Appropriate punishment or not?

Aggravated manslaughter? Absolutely not. Assault? Yes. Is 2 years adequate? No. I would think somewhere around 10 years would be acceptable.
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Call someone a racial slur, get hit in the mouth for it and then shoot and kill the person because they did something you knew was coming? I’m not surprised you would defend that

An almost 80 year old person? I absolutely would support and defend that. Why should a racial slur entice violence? Figures you would support the childish idiot who gets their feelings hurt by a word. Well as long as that person is black. I am sure if a black person called a guy a cracker, white guy punched him and got killed, the black guy would be in the right.
An almost 80 year old person? I absolutely would support and defend that. Why should a racial slur entice violence? Figures you would support the childish idiot who gets their feelings hurt by a word. Well as long as that person is black. I am sure if a black person called a guy a cracker, white guy punched him and got killed, the black guy would be in the right.

Lol at comparing “cracker” to the N word like the most clueless of white people. Killing someone for punching you in the face once in a situation you created isn’t “self-defense” anyway, so no, no one black or white should be shooting someone over this. Wtf kind of trigger-happy country are we in
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I also love the approach of implying the employee is too sensitive, while also saying people should be out here ending others’ lives every time they talk sh*t and get punched for it (because that’s just way too much to handle without pulling out a gun)
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The n-word does not justify assaulting an old man. Call the police, have the old man charged, but don't hit him. The attacker should have employed restraint and chose not to. His actions resulted in the death of a man. Actions should have consequences. The employee should have done at least a few years in jail IMO. His sentence was far too light and just encourages others to resort to violence when they feel offended.
I also love the approach of implying the employee is too sensitive, while also saying people should be out here ending others’ lives every time they talk sh*t and get punched for it (because that’s just way too much to handle without pulling out a gun)
The old man was wrong for what he did, but the employee's life was not threatened. When fists are thrown, one's life is at risk, and the fact the old man died proves that point.
A couple of years in the pen would be appropriate. A 27 year old punching a 77 year old not in self defense is way out of line even if it's not fatal.
It's not rare for someone who is punched to die or get seriously hurt from their head hitting a hard surface when they fall.
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Lol at comparing “cracker” to the N word like the most clueless of white people. Killing someone for punching you in the face once in a situation you created isn’t “self-defense” anyway, so no, no one black or white should be shooting someone over this. Wtf kind of trigger-happy country are we in

Lol. So you are now the judge of someone’s feeling on their own safety and well being? What if a 77 year old person was punched and felt like their life was in danger? Who the hell are you to decide for them? It’s got nothing to do about a trigger happy world. It’s got everything to do with a person being able to make a choice as to whether or not they feel their life is in danger.

Cracker is a derogatory term. But here is the difference. A black person could call me honkey, cracker or any other derogatory names and it would not cause me to hit them. Wanna know why? Because I am an adult. The N word is a very derogatory word. Yet thinking it’s justification for assaulting someone shows your racisim. Oh I am black and a white guy called me the N word and I can’t handle it. Dude grow up and get a clue.
The guy was in the drivethru, got angry, came inside to throw a tantrum, called dude the word, then got rightfully punched. He's a convicted sex offender too. Sometimes you deserve what you get.

The other guy has no criminal record and is working at Dunkin. Sending him to jail just makes him a career criminal. I'm good with it.
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The guy was in the drivethru, got angry, came inside to throw a tantrum, called dude the word, then got rightfully punched. He's a convicted sex offender too. Sometimes you deserve what you get.

The other guy has no criminal record and is working at Dunkin. Sending him to jail just makes him a career criminal. I'm good with it.
Did you feel that way about George Floyd?
10 years for punching someone is ridiculous.

Even when that punch takes a life? I agree 10 years seems a bit much. The intent to kill wasn't there. But no jail time whatsoever for killing a man?
The only thing these two stories have in common is that somebody was killed on accident.
George Floyd had a criminal past as well. He resisted arrest. Did he deserve what he got? Pretty straight forward question.
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The guy was in the drivethru, got angry, came inside to throw a tantrum, called dude the word, then got rightfully punched. He's a convicted sex offender too. Sometimes you deserve what you get.

The other guy has no criminal record and is working at Dunkin. Sending him to jail just makes him a career criminal. I'm good with it.
Old dude didn't get rightfully punched?? Assault for being called a name??? Unless manager felt he was in danger, there is no justification for hitting the racist.
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Even when that punch takes a life? I agree 10 years seems a bit much. The intent to kill wasn't there. But no jail time whatsoever for killing a man?
I didn’t say no jail time. I was specifically talking about the 10 years.
I didn’t say no jail time. I was specifically talking about the 10 years.
I could actually see a sentence of 6-10 years, out in 3 with good behavior. We often forget that many times, sentences aren't fully served.
How about let’s not march into a store and start calling people the n-word over sh*tty coffee and donuts? Play stupid games you’ll win stupid prizes.

I try to put myself in the shoes of each person and assess relatability. With the worker, I think 99.9% of the time I could brush the old man off and handle him through the correct channels… but if he caught me on that one wrong day, I can relate to hauling off and punching him. On the flip side, I can 100% say I don’t relate to marching into a dunk’n a berating a worker, calling him the n-word. Even on my worst day I’m confident in saying I would never do that.

What does that mean in relation to liability? Probably nothing, but it informs my opinion that most of the responsibility for the incident rests with the instigator. The manager deserves punishment for retaliating and escalating, but he didn’t start the whole thing.

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