Anyone agree? (Bama’s coach)

I must have missed where Harsin took a team to the national championship game.

They both came from schools in the PNW to schools in Alabama. That’s about where the similarities end. The Gumps may well take a step back: there’s really no way to go but down when you follow a legend (ask Coach Holly and Coach Harper), but Deboer is a good hire. Whether it works out remains to be seen.
ATo paraphrase a famous quote - if you have two head coaches you don’t have a head coach.
It can be very hard to make the break off from the previous leader to a new one when the old leader is constantly around. I have zero expectations the Bama program will implode but when I saw that Saban would still be around…well that can spell disaster in the long run 🤷
One thing is for sure, the army of analysts (former NFL and college head coaches and coordinators) that Saban attracted is over. Deboar will hire analysts, but none with the talent and experience that Saban was stockpiling
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I tried to imagine if this was a Tennessee hire how I would feel. I honestly don't think I would be very excited. I guess only time will tell.
I think most would be pumped if we were coming off of firing Botch Jones, Precious or Tater hire a coach that just played in the NC game. Doesn't mean a thing towards whether he'd succeed here, but I think spirits would be up.
They only have one direction to go from here and it's overdue.
This is exactly where my head is. The odds of catching another Saban or Bear on the front end are astronomical. Also with NIL the $ advantage they’ve had in place for decades has gone away. The landscape is much more competitive.

My prediction? Bama will go almost the next 20 years with a divided fan base half clamoring for give the guy more time and the other half wanting him gone now. It couldn’t happen to a better bunch imo.
No where to go but down.

Worried? Surely they can't be any better than what Saban did forever

I couldn’t help but notice how tough Bama’s schedule is next year. Probably toughest schedule Bama has seen in a long time.
And they have lost an entire recruiting class of players already. Alabama is about to fall to earth faster than in any program in history. Their fans are going to lose it almost immeidately. It will be splendid.
This is exactly where my head is. The odds of catching another Saban or Bear on the front end are astronomical. Also with NIL the $ advantage they’ve had in place for decades has gone away. The landscape is much more competitive.

My prediction? Bama will go almost the next 20 years with a divided fan base half clamoring for give the guy more time and the other half wanting him gone now. It couldn’t happen to a better bunch imo.
Nothing like inbreeders fighting
To paraphrase a famous quote - if you have two head coaches you don’t have a head coach.
Yep, Remember when Fulmer & Pruitt on same practice field, that was my first warning something's not right. The bad thing is DeBoer will have to defer to the Saban, not just some of the time but all of the time. The other bad thing is if & when UT beats them they gave Saban a pass, that will not happen this time in Gump land. He can't say well, I was just doing what my master had planned out. The loss will be on him and if they win big most will say Saban is really guiding and tutoring DeBoer. It's a no win situation IMO. If they put this scenario in front of Oregon HC Dan Lanning, no wonder he turned them down, its a bad situation for any new HC.

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