Anyone know where Hopson is?

Scotty would.have gotten an NBA work out if he had wanted one but he chose like Chism did to go straight over seas to start getting paid.

I thought Chism played in the summer league for Sacramento his first year out of college.
hopson was very overated he never wanted to drive the lane and make somthing happen so he would shuffle around the 3 line and make 3 out of every 10 shots had everything to be a star player really like him though too bad he didnt make a nba squad

3 out of ten shots? You do realize that hopson led us in scoring at almost 17 points a game while shooting 45 percent which barely below what Harris shot from the field and he was more of an inside player. Scotty also I believe led us in three point shooting at 37 percent.
#31 - 2010 NBA Summer League

He was on the summer league roster and I thought I remember watching him play a couple games.

edit: I didn't look the first time, but if you scroll down, Wayne has stats for the summer league. Shows he played in 5 games.

I'm sorry I misspoke.......he turned down the kings invite to training camp to try and make an NBA roster...instead going for guaranteed money. Everyone gets to play in the summer league if they have any skill at all....if scotty didnt, it was his choice.
I'm sorry I misspoke.......he turned down the kings invite to training camp to try and make an NBA roster...instead going for guaranteed money. Everyone gets to play in the summer league if they have any skill at all....if scotty didnt, it was his choice.

I don't remember Scotty ever playing in the summer league. I don't remember why.
I don't remember Scotty ever playing in the summer league. I don't remember why.

I had forgotten but he didn't play bc the summer leagues were cancelled due to.the lockout. I really don't understand all the hate for him. It is strictly.based off of a pre college ranking.
Yup. Too much hate for Scotty. He couldn't dribble worth a crap and he screamed like a girl when he dunked but I really appreciate what all he did for UT. 75% of those kids are overrated out of highschool. Blame Scout, Rivals 247 and those other places....
I had forgotten but he didn't play bc the summer leagues were cancelled due to.the lockout. I really don't understand all the hate for him. It is strictly.based off of a pre college ranking.

yeah, I just looked that up. Forgot about the whole lockout thing. It really hurt Hopson's chances to get in front of someone and impress him.

I never really disliked Hopson and I hope I haven't said anything to give that impression. I think he was handled poorly by Pearl. CBP put a lot of expectations on Scotty early and people expected him to be the next Chris Lofton. That's a lot of weight to carry for an 18 year old kid. Add in some obvious bad input from whomever Hopson looked to for advice and Scotty had a hard time of it in college and as it turns out in his professional career. I would really like to see him get a shot in the NBA. He has all the physical gifts for it, he just needs to understand that he is not Kobe Bryant and adjust his expectations accordingly.
yeah, I just looked that up. Forgot about the whole lockout thing. It really hurt Hopson's chances to get in front of someone and impress him.

I never really disliked Hopson and I hope I haven't said anything to give that impression. I think he was handled poorly by Pearl. CBP put a lot of expectations on Scotty early and people expected him to be the next Chris Lofton. That's a lot of weight to carry for an 18 year old kid. Add in some obvious bad input from whomever Hopson looked to for advice and Scotty had a hard time of it in college and as it turns out in his professional career. I would really like to see him get a shot in the NBA. He has all the physical gifts for it, he just needs to understand that he is not Kobe Bryant and adjust his expectations accordingly.

No you didn't at all....just talking.about some of the comments about his attitude.....totally false stats.....I don't really think it mattered when he came out....I think he is the player he is. A really good player but not dominate.....the thing that separates great players from good ones is that intense inner drive and that can't be coached or taught
No you didn't at all....just talking.about some of the comments about his attitude.....totally false stats.....I don't really think it mattered when he came out....I think he is the player he is. A really good player but not dominate.....the thing that separates great players from good ones is that intense inner drive and that can't be coached or taught

I agree with this to a point. I think maybe playing a year for CCM might have opened his eyes a bit. I always thought CBP let Hopson get away with some things because (until Harris) he was the highest ranked player he had brought to UT. CCM wouldn't have had that same bias, and I firmly believe a year of weight vests during practice, few to no whistles for fouls in practices, and a "play defense or sit" mentality from his coach would have really helped Hopson mental toughness. Either way, I still think Scotty had a great career as a Vol and hopefully the members of VN that were hard on him, lighten up as the years go buy.
I agree with this to a point. I think maybe playing a year for CCM might have opened his eyes a bit. I always thought CBP let Hopson get away with some things because (until Harris) he was the highest ranked player he had brought to UT. CCM wouldn't have had that same bias, and I firmly believe a year of weight vests during practice, few to no whistles for fouls in practices, and a "play defense or sit" mentality from his coach would have really helped Hopson mental toughness. Either way, I still think Scotty had a great career as a Vol and hopefully the members of VN that were hard on him, lighten up as the years go buy.

I love CCM and think he is going to get the job done but I think his legend is a little bit bigger than reality....I went to some of Pearls practices and they were pretty intense.
I love CCM and think he is going to get the job done but I think his legend is a little bit bigger than reality....I went to some of Pearls practices and they were pretty intense.

His practices might have been intense but a lot of Pearl's games defensively were far from it.
I love CCM and think he is going to get the job done but I think his legend is a little bit bigger than reality....I went to some of Pearls practices and they were pretty intense.

I wouldn't doubt that, but whatever intensity Pearl had in practice, with the exception of his elite 8 team, it didn't translate to defensive performance on game days. Pearl was about creating a chaotic up and down game at a break neck pace. That requires a certain type of intensity. Martin requires a lock your guy down, play defense for 35 seconds, don't gamble type of style. Equally intense but different. More disciplined.
Turning pro early worked out well for him.........

Yes and no. The fact is that if he were to come back his senior year, he probably would have gotten a lot better, but last year's NBA Draft was stacked. It would have been hard to get drafted in the 2nd round. He made the right decision (a gamble) in going when he did. Too many projected lottery picks came back because of the lockout and a guy like Scotty had the capability of sneaking in the draft. I think he played well in workouts, but in the end he didn't interview well, JMO. However, the guy is getting paid handsomely doing something he loves and he's getting cultured at the same time. If I were his age and not married with a family, I'd probably be loving his life right now.
Add in a suspect handle.

This^ I could not believe how bad Scotty's handle was. If you want to play at a high level, you have to be able to handle the ball. He developed his outsise shot at UT, but if you are going to play 1-3 in the NBA, you must handle the ball.

Also, he was not mentally tough enough. I hate criticizing kids for this, but you must have it to be a pro. I would say the same about our QB and top WR. You have to be able to handle adversity.

He's doing well in Israel.

5 games in 17.6 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 4.0 APG

Here's a video of him scoring 40 in a summer league/charity game this summer:

Here's a choppy video of him playing in Israel this season:

Scotty could be as good as Rudy Gay a NBA All Star kind of talent if he played with better focus each night on both ends.
Playing in Israel is the BOMB. Not sure I would like that. On a serious note I wonder if BP helped get him in this league?

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