Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

for one thing we don't know who the coach was, it could have been a trooper taylor a known cheater, not a ut guy.
From the post in this thread it apppears the majority do not have a problem with a coach at UT cheating but the player better keep his mouth shut.

That about right?

There is just a tad of hypocrisy going on here. Poster on here bash other school regularly for cheating but I haven't read any post downing UT, Fulmer and staff for cheating.

Solid proof on the hypocrisy there Gramps.

Yes he should keep his mouth shout and I don't have a problem with other schools cheating. It is rampant everywhere, only the most naive don't understand this.
Solid proof on the hypocrisy there Gramps.

Yes he should keep his mouth shout and I don't have a problem with other schools cheating. It is rampant everywhere, only the most naive don't understand this.

I would rather follow a school that still has some integrity about it, but that is just me.
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Lets be real, we only reclaimed Arian because of his success. Deep down, he's still that weird cat he's always been.
If he was losing money in college maybe he should have looked for it on the UF 5 yard line. He sure did lose a lot of things in that small stretch of real estate.

Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Foster needs to, and has needed to for a long time, get over himself.
If he was losing money in college maybe he should have looked for it on the UF 5 yard line. He sure did lose a lot of things in that small stretch of real estate.

Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Foster needs to, and has needed to for a long time, get over himself.

And the Penn St 5 in the Outback Bowl
Lets reverse this a little.... Adrian Foster fumbled at critical times in his career, also effort was not always there in critical situations....saw him with ability of going to the outside at times but in a FL game at the swamp in a fourth down situation he just gave it zero effort...

Point Shaving? Possible...since he was so broke and focused on the $$$
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Im sure it has been stated but dont want to look over 61 pages. It was his choice to move off campus his senior yr. If he would have stayed on campus there would not have been rent. The meal plan picks up plenty of meals and also extends over to some of the stores on campus. Like most have said it happens everywhere, but a lot of this shouldnt. If the parents are that poor a pale grant or financial aid can be obtained on top of the scholarship. Most students come out of college with debt, why should it be different for athletes.
Lets reverse this a little.... Adrian Foster fumbled at critical times in his career, also effort was not always there in critical situations....saw him with ability of going to the outside at times but in a FL game at the swamp in a fourth down situation he just gave it zero effort...

Point Shaving? Possible...since he was so broke and focused on the $$$

Hmmm....possible. I think he just has an axe to grind b/c it never was a warm and fuzzy relationship with UT. That kind of happens when all your fumbles happen at the most crucial points of a ball game like you said. I don't believe in conspiracies, but I do believe there is a coordinated effort at the highest levels to pile on Tennessee while they're down. The hits just keep on comin'.
From the post in this thread it apppears the majority do not have a problem with a coach at UT cheating but the player better keep his mouth shut.

That about right?

There is just a tad of hypocrisy going on here. Poster on here bash other school regularly for cheating but I haven't read any post downing UT, Fulmer and staff for cheating.

We fired all of them. AF still represents the university. Guy makes 100x more than anyone in his graduating class yet still has some sort of problem
Hmmm....possible. I think he just has an axe to grind b/c it never was a warm and fuzzy relationship with UT. That kind of happens when all your fumbles happen at the most crucial points of a ball game like you said. I don't believe in conspiracies, but I do believe there is a coordinated effort at the highest levels to pile on Tennessee while they're down. The hits just keep on comin'.

I think this is an agenda by the media sports outlets to get players paid...there will be more reports everywhere. Some will be exaggerated, overstated, and sells publications makes for great reads and forces the NCAA to do something besides cherry pick....problem is the only kids talking are the disgruntled ones...

Tennessee kidnapped a recruit for a weekend back in the 70s, he became a legend at was a battle between TN and AL....if they had not done it he would have ended up at AL...
Im sure it has been stated but dont want to look over 61 pages. It was his choice to move off campus his senior yr. If he would have stayed on campus there would not have been rent. The meal plan picks up plenty of meals and also extends over to some of the stores on campus. Like most have said it happens everywhere, but a lot of this shouldnt. If the parents are that poor a pale grant or financial aid can be obtained on top of the scholarship. Most students come out of college with debt, why should it be different for athletes.

I was a full scholarship athlete in college. I chose to move off campus after 2 years in the dorms. I received the money for the cost a dorm at the beginning of the semester. I also chose to get a smaller meal plan since I was off campus, and got the leftover money from that as well. I also got money (over a thousand) each semester from financial aid (pell grant) as I was a full qualifier. (In-state full scholarship athletes also get to keep any lottery scholarship money they qualify for these days) That equaled several thousand dollars each semester. I also got a few hundred dollars each year for clothes and school supplies through some grant. I budgeted it accordingly and always had plenty of money for rent, clothes, bills, food, gas, beer, etc. Several teammates would blow the money and then they were screwed. Hence, coaches don't like players moving off campus. Foster just wasn't very smart with his extra money if he was really that broke.
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DM basically made a satire out of his time as a running back at Vandy. It was totally making fun of Arian.

Then said the NCAA needed to investigate it cause he was a hell of a lot better of a running back his senior year, than Arian.
The E:60 piece a few months back was very telling. AF sees himself as some sort of social activist. He was born with a chip on his shoulder.
I was a full scholarship athlete in college. I chose to move off campus after 2 years in the dorms. I received the money for the cost a dorm at the beginning of the semester. I also chose to get a smaller meal plan since I was off campus, and got the leftover money from that as well. I also got money (over a thousand) each semester from financial aid (pell grant) as I was a full qualifier. (In-state full scholarship athletes also get to keep any lottery scholarship money they qualify for these days) That equaled several thousand dollars each semester. I also got a few hundred dollars each year for clothes and school supplies through some grant. I budgeted it accordingly and always had plenty of money for rent, clothes, bills, food, gas, beer, etc. Several teammates would blow the money and then they were screwed. Hence, coaches don't like players moving off campus. Foster just wasn't very smart with his extra money if he was really that broke.

Thank you very much for clearing up what I needed to know. I knew I couldn't count on the TV/Radio Media to report on the "Rent" statement. I heard that and didn't understand why he had to pay rent. Now, I still think a stipend isn't wrong, but your example proves that being a scholarship athlete isn't as bad, financially, as what is often portrayed on TV/Radio.
We fired all of them. AF still represents the university. Guy makes 100x more than anyone in his graduating class yet still has some sort of problem

Those coaches/coach represented the university at that. There should be a little outrage about a coach or coaches cheating instead of all the outrage directed at the player.

As far as a bag of tacos is concerned I would buy them if someone I knew was hungry. That is a NCAA violation but it woud take a cold hearted person to let a player go hungry. That is a dumb rule.
Matthews on 104.5
"SI should be extremely interested in my story because I was a hell of a lot better player my senior season than he was."

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