Are Dick Morris & Hillary Clinton going after a weak Biden Admin?

If Biden makes it until the end of 2022 I would be surprised. Seems as though the Hillary talk is being floated out for a reason, the gauge the temp and see how bad it would split the party up. Said it last week, give it a few weeks before Biden challenges Hillary in the press as he'll get tired of hearing about it.

Democrats really like to eat their own as the scavengers are already mentioning possible 25th amendment. Now I don't think that happens but they elect a stiff then want to find a way to get rid of him.
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Would be interesting to see where she tries to position herself. Biden was supposed to be the middle-of-the-aisle uniter. I can’t see Hilary having any shot if she positions herself anywhere close to where Biden actually ended up.
She’s knows the game, she’ll go voter suppression, jobs, minimum wage, us vs them, Supreme Court packing, women's choice. May tip toe into free college to gain traction from Sanders base.
Democrats really like to eat their own as the scavengers are already mentioning possible 25th amendment. Now I don't think that happens but they elect a stiff then want to find a way to get rid of him.
and then you have Harris the other element to the equation
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She’s knows the game, she’ll go voter suppression, jobs, minimum wage, us vs them, Supreme Court packing, women's choice. May tip toe into free college to gain traction from Sanders base.
She needs to reconcile with the deplorables.
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and then you have Harris the other element to the equation

Hillary is looking at the sheer incompetence and wondering how these lightweights are in office over her resume.

When Harris learns her next valid foreign policy position then it will be her first.
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She’s knows the game, she’ll go voter suppression, jobs, minimum wage, us vs them, Supreme Court packing, women's choice. May tip toe into free college to gain traction from Sanders base.
I'm not sure that would get her anywhere close to a win after 4 years of Biden, assuming he doesn't pivot in a big way.
She’s knows the game, she’ll go voter suppression, jobs, minimum wage, us vs them, Supreme Court packing, women's choice. May tip toe into free college to gain traction from Sanders base.
After her pal, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, rigged the 2016 nomination against Sanders, I don’t think there’s anything she can say or do to win over the Bernie Bros.
After her pal, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, rigged the 2016 nomination against Sanders, I don’t think there’s anything she can say or do to win over the Bernie Bros.
Very true….but if you float free, you get ears listening. But another example of corruption by Deb Wasserman-Schultz that doesn’t get enough focus along with Donnas passing of questions.
After her pal, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, rigged the 2016 nomination against Sanders, I don’t think there’s anything she can say or do to win over the Bernie Bros.
Luther says that didn't happen and his primary vote counted.
Oh yeah Trump v Clinton 2 is exactly what we need. Just put this country out of its misery if that happens

Sounds like a divide is growing between T and DeSantis. RD is so far refusing to play nice and step aside.
Yes, oh mighty message board warrior.

Your sad attempt to discredit my credibility as stated with your play at dismissive humor is as transparent as it is predictable. It is also a common tactic of the left - and indeed many psyops actually.

It is exactly because my knowledge comes from real things done outside of some message board (with apologies to Freak) that I have the ability to speak as a highly experienced expert. Now when it comes to law, notice my statements tend to be with many disclaimers because it is not one of my fields of expertise. Thus while my sentiments may be different from several of VN's resident lawyers, I tend to give due weight to their discussion of actual law. The same if I opine about Russian troop movements near Ukraine or for that matter, football. Doesnt stop me from having and sharing my opinion but I freely admit it is that, just an opinion.

When it comes to election operations, however, I am far more qualified (due to unique experience) to speak than most of the pundits you see on TV. Mostly of course because guys like me (on both sides) tend to operate in the shadows - and often for good reason since even people who like to eat the sausage are a bit squeamish about the process of making it. That is not to intimate that I am always right either. Just that my POV is very well informed from inside the machine as well as from without.

Experts can be wrong too, as Anthony Fauci proves every day - but here the difference is that Fauci is still in the middle of the operation, not anonymously discussing it on a message board. Thus nothing from his lips are likely to be untainted from the purpose of the operation and so he may be making deliberate misstatements rather than errors in judgment. I am no longer a practicing politician, election official or political operative so my POV can be at greater arms length.

And really I say ALL that, not with the intent to bolster my own puffery but rather that you grasp that, you may not understand why people still believe the 2020 Presidential (and several US Senate seats) were stolen but given that I am saying it is quite likely, and Im speaking as a qualified expert in the matter of election integrity as well as "red team" operations - you should not dismiss that out of hand and give it some due weight.
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Your sad attempt to discredit my credibility as stated with your play at dismissive humor is as transparent as it is predictable. It is also a common tactic of the left - and indeed many psyops actually.

It is exactly because my knowledge comes from real things done outside of some message board (with apologies to Freak) that I have the ability to speak as a highly experienced expert. Now when it comes to law, notice my statements tend to be with many disclaimers because it is not one of my fields of expertise. Thus while my sentiments may be different from several of VN's resident lawyers, I tend to give due weight to their discussion of actual law. The same if I opine about Russian troop movements near Ukraine or for that matter, football. Doesnt stop me from having and sharing my opinion but I freely admit it is that, just an opinion.

When it comes to election operations, however, I am far more qualified (due to unique experience) to speak than most of the pundits you see on TV. Mostly of course because guys like me (on both sides) tend to operate in the shadows - and often for good reason since even people who like to eat the sausage are a bit squeamish about the process of making it. That is not to intimate that I am always right either. Just that my POV is very well informed from inside the machine as well as from without.

Experts can be wrong too, as Anthony Fauci proves every day - but here the difference is that Fauci is still in the middle of the operation, not anonymously discussing it on a message board. Thus nothing from his lips are likely to be untainted from the purpose of the operation and so he may be making deliberate misstatements rather than errors in judgment. I am no longer a practicing politician, election official or political operative so my POV can be at greater arms length.

And really I say ALL that, not with the intent to bolster my own puffery but rather that you grasp that, you may not understand why people still believe the 2020 Presidential (and several US Senate seats) were stolen but given that I am saying it is quite likely, and Im speaking as a qualified expert in the matter of election integrity as well as "red team" operations - you should not dismiss that out of hand and give it some due weight.

I give your statements the same weight I give any anonymous person's statements on the internet.
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