Are Dick Morris & Hillary Clinton going after a weak Biden Admin?

I may be asking one of my Emotional Support Canadians to sponsor my family for asylum if we get Hillary vs Donald 2.0. Not really. But maybe.
If it happens, I'm moving to Mexico
+Supporting Trump for 2024 doesn't make any sense. He would be a lame duck almost immediately.
And if he did win, it'd be 4 more years of trying to impeach him from the left, and a cult like following by some on the right. It may actually lead to civil war, it wouldn't shock me.
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I may be asking one of my Emotional Support Canadians to sponsor my family for asylum if we get Hillary vs Donald 2.0. Not really. But maybe.
I think I'd seriously consider some Idaho land and go off grid. Just tricky to find good ground water out there.
Biden is a disaster. Most of us know that. So the best Dems can do is to try and run Hillary again?
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If it happens, I'm moving to Mexico

Everyone usually throws out the Canada route. I’m with ya dude, I would hit up Mexico way before I did Canada.

I hate the cold.
I don’t tend to get along with white socialist liberals.
I love the sun.
I love tacos.
I do get along with Hispanics.

Mexico is the logical choice here.
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Everyone usually throws out the Canada route. I’m with ya dude, I would hit up Mexico way before I did Canada.

I hate the cold.
I don’t tend to get along with white socialist liberals.
I love the sun.
I love tacos.
I do get along with Hispanics.

Mexico is the logical choice here.




Yeah, I think I know which I would choose.
For the good of the country Trump needs to just go away

And so many more need to join him, but of course, they won't. For some reason, we'll continue to elect idiots.
Don't bother trying to reason with them. They are beyond rational thought at this point and we just have to hope Darwin takes care of things.

Don't get your hopes up, after all, gator fans still exist.
Neither side seems able to find a halfway decent candidate. We are so screwed.
Your sad attempt to discredit my credibility as stated with your play at dismissive humor is as transparent as it is predictable. It is also a common tactic of the left - and indeed many psyops actually.

It is exactly because my knowledge comes from real things done outside of some message board (with apologies to Freak) that I have the ability to speak as a highly experienced expert. Now when it comes to law, notice my statements tend to be with many disclaimers because it is not one of my fields of expertise. Thus while my sentiments may be different from several of VN's resident lawyers, I tend to give due weight to their discussion of actual law. The same if I opine about Russian troop movements near Ukraine or for that matter, football. Doesnt stop me from having and sharing my opinion but I freely admit it is that, just an opinion.

When it comes to election operations, however, I am far more qualified (due to unique experience) to speak than most of the pundits you see on TV. Mostly of course because guys like me (on both sides) tend to operate in the shadows - and often for good reason since even people who like to eat the sausage are a bit squeamish about the process of making it. That is not to intimate that I am always right either. Just that my POV is very well informed from inside the machine as well as from without.

Experts can be wrong too, as Anthony Fauci proves every day - but here the difference is that Fauci is still in the middle of the operation, not anonymously discussing it on a message board. Thus nothing from his lips are likely to be untainted from the purpose of the operation and so he may be making deliberate misstatements rather than errors in judgment. I am no longer a practicing politician, election official or political operative so my POV can be at greater arms length.

And really I say ALL that, not with the intent to bolster my own puffery but rather that you grasp that, you may not understand why people still believe the 2020 Presidential (and several US Senate seats) were stolen but given that I am saying it is quite likely, and Im speaking as a qualified expert in the matter of election integrity as well as "red team" operations - you should not dismiss that out of hand and give it some due weight.
You sound like a self important ass hat who is lying. I too have worked in elections .
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And if he did win, it'd be 4 more years of trying to impeach him from the left, and a cult like following by some on the right. It may actually lead to civil war, it wouldn't shock me.

These politicians like Biden, Clinton, etc have spent their entire careers trying to get into the Oval Office. They were pissed that a non politician could come in and achieve it like he did without the phony behavior for decades.

They were not going to stand idolly by.

Biden had no business getting the job. He is the same political moron he's always been. They all think they should be in the WH now.
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These politicians like Biden, Clinton, etc have spent their entire careers trying to get into the Oval Office. They were pissed that a non politician could come in and achieve it like he did without the phony behavior for decades.

They were not going to stand idolly by.

Biden had no business getting the job. He is the same political moron he's always been. They all think they should be in the WH now.
Maybe Hillary will write a book about the Biden administration, "It Takes a Village Idiot"...

We keep electing morons.
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These politicians like Biden, Clinton, etc have spent their entire careers trying to get into the Oval Office. They were pissed that a non politician could come in and achieve it like he did without the phony behavior for decades.

They were not going to stand idolly by.

Biden had no business getting the job. He is the same political moron he's always been. They all think they should be in the WH now.
That was the deal with trump. It wasn't that he was "racist", cause Biden has a literal track record of racism. It wasn't morals, because well, Democrats aren't known for having good morals. It was that he beat Hillary, and they still can't accept that. Look on here, Facebook, any social media. There's literally nobody bragging about Biden, it's still all about trump. Democrats can't do anything without blaming a Republican, and look at Virginia for the most recent proof. Look no further than Virginia, they were blaming Youngkin for the interstate backup in the snowstorm, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Republicans have plenty of faults, but the democratic party has become a circus, and a joke. It doesn't matter who runs for what, if they're a Republican, then they suddenly become a racist, rapist, and are at fault for everything. Only a Democrat will blame white people, for a Muslim going and taking Jews hostage in Texas, then swear the Muslim had nothing against the Jewish people. It's a circus, literally.
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That was the deal with trump. It wasn't that he was "racist", cause Biden has a literal track record of racism. It wasn't morals, because well, Democrats aren't known for having good morals. It was that he beat Hillary, and they still can't accept that. Look on here, Facebook, any social media. There's literally nobody bragging about Biden, it's still all about trump. Democrats can't do anything without blaming a Republican, and look at Virginia for the most recent proof. Look no further than Virginia, they were blaming Youngkin for the interstate backup in the snowstorm, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Republicans have plenty of faults, but the democratic party has become a circus, and a joke. It doesn't matter who runs for what, if they're a Republican, then they suddenly become a racist, rapist, and are at fault for everything. Only a Democrat will blame white people, for a Muslim going and taking Jews hostage in Texas, then swear the Muslim had nothing against the Jewish people. It's a circus, literally.
They won't be able to play the racist card for long as the Republican party is becoming more diverse. That's why they also play the "fascist" card. Even though many democrats are the ones who believe in totalitarianism and worship of and complete obedience to their political leaders - which is a characteristic of fascism.

And there is worship and support of Biden. I suggest taking a look at the Occupy Democrats Facebook page. That's one place you will find it. You can probably find it plenty of places on Twitter as well.
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