as well. I heard the kid mouthed off to the cop, but that was not needed.
That sounds about right. Kid mouths off in front of countless other kids. Cops pride is hurt and now he's gonna show that little punk...Cop takes it to far and depending on the kids background and family, cop loses badge. Hahaha
Posted via VolNation Mobileedit: he prolly wouldn't lose his badge I'd imagine but still =)
That sounds about right. Kid mouths off in front of countless other kids. Cops pride is hurt and now he's gonna show that little punk...Cop takes it to far and depending on the kids background and family, cop loses badge. Hahaha
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So it's ok for the kid to have no respect for anyone because of his family ties, epic fail:disappointed:
The Ktown cops are out of control. They are bullies to students and fans. I was told by a nephew that he and some of his friends were busted after they walked out of a bar on the strip after a football game. My self and several friends watched after the next home game (I'm to old to hang on the strip anymore so don't) and witnessed it first hand. People leaving establishments and being knocked to the ground and cuffed and dragged off. We saw several treated like that and saw none of them do anything other than answer what the cop asked. I checked the paper on Sunday and there were something like 40 public intox arrests. It's beyond out of control.
So it's ok for the kid to have no respect for anyone because of his family ties, epic fail:disappointed:

Cops should not touch a citizen unless needed. A kid mouthing off after a huge win like that at a college sporting event is not cause to shove a kid to the ground. I hold cops to higher standards than the average citizen.
So it's ok for the kid to have no respect for anyone because of his family ties, epic fail:disappointed:

Not what I was saying at all. LOL
We get it Jax, your probably a cop. What I was saying is depending on the kids family, they MAY file suit against the uniformed man.
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Odds are they deserved it.
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Unless a gun was drawn or life threatening, no way. I can speak from experience watching 18 year olds in lock up, 5-1,15-1, ratios sometimes, so no, you have overly aggressive people violating peoples rights.Remember years ago when the cops shot a mental patient displaying a knife and instead of rushing her like they are taught to do in mental wards(with pillows,etc), they shot her dead.PITIFUL.
Just watch cops guys. Although there are more instances on the show where I would say some sort of physical force is needed, there are still numerous times they are WAAAY to aggressive. I've seen them tase people that are LAYING ON THE GROUND?!?! WTF?
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Not what I was saying at all. LOL
We get it Jax, your probably a cop. What I was saying is depending on the kids family, they MAY file suit against the uniformed man.
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Good guess, :hi:. My bad on the misunderstanding. I do get mad when people disrespect the "piggies paws", I liked that one. I do understand where people get mad at the piggise, some are buttholes, I have a few here. I show everyone I deal with respect until they deserve otherwise. One thing I learned on this job is theres 3 sides to a story, thiers, yours, and the truth. If the cop is wrong then he should get in trouble, but don't judge all from this.

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