anyone heard how crompton is doing

Not going to start anything here, man. This is a good site, and so is that one. No need for any of that.
Like I said above, I'm just having some fun. I don't know any of you guys personally, so I'm not being personal. Just poking at ya. :p
This is not an attack. I repeat. This is not an attack.

To think that Cromton will beat out Ainge for the starting job is a bit ridiculous. To think the coaches will waste a year of his eligibility to have him sit on the bench in the #2 spot is laughable at best.

Ainge is a true Soph that has been through the fire of SEC play, and shown an ability to not only survive; but also thrive. He is not a Senior that has reached his peek and still been found wanting. He is a young QB with plenty of upside. It is often said that the biggest jump in preformance for a QB comes between thier freshman and sophomore years. Ainge's numbers where quite well for a freshman dispite spliting time and missing the last for games. I see no signs that his Sophome year will be anything less than impressive.

Clausen won't start a single game unless Ainge gets injured. The coaches made thier pick after the La. Tech game last year and I see no reason that they would change thier minds now. Up until then, the QBs were spliting the snaps fairly even; sometimes looking good, sometimes not so good. But without making any ultra-critical mistakes, Schaeffer not only lost the starting job; but had his PT cut to only 3 snaps againt AU, 2 against GA, and 1 against Ole Miss. He didn't even get in against Bama. It wasn't until the USC game appeared to be getting away from us that he finally had his number called again. This despite Ainge throwing 5 picks in the AU game, and nearly losing againt Ole Miss.

If you look at the past thinking of the coaching staff in handling the QB position, they always maintain that there is competition; but settle on one early and ride them till they leave. There were times that that Suggs and Mathews looked better than Clausen, and Stewart looked better than Peyton. But once the staff decides who is going to lead the program, they turn it over to them completely.

Cromton is the future of the program. He'll have 2 to 3 years of eligibilty left when Ainge leaves and he takes over the program. By then, his knowlege of the playbook will not only consist of long nights of study, but also of a few snaps here and there while serving as Ainge's backup for 1 or 2 years, depending on how long Ainge stays around. By the time he takes over, he'll preped to possibly exceed even your lofty expectations. But until then, you'll just have to wait.

Ainge is today's star, Clausen makes an exellent backup, and Cromton will only see the field if Ainge gets injured.
Agreed... Although I could see it possible that Rick would get the nod to start against the weaker opponnents, UAB, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, etc.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 26, 2005 4:31 AM
Agreed... Although I could see it possible that Rick would get the nod to start against the weaker opponnents, UAB, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, etc.

So you agree with me that Ainge won't start on Sept 3rd. Why didn't you just say so? Was it THAT hard? :p

Remember, my possible scenario did not have Crompton beating out Ainge and then sitting on the bench as a number two. Part of my scenario was that Phil would continue to throw two quarterbacks at teams. But alas, we will all know soon what will happen. As I have said, I don't care who is out there, as long as they are successful and we are winning. Hell, throw Hardegree at um!
If Ainge has done his homework, then Clausen will only come in for mop up duty. Just because they rotated 2 QB's last year, it doesn't mean that they're going to do it for the rest of eternity. Clausen is not Schaeffer. There is not a different dynamic that Rick could bring to the game. I'm sure that Ainge can throw the short passes too and memorize the playbook.

Rotating Ainge and Clausen is going to mess up that QB to WR timing that we so desperately lacked last year. A good passing game consists of a QB and his WR's being on the same page.

Ainge was just a freshman last year and he proved that he can do a lot. That drive to beat UF, beating UGA at home, keeping his composure during the Ole Miss game and making something happen....etc etc. I think that once we all see him play in the UAB game, we won't be wanting another QB to come in.
The days of a 2 QB system are gone, only to return in extreme situations. Two true freshman QBs who are only slightly familar with the playbook is such a situation But even last year as the season moved along, the coaches tried to move away from it and let Ainge run the position solo.
Originally posted by Dr Dread@Jul 26, 2005 11:38 AM
The days of a 2 QB system are gone, only to return in extreme situations.  Two true freshman QBs who are only slightly familar with the playbook is such a situation  But even last year as the season moved along, the coaches tried to move away from it and let Ainge run the position solo.

I don't see a need to rotate with FLA coming next on the schedule. Ainge needs as many game snaps as possible be ing FLA and LSU back to back. It worked out OK last year, but rotating is not ideal by any means.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 26, 2005 3:31 AM
Agreed... Although I could see it possible that Rick would get the nod to start against the weaker opponnents, UAB, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, etc.

Let me get this straight: You think Ainge will be the "starter," but his first game to start will be in the Swamp?
I think Clausen will get the start on the first few games but will only do the first series before Ainge comes in. I think I read or heard on the radio that Ainge is more comfortable watching the defense from the sidelines to see what's happening before he goes in, assessing the speed and abilities of the individuals he will be facing.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jul 26, 2005 1:34 PM
Ainge is more comfortable watching the defense from the sidelines to see what's happening before he goes in, assessing the speed and abilities of the individuals he will be facing.

:huh: Well. . . . . I'd be lying if I didn't admit that has me a little concerned. It's hard to throw TD's with a clipboard in your hand. And, who says a coach with half a brain (see Meyer, Spurrier, Richt, shall I go on???) won't show one thing on D and switch it up after a QB change?

That's got to be the strangest comment on a QB touted by some (myself not included) as a Heistman candidate that I've ever read.
I think Ainge's alleged comment was meant as a PC way of dealing with Brent Schaeffer getting to start games early in the season. I'm sure he'd rather start the game, but he didn't want to seem like a freshman prima donna by whining about how he wished he could start.

He sure read Georgia's defensive speed and alignments well in the opening TD drive of that game, a game in which he started.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 26, 2005 10:22 AM
Let me get this straight:  You think Ainge will be the "starter," but his first game to start will be in the Swamp?

No. When I said "I could see it possible" I meant it wouldn't suprise me. I would rather Ainge started the full season.

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