Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

"I don't know if this will throw us into an NCAA investigation -- my senior year, I was getting money on the side," said Foster. "I really didn't have any money. I had to either pay the rent or buy some food. I remember the feeling of like, 'Man, be careful.' But there's nothing wrong with it. And you're not going to convince me that there is something wrong with it.

"There were plenty of times where throughout the month I didn't have enough for food," Foster said in the 90-minute documentary. "Our stadium had like 107,000 seats; 107,000 people buying a ticket to come watch us play. It's tough just like knowing that, being aware of that. We had just won and I had a good game, 100 yards or whatever You go outside and there's hundreds of kids waiting for you. You're signing autographs, taking pictures, whatever.

"Then I walk back, and reality sets in. I go to my dorm room, open my fridge, and there's nothing in my fridge. Hold up, man. What just happened? Why don't I have anything to show for what I just did? There was a point where we had no food, no money, so I called my coach and I said, 'Coach, we don't have no food. We don't have no money. We're hungry. Either you give us some food, or I'm gonna go do something stupid.' He came down and he brought like 50 tacos for like four or five of us. Which is an NCAA violation. [laughs] But then, the next day I walk up to the facility and I see my coach pull up in a brand new Lexus. Beautiful."

"I'm a firm believer that an employee should get paid for his work," Foster added. "And, 100 percent, I see student athletes as employees. Hiding from it is just cowardly."
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I think Foster is very prideful and sometimes his arrogance gets him in trouble. Let's just hope his arrogance doesn't cost the school and football program another investigation.
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But but but they get a free education. Who cares if they have money to live.

Well since we have had 3 more coaches since he started playing here, all of which he was not coached under, I am pretty sure this is not enough grounds to start an investigation. JMO though.
This should bring out the Foster haters...

Honestly, though, I don't see a lot of positives coming from this.
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So when he says he doesn't have enough money for food, he really means he doesn't want to eat dorm food like the "regular" kids.
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the NCAA wants nothing to do with this. Can you imagine taking a school down because the players had to buy food to live? Not good PR

besides, if they come after UT for these small amounts they'll have to visit every D-I campus in the country
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"I'm a firm believer that an employee should get paid for his work," Foster added. "And, 100 percent, I see student athletes as employees. Hiding from it is just cowardly."

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Foster is on point here. The NCAA is a bunch of crooks. The only people who aren't rich is the people who make them rich and they are flat broke for the most part.
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Why Arian? Every player has meal plan. I'm not buying this I was hungry out in the cold stuff. They may not be eating steak every night, but nobody is going to bed hungry.
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So when he says he doesn't have enough money for food, he really means he doesn't want to eat dorm food like the "regular" kids.

This was my first thought too. Did he have family/ a kid while at UT though? I kinda assume he's talking about having food for them.
Yeah I'm confused, they have a meal plan paid for. They don't go hungry. I understand that late after a game the cafeteria might be closed but I don't see a scenario where they need to take extra money to eat.
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Wow. Thanks Arian. Way to throw us under the bus and bring the NCAA knocking on our door. :mad:

This will not end well.:banghead2:

"But there's nothing wrong with it. And you're not going to convince me that there is something wrong with it."

What an idiot. Yes, there is something wrong with it. It's against the rules.

"I don't know if this will throw us into an NCAA investigation -- ". Umm, yes it will.
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