Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Ridiculous that so many fans feel that college athletes need pay. Yes, money is made. They don't have to have a cut of it. If that is your best rationale, several 5-yr olds need to be cut a weekly check from YMCA. Get your education and be thankful. Play football, or don't. And quit whining.

What a load of bs.
Yea man he hates UT that's why he came back during the O&W game and DJ it. Cause that's what people do when they hate a place. Go back and entertain the people they hate

Hey man, would you please point out where I said the word "hate"? Grudges and hate are completely different lol. Try to share an inside intake on the situation and someone is always there to try and blow it up in your face. Lol. Hope some of y'all actually appreciate what my posts have to offer.
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I'm just thankful that Hamilton is gone. The idiot fired our greatest ever basketball coach over a little BBQ, he'd probably shut down the football program over something like this.

I hope Bama Dave has some cajones and tells the NCAA to take a hike if they ever decide to do something about this. What a joke! And hats off to the coach that brought his players 50 tacos.
AF said he took money on the side then tells this taco story. A bag of tacos is not money on the side.
Actually I think this is kind of a positive spin on the situation. He didn't have any money for food. An athlete has to eat. He did it out of necessity (at least at first). I don't think this is going to have any effect on the program.

What a load of crap!!! Didn't have food!! They have training tables, their scholarship provides FREE meals.

This is total BS. They are not employees. Hell most of them shouldn't be allowed in school in the first place. They get an opportunity like no other just because they can run with a football.
Foster is different, but he is one of the players that graduated and is no dummy. I think he knew exactly what he was doing here. He will not cooperate with the NCAA and reveal the source of payment. The NCAA will then have no place to even start an investigation. This wll all die IMO.
Tennessee is the only school in the world that commits such atrocities! Shameful.

We're not the only ones to commit such atrocities, but we are the only one that has athletes, former students (Lacy), and other people around the program stupid enough to keep running their mouths about what all happens behind the scenes here. Personally, I would like to see us follow the Auburn method more: keep our mouths shut!
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If true, Tennessee definitely overpaid. Same for Bray and Couch. I guess the only amateurs are the respective coaching staffs.
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If true, Tennessee definitely overpaid. Same for Bray and Couch. I guess the only amateurs are the respective coaching staffs.

Except for the fact that UT didn't pay Bray or Couch, and we don't know the they paid Foster anything either we just know that they brought him tacos. He said in the story he received money on the side but never elaborated on where it came from. For all we've known it could've been an agent.
He deserved to be crushed its fine if he still has a beef with the NCAA I dont blame him but he didn't have to throw us under the bus to get his message across.
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From the post in this thread it apppears the majority do not have a problem with a coach at UT cheating but the player better keep his mouth shut.

That about right?

There is just a tad of hypocrisy going on here. Poster on here bash other school regularly for cheating but I haven't read any post downing UT, Fulmer and staff for cheating.
From the post in this thread it apppears the majority do not have a problem with a coach at UT cheating but the player better keep his mouth shut.

That about right?

There is just a tad of hypocrisy going on here. Poster on here bash other school regularly for cheating but I haven't read any post downing UT, Fulmer and staff for cheating.

Finally some perspective!

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