Arian Foster Scandal

It won't even be close to 50k a month

Yeah I was wondering where that # came from. Then I read the last post about the "non-custodial parents living standard". I love learning new things in detail, but for some reason, just don't know why, I really don't care to find myself knowing way to much about the specifics of child support. Ha!!

Anywho...I think if AFs upbringing this whores upbringing needs to be called out. She's trash and I'm sure her family is proud of it too cause she got her pay day.

Imo she should get enough to provide a safe comfortable home, and AF is forced to set up a trust that the kid has access to when he turns 18. She's doesn't deserve to have a better life cause she's a whore and got knocked up. Unfortunately this is the type of girl that wouldn't know how to rear a child properly, so he would probably be better taken care of if put up for adoption.

This country is just f'd up...
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I think it means you're a lousy husband or wife (bf or gf). But I don't agree with people acting like it's murder -- yeah it feels that way when you've been cheated on ( It sucks to have your heart ripped out, I know that firsthand) and I'm not arguing that but it's not the worst mistake a person can make by a longshot. The heart can and does heal if the person who has been wronged is willing to move past it. People who treat their wives/gfs or husbands/bfs like crap and intentionally emotionally manipulate and emotionally abuse them are far worse that your average cheaters, imo. I say that because emotional abusers have intention but not every cheater goes out there thinking "I'm gonna cheat" or "I'm gonna do whatever I want and not take others into consideration" (those who do are awful as they fall close to the emotional abuser/manipulator because they really don't give an ish if they're harming others just they're own gratification) but some people are more impulsive and don't really plan that out.

But really we're arguing over degrees. I believe some cheaters are worse than others whereas you don't appear draw that distinction. I also believe lousy husbands/wives or gfs/bfs can be otherwise decent people even if they continue to be lousy at relationships. However, I think we both agree it's wrong and hurtful.

I also believe that people can and do change or find redemption if they want to change or seek true redemption which doesn't come without change, imo. Ultimately I also believe in forgiveness when they do change -- doesn't mean you take the person back or even can (sometimes things get broken and can't be fixed) but forgiveness is good for the spiritual and emotional soul of the person wronged and often does more good for their person forgiving than the person who did wrong.

To be redeamed, you have to admit fault, not try and cover it up. Foster is a narcissistic prick.
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To be redeamed, you have to admit fault, not try and cover it up. Foster is a narcissistic prick.

Did I not just say that? Real redemption produces change. As to being a narcissistic prick, maybe he is and maybe he isn't. I don't know the man nor have I followed his story.
I like Foster as a RB. However, anyone that cheats on a spouse is a vile piece of dog $hit. ZERO character and morals.

Selfish narcissistic behavior that comes from upbringing. Yes Fostermom, that means you too.

He wasn't thinking about his wife or kids when he was banging this chick. Classless person with zero morals.

Hes never took responsibility for anything.

Fumble? Bad handoff
Undrafted? Coaches dissed me.
Trash former school? Im starting a revolution.
Texans start 1-4? Oooh my knee hurts.
If true, I can't have much if any sympathy for AF. He had to know after seeing so many politicians and sports figures trapped by fame whores he'd meet one. Further dipping his wick in an oil lamp outside his marriage shows a disregard for himself and his family. You don't know who has HIV. It like playing Russian roulette. So you are creating the chance you could bring it home and infect your wife. Which means the kids grow up without a momma (and papa). So I refuse to believe he loves his kids and wife if this is true.

The woman in my view is lying. She had to know who AF is, especially being from Houston, Texas. Some fame whores just want to hobnob with the rich and famous. get money and gifts, then move on. Some want long term financial security so use their joy toy as a child support weapon. No matter, the man who is so dumb, knowing what everybody knows. Especially the famous whose money and names attract these women like dead meat does flies. Such a dumb jerk deserves being fleeced. I hope this is a false report but if not, he deserves what's coming to him. Darn shame those kids will suffer too.

it is her fault is that what you are saying ?? So a man is just to weak to walk away .
He's got a long way to go to reach Travis Henry status. However, with the attitude he displays and narcissistic behavior, this probably won't be his last scandal.
What ever came of this story?

Nothing, for a variety of reasons. None of the coaches or athletic department staff during Foster's time remain here at UT, so even if there isn't a "statute of limitations" in the NCAA rulebook it would still be a waste of time and resources to investigate alleged wrongdoing from 7-10 years ago.

Moreover, most fans are finally coming to the realization that college athletes like Foster should get paid for the money they rake in for their schools and the NCAA, especially when their families are still struggling in poverty like Foster's was. If I was the NCAA, I wouldn't risk picking a fight against a sympathetic player like Foster because it would only further expose how hypocritical and exploitative college football really is.
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Nothing, for a variety of reasons. None of the coaches or athletic department staff during Foster's time remain here at UT, so even if there isn't a "statute of limitations" in the NCAA rulebook it would still be a waste of time and resources to investigate alleged wrongdoing from 7-10 years ago.

Moreover, most fans are finally coming to the realization that college athletes like Foster should get paid for the money they rake in for their schools and the NCAA, especially when their families are still struggling in poverty like Foster's was. If I was the NCAA, I wouldn't risk picking a fight against a sympathetic player like Foster because it would only further expose how hypocritical and exploitative college football really is.

Pretty well said! :good!:
Nothing, for a variety of reasons. None of the coaches or athletic department staff during Foster's time remain here at UT, so even if there isn't a "statute of limitations" in the NCAA rulebook it would still be a waste of time and resources to investigate alleged wrongdoing from 7-10 years ago.

Moreover, most fans are finally coming to the realization that college athletes like Foster should get paid for the money they rake in for their schools and the NCAA, especially when their families are still struggling in poverty like Foster's was. If I was the NCAA, I wouldn't risk picking a fight against a sympathetic player like Foster because it would only further expose how hypocritical and exploitative college football really is.

Thanks, I was talking about the pregnancy situation
Nothing, for a variety of reasons. None of the coaches or athletic department staff during Foster's time remain here at UT, so even if there isn't a "statute of limitations" in the NCAA rulebook it would still be a waste of time and resources to investigate alleged wrongdoing from 7-10 years ago.

Moreover, most fans are finally coming to the realization that college athletes like Foster should get paid for the money they rake in for their schools and the NCAA, especially when their families are still struggling in poverty like Foster's was. If I was the NCAA, I wouldn't risk picking a fight against a sympathetic player like Foster because it would only further expose how hypocritical and exploitative college football really is.

I just dont understand this mindset, college athletes have atleast 100k of free goods if you count out of state tuition (if applicable), free rent, free meal plans, access to workout equipment, top notch training. That department funds the majority of scholarships for other players but those players arent the main reason we watch the games that genereate this money. I didnt stop following the vols when arian foster left and obviously yall didnt either. That being said, if they do decide to pay them, should these athletes not have to pay for access to trainers? Should they be helping foot the bill for the coaches salaries? Facility upgrades and travel costs? what about medical stuff, they can just pay for insurance? People that want them to get paid, want them to keep free school, not pay for anything they already dont and then get a hearty salary on top of that. It would essentially get rid of every other sport in college outside of football and mens basketball at about 10 schools. How are they supposed to justify paying jon propst the same amount they do marquez north? I went to college, worked, paid for all those things they get for free, had to actually goto class and wasnt given a free tutor to do my work. You cant just keep coddling these kids because theyre good at football. Theyre going to be 35-40 years old before you let them get a glimpse of the real world.

If you think you should get paid so bad, by all means, dont goto college. These kids are so talented all by themselves without the universities help at all they can just go train at the park a few days a week while working after highschool and in 3 years go sign up for the draft. I mean not going to that big bad school that simply exploits them for everything isnt going to hurt anything right?
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I just dont understand this mindset, college athletes have atleast 100k of free goods if you count out of state tuition (if applicable), free rent, free meal plans, access to workout equipment, top notch training. That department funds the majority of scholarships for other players but those players arent the main reason we watch the games that genereate this money. I didnt stop following the vols when arian foster left and obviously yall didnt either. That being said, if they do decide to pay them, should these athletes not have to pay for access to trainers? Should they be helping foot the bill for the coaches salaries? Facility upgrades and travel costs? what about medical stuff, they can just pay for insurance? People that want them to get paid, want them to keep free school, not pay for anything they already dont and then get a hearty salary on top of that. It would essentially get rid of every other sport in college outside of football and mens basketball at about 10 schools. How are they supposed to justify paying jon propst the same amount they do marquez north? I went to college, worked, paid for all those things they get for free, had to actually goto class and wasnt given a free tutor to do my work. You cant just keep coddling these kids because theyre good at football. Theyre going to be 35-40 years old before you let them get a glimpse of the real world.

If you think you should get paid so bad, by all means, dont goto college. These kids are so talented all by themselves without the universities help at all they can just go train at the park a few days a week while working after highschool and in 3 years go sign up for the draft. I mean not going to that big bad school that simply exploits them for everything isnt going to hurt anything right?

I'm not going to argue with you, in part because I agree with SOME of what you say.

However, I believe an athlete should be able to profit off of his/her own name. If Alumni Hall wants to pay Marquez North to come out and sign autographs for an hour, Marquez North should be allowed to take that money.
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I'm not going to argue with you, in part because I agree with SOME of what you say.

However, I believe an athlete should be able to profit off of his/her own name. If Alumni Hall wants to pay Marquez North to come out and sign autographs for an hour, Marquez North should be allowed to take that money.

I see what youre saying as well. It is bs that stuff like that cant happen. But can you imagine the rampant cheating loopholes that would open. Auburn and bama fans would be lining up by the dozens to be "paying for autographs" from highschool kids that havent made their decision yet. Bammers would have a slush fund setup just to help persuade (buy autographs) top recruits to goto their school. I will agree thats its treated too black and white and there are probably situations where its completely unfair, but if you open that door it would be impossible to police whats legit and whats simply paying players to come to your school. Another big problem i have with it is the arrogance to basically end every other scholarship athlete on campus's ride because youre not happy with just getting alot more than they do, you want more than they get and then to cut the little they do to give you more. Most of these players athletic careers end at college, thats just how it is. Like i said earlier, there is always an option to go join the canadian football league or play arena ball after highschool. You dont have to goto college.
Thanks, I was talking about the pregnancy situation

Tennessee would have a tough time coming up enough $$$ to pay athletes. I understand that our Athletic Department has less than $2 million in reserve and no funds to construct an indoor track facility. In addition, it is very difficult to have any control over the activities of student athletes now. Think of the problems which could/would arise with 18-20 year old kids with money to burn.
I'm not going to argue with you, in part because I agree with SOME of what you say.

However, I believe an athlete should be able to profit off of his/her own name. If Alumni Hall wants to pay Marquez North to come out and sign autographs for an hour, Marquez North should be allowed to take that money.

I can get onboard with something like this. They're never going to pay all athletes, but allowing them to market themselves seems reasonable to me. Always have to worry about influencing players to cheat, but that obviously can occur in any system.

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