Appears To Be a Big Push....

(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
Q. Coach, what about the fact, I know you talked through the week about wanting Bowl success because you've had some recent Bowl failures. Your team looked excited early, coming out, jumping up. Did you put a lot of emphasis on everybody getting into the game?
COACH FULMER: We're not a senior team. We're a very young football team in a lot of ways. 13 seniors and about five or six that really start.
You know, there's not any magic dust out there that you just sprinkle on somebody and say, "Let's be excited." If you would have asked me Thursday, our Thursday practice was about as bad as we've had this year, to be honest with you. I mean, these guys know, I'm sweating bullets. I say, "We may get run out of the stadium."
But young people are resilient. We talked about being here, the great opportunity we had. I told them, "This is a tremendous Bowl, the tradition of this Bowl, to put the exclamation point on this season was extremely important."
As for last season, it was after the Georgia game that he used it a second time....

And make no mistake, the Vols' 27-14 loss to Georgia was a funeral attended by 108,470. Tennessee's dream season -- one that started with a No. 3 ranking in most national polls, assumptions of a Southeastern Conference title and dreams of a national championship -- is dead, dead, dead.

"If I could sprinkle magic dust on it, hell, I'd fix it," Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer said.
So, he did use it last year. Sorry that the losses in the pathetic season he commanded last year all ran together after a while.
What do you think about the UNIFORMS Hat?

Which are your favs? Which do you hate?

I'm with you about the all orange....I wish they would throw them in every once in a while, just not against Memphis.

Did you like the throwbacks?
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
Was my thread on Uniforms not good enough for you?


Ha Ha!!

I'm sorry!!

I didn't even realize the thread was about unis..........Until I actually read it.

(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
What do you think about the UNIFORMS Hat?

Which are your favs? Which do you hate?

I'm with you about the all orange....I wish they would throw them in every once in a while, just not against Memphis.

Did you like the throwbacks?
I like the throwbacks as a change of pace. We've never had any uniforms that particularly bothered me. I'm not really a traditionalist when it comes to outfitting the team. I have no problem with expanding the use of black on the uniforms, but that's purely personal preference. As I stated earlier, the orange pants should be worn on the road.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jun 30 said:
Names on the back of unis and the outline of the #'s!!

Bring the fat stripe on the helmet back!!
Orange Pants for away games (with or without the double stripe)

Black cleets!!

Don't care about the socks, white or black, but when it's cold, wear the Orange leggings for home games.

The black trim around the #'s and nameplates is the worst thing that ever happened to our uniforms.

The black trim makes it much easier to read the names and numbers on the white background. That's why there isn't any black on the Orange uniforms.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 30 said:
I like the throwbacks as a change of pace. We've never had any uniforms that particularly bothered me. I'm not really a traditionalist when it comes to outfitting the team. I have no problem with expanding the use of black on the uniforms, but that's purely personal preference. As I stated earlier, the orange pants should be worn on the road.

I'm torn on the Orange pants. I'm not sure about how I feel about them.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
Funny you say that. The basketball team will probably wear black uniforms at neutral sites next season.
Well, I guess bruce could incorporate pink and i'd still love him.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
The black trim makes it much easier to read the names and numbers on the white background. That's why there isn't any black on the Orange uniforms.

It never was a problem until 1994. I'm sure I could still read them just fine. We shouldn't have changed them because John Ward and other announcers didn't have good vision. I could always read the #'s just fine, and not being able to read the names on the back of the jerseys is insignificant.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
It's JUST a comment. Fulmer doesn't ACTUALLY believe that socks had anything to do with luck. He also never believed that "magic dust" would fix anything. It's called Sarcasam, and since you put it in almost every one of your posts, I would think you would understand it. Course, it doesn't fit your agenda to allow Fulmer to use it.

Anyway, BACK ON TOPIC......
I'm not a big fan of the Orange on Orange look. I don't like the memories of the last few times we have worn them, although the long term memories are better than those few times. I don't think Phil will go back to Orange on Orange while he is here, although he likes to allow players to vote on certain uniform policies, since they have to wear them, so it's possible, although not really on the radar for this season.
The biggest problem with the last orange on orange (if my memory is correct...I could be wrong) is that they were'nt the same shade of orange
(volbreaker @ Jun 30 said:
The biggest problem with the last orange on orange (if my memory is correct...I could be wrong) is that they were'nt the same shade of orange

You're absolutely right!!

They weren't the "lighter" version, they were a different shade. I love the 80's Orange on Orange, when they were cotton unis, but then when they became "shiny", they were still cool back then.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 30 said:
I'm torn on the Orange pants. I'm not sure about how I feel about them.
I'm not wild about the full orange jersey on full orange pants.For some reason it seems we played bad while wearing that combo.Anyways, my honest opinion, it's just too much orange for me.But if they win, I don't care if they wear their birthday suits (along with the cheerleaders and dance team) :biggrin2: Not really LIO!
How about orange & white candy cane strips on the pants with the new black or gray jersey's addidas is pushing!! wouldn't that just make you pukle on your halloween candy! :ill_h4h:
loved the throwbacks with the orange shoulders, hate the orange pants, love the white on white road uniforms, very clean and classy
fat helmet stripe
orange pants occasionally (road only)
take names off back of jersey
2 orange stripes on side of white pants
black socks black shoes
retro away unis from unlv game (occasionally)
There has been talk about the stripe as well, but I think that is less likely, as it is harder to apply to the helmets, and that is done before every game.

Black socks are gone for sure. Fulmer never liked them even though he let the team vote and wear them. He's part of that older generation that doesn't like it. I never cared much, but I have several friends 45-50+ that hated them!

The Retro Uniforms have been deemed by NCAA to have too much color on them, to be used as an Away Jersey, but also too much white to be a Home Jersey. Therefore, the only time we can wear them is when we play at home, and the other team agrees to bring thier Home Jerseys OR If we play in a Bowl Game and the other team agrees to wear their home jersey even though we would be designated the home team.
i dont care what kind of uniform they ware as long as they come to play every
saturday. there arnt any mirrors on the field just the opposing offence and defence
i do wish they would go back to nike as their sponsor. but i guess money talks and
you know what walks.
(utfantilidie @ Jun 30 said:
I'm not wild about the full orange jersey on full orange pants.For some reason it seems we played bad while wearing that combo.Anyways, my honest opinion, it's just too much orange for me.But if they win, I don't care if they wear their birthday suits (along with the cheerleaders and dance team) :biggrin2: Not really LIO!

is it possible to have too much orange?
(utfantilidie @ Jun 30 said:
I understand the puns sometimes and sometimes they are funny, just not all the time.It's called overkill. Hat is just being Hat.He'll get under your skin if you let him.I'm sure I've probably ticked him off a few times, vice versa, but I don't get mad about it.I say say it to a person's face if you really want to prove your manhood not behind a computer screen.I would like to be at the VolNation meeting in Knoxville though when all hell breaks loose. :biggrin2:
I would too, as an old schooler who agrees with the concept you say what you want at the risk of a punch in the mouth. For my money America would be better off like back in that day, as opposed to walkin on eggs to keep from offending. Attack the post not the poster, we're supposed to be of 1 group here.

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