anyone heard how crompton is doing

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 24, 2005 12:22 AM
Let's all just get along till gameday. THEN we can go for the jugular.

You're goin' down, Gatorville.
Mark my words.

Be Nice. :laugh1:

Nothin like a good build up for game day, as far away as it is.
wow this has gotten wierd. Why are we talking about Chirs leak? he has done nothing winnign wise in his college career. Beat tennessee first then come back and talk smack.. call it a fluke if you want but two years in a row is good. And i dont mean the last two years, I am talking about our last two visits to the swamp.. Guess we got to shut yall gator fans up again.
but really, I wouldnt listen to Beltway, he is crazy. Some of the things he says just make me laugh. can't wait to play yall this year. I am kinda nervous about leak. He is going to be scary in this new offense.
Indeed he will be. But yes, I have just learned today not to listed to beltway, he is the leader of all things ignorant. But back to 9/17. it should be a great game, cant wait, should be a classic.
Yeah I really think that its going ot be good but I think personally that yalls RB is to thin and also your corners are kinda weak. But that may not be a factor in the game. we will have to see.
I'm comfortable with Wynn, Thorton, and Manson, I think between the 3 of them they can get the job done, if someone doesnt step up as the true CB i think were good, webb is all-conf and brown is solid, plus some younger guys, i think our cbs and s's are good, plus our frount 7 should be pretty good so that should help um out
Yeah true. I cant wait to see Webb on Meacheam. That is going to be a good matchup. I also think that if Riggs can get on a roll and offense line start clicking that it could be a long day for yall. But you never know. I do think that our d-line is going to be hard to defend for yall. But I am anxious to see Leak run this offense. I really want to see if it is going to work in the sec or not.
So do I. Were all beaming with anticipation. It cant get here soon enough!

But, Ive got a house to unpack tomorrow (or i guess today) so i better go catch some z's but ill def. get on here tomorrow and chat with the "vol nation" :)

See ya.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 23, 2005 10:47 PM
Ummm Ainge??
Im glad you accept being in the backseat though, Leak will once again dominate the SEC, and UF will return to glory in ATL :cross:  :moon2:

Hey... He's a good quarterback working well for a team. There's just another team he can't manage to beat. Hm. Sounds like deja vu.

We'll just call this "payback" :p
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 23, 2005 11:17 PM
Its okay OWB, you can throw insults at me all night, but everyone will still like LIO better then you

Dude, you're taking away her powers saying stuff like that
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 24, 2005 12:57 AM
I actually have a bet with U-T on the Ohio State vs. Texas game. The loser has to change his avatar to the winner's choice for a week. Just filling up space. Still crazy that you used it to get a point across though...

GatorVille has it right on though. It is crazy to want one good QB for the next four years instead of two good QB's for the next five years. I mean, it's your opinion and all, it's just a really weird one. Add to that, I'd bet you even more that putting Crompton as a starter over Ainge would greatly hinder, if not eliminated, our chances at winning the SEC East.

So which is it? Are you a betting man, and you want to put some kind of wager on Ainge being the starter on 9-3, or do you not want to put something where your typing fingers are and just admit to me that you're not confident enough that your boy, your all star, super hero boy, just might not be so damn good that Clausen wouldn't start ahead of him?

I'm not using anything to prove my point, I already did that by you not being confident enough to take the bet immediately, then saying you aren't a better, then coming back and saying that you are, you just aren't in this situation. I don't need to bet to prove anything. I just feel confident enough that Mr Ainge won't be the starter on 9-3, and I wanted to put a friendly wager on it.

As we say in the south, dont be skeered.
I still don't understand how i'm so crazy and ignorant and blah blah blah.

All I said was that I believe that Ainge will not start on 9-3.

I believe that Fulmer will play two quarterbacks in the game on 9-3.

I believe that Crompton has the talent to beat out either ainge or Clausen and be one of those quarterbacks.

I was asked if I would "piss away" a scholorship by playing Crompton ahead of Ainge, and I replied, that if the true freshman was better than the sophomore then damn right I would play the freshman. (That's what Fulmer did last season, and everyone here applauded him for it after seeing how it turned out, what's the difference?)

So then I have a die-hard Ainge supporter and a Gator fan telling me how crazy I am. Then apparently, another Vol or two, jumped on the wagon and started calling me names and saying how crazy I am too. (Imagine that!)

So, I want to know, what is sooooo crazy and wrong about the 4 points listed above. I want to know without the name calling, or the excuses, or the "I'm not a debating man" comments, what makes me crazy by thinking those 4 things, and is there anyone else, that thinks for maybe one or two seconds that one or all four of those things are possible, and if so, are you man or woman enough to say so?
I mostly agree with you Beltway. One exception though. Last year, our play of the freshmen QBs dang near ruined us. As they didn't know the playbook, we had to signal 2 plays in to them for each snap. In addition, after the plays were signaled in, the QB still had to read the defensive formation in order to call the correct play. 3 things happened...the OL had to lock down their 300+ pound bodies for 20+ seconds before each snap (very tiring for these guys), the play clock always ran down to 0 which took away the element of surprise and in effect our OL was no longer the attackor, but rather the attackee. And finally, the QBs often checked into the wrong play as our competitors would line up in one formation and shift to another.

The result began as injuries to the OL, then came the RBs and finally the QBs. So, as good a QB as Crompton may be down the road, I want no part of a freshman QB as long as we have Clausen and Ainge. Clausen has already proven to be the master of game management and Ainge has one year of football at SEC speed and as compared to Jon, an advanced degree in game management.
oh well I doesnt really matter does it? I mean Ainge is going to start untill he is gone. So why are we even talking about this?
Originally posted by vols2345@Jul 24, 2005 11:09 AM
oh well I doesnt really matter does it?  I mean Ainge is going to start untill he is gone.  So why are we even talking about this?

That's what C.J. thought too in a post Casey Era.

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