Are Asian Americans “White Adjacent”?

Legal immigrants and their children are very good at conforming to the system (which is what seems to be meant by white adjacency) and being productive. I've seen data that shows they outperform native-born Americans, at large. This is not unique at all to Asian Americans.

I don't disagree
Anybody with a modicum of common sense is so tired of identity politics, the powers that be using any perceived difference in the populace to try and pit us against eachother...merely as a distraction while they enrich themselves from the exorbitant taxes taken from the half of society that actually works for a living before we even get our paychecks.

Ever larger government votes for ever more expensive programs vaguely and deceptively laid out in thousand page, pork filled proposals that nobody even bothers to read before voting to pass them....burying us and future generations under an ever increasing mountain of debt.

Race isnt the issue that wrecks this country, or stacks the deck against any 1 American from birth. Poverty is. The single worst problem a person can be born into is poverty, an affliction that never discriminates based on skin tone. Even this problem is not insurmountable....but it is much harder to overcome than others. Not because a man cannot go and get a job and work hard to improve his station...that opportunity still exists for us all. Rather because in many, if not most, cases the opportunities that bring a chance to earn REAL wealth...rather to get RICH and enter the class of citizen that lives largely above the law, and certainly above the struggle and any worry of not having enough of this or that...those opportunities seem to be decided far more often not by WHAT a man knows, but rather by WHO he knows and has connections with.

The recession we are currently in, just like the last one in 2008, will further widen the huge chasm between the " haves " and "have nots". They always do. This is by design, not some accident that just happens to further enrich the investment class who have never punched a time clock in their lives...because they were born rich and will die even richer. My 2 black sisters have exactly as much chance as i do to break into this political class..which is to say none. Not doctors with new Porsches, but the men who own hospitals which the government must approve for you to build. What color a persons skin is has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a person is part of this class. They are born into it. The liberals can keep making up these nonsense terms for genders that do not exist, for "theories of race" , for whatever identity based politics are the buzzword this week. Its all complete bullsheit...anyone who is paying attention with an IQ above room temperature can easily see this. It is the political equivalent of " look!!! A squirrel!!" They can put it in the garbage where it belongs with the rest of their half brained ideas.
I don't know what you're asking
I too have known Nigerians that have come to this country and thrived (anecdotal, but it counts).

They are black, and physically indistinguishable from African Americans here in the US - everything that goes into their physical “identity” is the same.

Their identity (as relates to Identity Politics) does not appear to be negatively impacting them here.
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If Harvard wants their student body to reflect what America looks like, I do not view that as a penalty for success. I just view it as a quota.

Who is actually saying Asians are not POC's?
There is discussion on both sides re: Asian Americans as a “real” minority right now.
If Harvard wants their student body to reflect what America looks like, I do not view that as a penalty for success. I just view it as a quota.

Who is actually saying Asians are not POC's?
Different question (same ballpark) -

Do you support Affirmative Action?
There is discussion on both sides re: Asian Americans as a “real” minority right now.

I know this is what you believe, but I'm asking for actual examples of real people saying Asians are not POC's and are not a minority group. Who is discussing this? You seem to be having this conversation with yourselves.

I don't doubt there is somebody out there saying this, but we're giving this attention like everybody who is in on CRT is taking this position, and I can't find one damn person.
I know this is what you believe, but I'm asking for actual examples of real people saying Asians are not POC's and are not a minority group. Who is discussing this? You seem to be having this conversation with yourselves.

I don't doubt there is somebody out there saying this, but we're giving this attention like everybody who is in on CRT is taking this position, and I can't find one damn person.
Well Robin Diangelo for one. She’s a pretty big deal in the White Supremacy / Anti-racism circles.

She wrote White Fragility.
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And where did RD say that "Asian Americans are not POC's or 'real' minorities" ?
Robin DiAngelo, author of the now-infamous book White Fragility, defines it this way: "The closer you are to whiteness—the term often used is white-adjacent—you're still going to experience racism, but there are going to be some benefits due to your perceived proximity to whiteness. The further away you are, the more intense the oppression's going to be."
I would not dignify White Fragility by wiping my azz with it. The ideas in that book, CRT, and the white guilt movement are racist to their core and should be publicly (not pubicly) ridiculed by everyone the way they are by Sowell. They are an insult to POC, and an affront to the sensibilities of anyone who has worked hard to earn that which they own. If those of us who are still sane and attached to reality sit in silence while these clowns try and normalize their mental illness by attempting to create 14 genders or rewrite history and demonize Caucasians...we are complicit in this insanity. We need to denounce this garbage publicly and without hate. Logic, reason, science, history etc are our foundation and method of resistance . Not hatred or violence. We need to speak up though. The Emperor wears no clothes...we must not share in the delusion by keeping our mouths shut and hoping it will go away. It never does. Ever.
Robin DiAngelo, author of the now-infamous book White Fragility, defines it this way: "The closer you are to whiteness—the term often used is white-adjacent—you're still going to experience racism, but there are going to be some benefits due to your perceived proximity to whiteness. The further away you are, the more intense the oppression's going to be."

Perfect example.
They created an entirely new acronym- expressly to REMOVE Asian Americans.

It’s called BIPOC
I mean, why wouldn't you make diversity hires if you are a big business? It's good PR.
Not talking about big business. That’s just DEI, and all for show.

Universities using race to select admission. The kind of Affirmative Action that generated most of the controversy.
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That's a free market approach. Let the market place figure out the balance. Under that system, America would have to "fail" immigrants who didn't make the cut by sending them back to their country of origin. Which of course, is another non-starter.

One thing he’s failed to address is that critical race theory openly rejects market based and “liberal” options. The things he supposedly believes in, yet he’s openly defending their antithesis
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Legal immigrants and their children are very good at conforming to the system (which is what seems to be meant by white adjacency) and being productive. I've seen data that shows they outperform native-born Americans, at large. This is not unique at all to Asian Americans.

Which seems to imply the probably isn’t “institutional racism” given immigrants of all races are extremely successful, but is rather a cultural issue
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Robin DiAngelo, author of the now-infamous book White Fragility, defines it this way: "The closer you are to whiteness—the term often used is white-adjacent—you're still going to experience racism, but there are going to be some benefits due to your perceived proximity to whiteness. The further away you are, the more intense the oppression's going to be."

That is not at all saying what you were saying.
If Harvard wants their student body to reflect what America looks like, I do not view that as a penalty for success. I just view it as a quota.

Who is actually saying Asians are not POC's?

The term white adjacent implies Asians are closer to white than they are “POC”. That’s the literal meaning of white adjacent is close to white
The term white adjacent implies Asians are closer to white than they are “POC”. That’s the literal meaning of white adjacent is close to white

I think there’s some right angle trig in there somewhere. Then again math is racist.
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