Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Misread thread title thought it said "Arian foster admits to taking monkey while at UT"

Kinda disappointed
What if the coach showed up with a pencil and pad and did a budget 101 class...

If Foster was driving a escalade, living off campus he made a choice to do costs money inflows and out flows....

Escalates 400 a month easily...apartment food and utilities easily a 1000. Problem is choices and living beyond means....didn't foster have a Mary Jane issue at one time? There another expense...

Some of these players feel they are entitled...the ones that don't usually have sound budgeting skills...the system sucks...

We need to pay equally the kids on this team, and have an emergency fund for disasters...

One year a relative died of one of our players....he needed to go home....could not afford the airfare to get home west coast....

He got home and to the funeral....this is what we need for our kids....for all athelitic departs.

The NCAA needs to provide a fund for these situations emergency type funding....

I paid for a ticket in a similar type situation had she been an athlete it would have been a violation....I am sure of it at the time....
I had several convos with Arian as well as listening to convos between Arian and Anthony Parker during their time on campus. This was before his senior year. Arian "hated" Tennessee. Whether that was the state or program or people I don't know. But he "couldn't wait to get out of here".

Now I believe that probably his real intent was to support players that are getting in trouble but he had to know this would also reflect on Tennessee badly and he chose to do it anyway. Either way he clearly has little regard for the university.

As a final note he obviously didn't spend the money he received from the university wisely if he was struggling to eat. He could have taken out loans like the rest of college students. He should be thankful he doesn't have $50,000 in loans to pay back. But I digress.
From what I understand, Foster did lawyer up to protect UT, to make sure nothing would come of the matter. He also contacted Coach Jones to let him know no harm is meant to come to UT, he was trying in his own arrogant kind of way to shed some light on the NCAA.

Do I agree with it, NO. It is in the past no one has said or asked let it go, don't offer makes him look worse after signing a 43 million dollar contract.

Do I think kids need to get paid, on the fence but NO. How many working families can work enough hours to put a child through UT. Even if not working how many kids can work an 8 hour job to make enough money to go through UT. It is america, it is a business you have to pay your dues to make it in life. They have the chance to make lottery type money what is our end result in a modest life and with a degree?
Arian - way to endear yourself with the Fans. Somethings in life are best kept unsaid particularly when it doesn't hurt or aid anyone. If I were a Texan Fan or team mate I would be concerned about a guy like this that has loose lips. Not going to wish ill harm to you as someone else did, but you have to question your motives for coming out with this now in the wake of playing the Gators. As an old Lady told me once,"Just Shush yo mouf".
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I seriously doubt he lawyered up at all. And in any case he didn't sound to sure with "I don't know if this will throw us into an investigation, but.....".

From what I understand, Foster did lawyer up to protect UT, to make sure nothing would come of the matter. He also contacted Coach Jones to let him know no harm is meant to come to UT, he was trying in his own arrogant kind of way to shed some light on the NCAA.

Do I agree with it, NO. It is in the past no one has said or asked let it go, don't offer makes him look worse after signing a 43 million dollar contract.

Do I think kids need to get paid, on the fence but NO. How many working families can work enough hours to put a child through UT. Even if not working how many kids can work an 8 hour job to make enough money to go through UT. It is america, it is a business you have to pay your dues to make it in life. They have the chance to make lottery type money what is our end result in a modest life and with a degree?
Is this Arians way of getting back the fans and the university of Tennessee, seems to me that's the way I've taken it. Like to know what he really thinks about the university and the time there, if he really didn't like it there, coulda transferred back to California and been closer to home.
Is this Arians way of getting back the fans and the university of Tennessee, seems to me that's the way I've taken it. Like to know what he really thinks about the university and the time there, if he really didn't like it there, coulda transferred back to California and been closer to home.

Get the same feeling about him.... Come on Arian, take the tiara off and get over it already ....I get what he's saying, and I def think they should be stipend or something. You have to think that a lot of guys come from low income families, and many are a long way from home.... So I get it: many prob don't have money to take their gf on a date , etc.. But jeez, don't throw the whole program under the bus
Still think he was point shaving.. Fumbles fumbles and more fumbles
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