(OrangeSquare @ Jul 1 said:There has been talk about the stripe as well, but I think that is less likely, as it is harder to apply to the helmets, and that is done before every game.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 2 said:The stipe and the T's, as well as NCAA logos, American Flags, ETC are stickers. They are changed before every game. The wide stripes are harder for the Equipment managers to apply.
If they go back to the two narrow stripes on the pants, I don't see them going with a THICK stripe on the helmet.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 2 said:But they had a thick stripe on the helmets with the double stripe on the pants.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 2 said:No equiptment manager whined.
It's just a fact that it takes longer, and takes more money to purchase wider stripes and have whomever is applying them take the extra time to apply them correctly, and then when they mess up, wasting an entire strip.
It's just one of the many reasons that they went away from the wider stripe.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 2 said:Look, All I'm saying is I know a guy that used to scrub the helmets. He said that the guy over the program was telling him how much harder the FAT stripes were to apply, and that it was one of the factors in the change.
I haven't tried it myself, and I haven't been told recently by anyone that matters, that its the only thing holding them back from returning to it.
All I can do is tell you what I have heard, and that's what I was told.
Once again, I think we should wait until the program has distanced itself from a certain reputation. The all orange resembles uniforms of a certain state institution a little too much...(gr8orange1 @ Jul 4 said:I loved the look of the throwbacks from last year. It looked to me over the last couple of years that the shade of orange changed on the unis. As much as I like orange, the orange on orange should only be used in those rare occasions that you want to make a statement, in very rare occasions, and not on televised game.
this is something i could get behind....but make it the dual stripes on the pants....(allvol@15 @ Jul 3 said:like this?
(milohimself @ Jul 4 said:Once again, I think we should wait until the program has distanced itself from a certain reputation. The all orange resembles uniforms of a certain state institution a little too much...