I find it difficult to believe that Dooley of all people doesnt understand the importance of a run game. If randoms on a forum know it I'm sure the son of a National Championship winning SEC coach knows it. Better than any of us. Now whether or not he was in a situation to get it to be effective is a totally different argument.
I really wish people would go back and watch '12 games without the Gruden Circle-Jerk Glasses on. The D gave the O opportunities in MS ST game too. They forced them to 3 straight punts, and the didn't do anything with it. Even fumbled the ball with like 7-8 mins left in the forth that would have closed the gap to 3-pts a whole 2mins earlier than we ended up doing so, and given us continued momentum. And in the Mizzou game how is it fair to put it all on the D when they held them to 21 until the last min of the game?? The O had multiple tomes to at least put up a FG, and we wouldn't have gone to OT. Y'all include the OT #s to make them look bad and blame it on a squad that played their hearts out even though they were depleted. At the end of the day after the '11 season people wanted games to be closer, and better fought. They were in '12, and if people were to watch the games they would realize it. The Gruden circle jerk, and the heartbreaking tease type games was not a good mix.
Now to both of yalls "focusing on the run game" comments. It was confirmed on here by DeerPark (AD insider) that the coaching staff would get livid with Bray for not managing the game better. Not listening to them, and going rogue when they wanted to control the game clock with runs etc. And no we couldnt sit Bray like so many wanted to say back then when people like me would make mention of Brays bratty behaviour hurting the team. We can see now that Worley and Peterman weren't ready to take the job. The fact that Dooley had no other option at QB, thx Kiffin, was one of the biggest underlying issues during his era.