Q. Coach, what about the fact, I know you talked through the week about wanting Bowl success because you've had some recent Bowl failures. Your team looked excited early, coming out, jumping up. Did you put a lot of emphasis on everybody getting into the game?
COACH FULMER: We're not a senior team. We're a very young football team in a lot of ways. 13 seniors and about five or six that really start.
You know, there's not any magic dust out there that you just sprinkle on somebody and say, "Let's be excited." If you would have asked me Thursday, our Thursday practice was about as bad as we've had this year, to be honest with you. I mean, these guys know, I'm sweating bullets. I say, "We may get run out of the stadium."
But young people are resilient. We talked about being here, the great opportunity we had. I told them, "This is a tremendous Bowl, the tradition of this Bowl, to put the exclamation point on this season was extremely important."
As for last season, it was after the Georgia game that he used it a second time....
And make no mistake, the Vols' 27-14 loss to Georgia was a funeral attended by 108,470. Tennessee's dream season -- one that started with a No. 3 ranking in most national polls, assumptions of a Southeastern Conference title and dreams of a national championship -- is dead, dead, dead.
"If I could sprinkle magic dust on it, hell, I'd fix it," Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer said.