Are Dick Morris & Hillary Clinton going after a weak Biden Admin?

You got a good point.
I probably should correct myself and say many don't know how to act at times. That's probably more accurate.

It cracks me up when democrats complain about Trump's behavior and rhetoric since 2016. Especially when many of them act the exact same way he does.
That was the deal with trump. It wasn't that he was "racist", cause Biden has a literal track record of racism. It wasn't morals, because well, Democrats aren't known for having good morals. It was that he beat Hillary, and they still can't accept that. Look on here, Facebook, any social media. There's literally nobody bragging about Biden, it's still all about trump. Democrats can't do anything without blaming a Republican, and look at Virginia for the most recent proof. Look no further than Virginia, they were blaming Youngkin for the interstate backup in the snowstorm, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Republicans have plenty of faults, but the democratic party has become a circus, and a joke. It doesn't matter who runs for what, if they're a Republican, then they suddenly become a racist, rapist, and are at fault for everything. Only a Democrat will blame white people, for a Muslim going and taking Jews hostage in Texas, then swear the Muslim had nothing against the Jewish people. It's a circus, literally.

It's projection especially from the uppity elites.
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You sound like a self important ass hat who is lying. I too have worked in elections .

After re-reading my post, I must agree it smacks far too much of self-importance, a malady I suffered much from in my youth and clearly by my post, I have not successfully removed all vestiges of it quite yet. Hopefully, an aging wizard can be forgiven of the occasional folly.

The charge of lying, however, betrays your lack of honest analysis. My posts here have been both consistent and factual or stated as opinion. When rarely I share a personal anecdote, even those that may seem fantastical, I have on occasion, provided evidence of them, e.g. Goal Posts. I have not even shared my doings that would probably seem less believable to the average person, since some of them may hit a little too close to home and I still value relative anonymity in our brave new world. No, your unsubstantiated charge of lying is the typical refuge of those devoid of any truth of their own to posit. Surely you are better than that? I think you are.

As to your having worked in elections, all to the good for your service either as a volunteer or as the underpaid staff that make up most election operations. But unless you have done some very very unusual things, it is unlikely your experience in any way compares to mine. And candidly, you seem a bit too partisan and insufficiently jaded to have engaged in the type of operations I am speaking of.
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Neither side seems able to find a halfway decent candidate. We are so screwed.

Perhaps the trouble is that no one is looking for a "halfway decent" candidate AKA a candidate that would be acceptable to both "sides" but rather both sides are looking for a candidate that is 110% acceptable to their loudest partisans - which if you think about it, does make some sense, since they will have to win the primary before the general.
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Critical conversations around the historically low poll numbers and one of the worst starts to a presidency since the 1960's-70's.

Biden Is the Ultimate COVID Casualty
By: Dick Morris

COVID was the issue that elected him and it will yet be the death of his career.

It’s very hard for a 79-year-old man, never especially intellectually gifted even in his younger days, to realize he is mistaken and even harder to change his mind.

Biden’s other mistakes are cloaked in complexity, but this one is in Macy’s window for us all to see, and it is destroying his presidency and his legacy.

Biden Is the Ultimate COVID Casualty |

Dick Morris: Hillary Triangulates as She Eyes 2024 Bid

Behind the blame game is a struggle for positioning in the 2024 election if Biden is not running and Harris is crippled.

As the Democrat field of possible presidential candidates comes to grips with the unpopularity of both its president and vice president, the various factions in the party are showing their colors. Talk of dumping Biden and Harris is rife among Capitol Hill Democrats and will surely escalate when the extent of the wipeout the party is facing becomes apparent.

Dick Morris: Hillary Triangulates as She Eyes 2024 Bid

Deconstructing the case for a 2024 Hillary Clinton bid

(CNN)Hillary Clinton is perfectly positioned to step into the breach created by an unpopular Joe Biden and a shaky Kamala Harris in 2024, according to a new op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by pollster Doug Schoen and former New York City Council president Andrew Stein.

The case against a Hillary Clinton 2024 election bid - CNNPolitics

Morris is just wishful thinking as he wants another campaign to run and get paid millions. He’s not had a good paying gig since Slick Willy.
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Perhaps the trouble is that no one is looking for a "halfway decent" candidate AKA a candidate that would be acceptable to both "sides" but rather both sides are looking for a candidate that is 110% acceptable to their loudest partisans - which if you think about it, does make some sense, since they will have to win the primary before the general.
Part of the problem is their shouldn't be "both" sides. There should be multiple sides.

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