Arian Foster Scandal

Following me from thread to thread, butchna? That's a bit low isn't it? Now since you have diabetes, my suggestion is see your doctor. I myself lack a medical degree so can't help you.

You write so eloquently...I assumed you had a doctorate...not medical but something like Romanian soft-core poetry :) To be clear...posting in the same thread means "I'm following" you?...did you get that from your parole officer?...Don't assume our situations are the same...I don't have any 500 feet restrictions :)
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I like Foster as a RB. However, anyone that cheats on a spouse is a vile piece of dog $hit. ZERO character and morals.

Selfish narcissistic behavior that comes from upbringing. Yes Fostermom, that means you too.

He wasn't thinking about his wife or kids when he was banging this chick. Classless person with zero morals.

Go easy on the upbringing assumption, bub. I have known vile pieces of dog $hit who came from the highest social strata. Off-springs of preachers, cops, the ultra wealthy, the ultra religious and so on who do the same thing. Indeed, during my college years I was introduced to things I never knew by daughters of what you'd call high society. And the wildest time I ever had was being trapped, yes I said trapped, in a VW T-1 Microbus by two sisters from a very well-to-do Mormon family. You can raise a kid and be from the highest station in society. But if said kid is going to be contrary to their upbringing, that's what they will be.
You write so eloquently...I assumed you had a doctorate...not medical but something like Romanian soft-core poetry :) To be clear...posting in the same thread means "I'm following" you?...did you get that from your parole officer?...Don't assume our situations are the same...I don't have any 500 feet restrictions :)
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Don't try to be too cute, butchna, you'd just end up being ugly. Makes you look like you're argument hunting. Kind of like another poster "persona" I've run into. Hope you guys aren't one and the same because he was pathetic beyond description. I'd like to think you're 150 cuts above that.
Go easy on the upbringing assumption, bub. I have known vile pieces of dog $hit who came from the highest social strata. Off-springs of preachers, cops, the ultra wealthy, the ultra religious and so on who do the same thing. Indeed, during my college years I was introduced to things I never knew by daughters of what you'd call high society. And the wildest time I ever had was being trapped, yes I said trapped, in a VW T-1 Microbus by two sisters from a very well-to-do Mormon family. You can raise a kid and be from the highest station in society. But if said kid is going to be contrary to their upbringing, that's what they will be.

Don't try to be too cute, butchna, you'd just end up being ugly. Makes you look like you're argument hunting. Kind of like another poster "persona" I've run into. Hope you guys aren't one and the same because he was pathetic beyond description. I'd like to think you're 150 cuts above that.

I perceived a sliver of respectfulness in there Forrest :) least I'll take it that way...never TRY to be cute, sometimes it happens by osmosis :)...never posted by any other name...OR HAVE I?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I like Foster as a RB. However, anyone that cheats on a spouse is a vile piece of dog $hit. ZERO character and morals.

Selfish narcissistic behavior that comes from upbringing. Yes Fostermom, that means you too.

He wasn't thinking about his wife or kids when he was banging this chick. Classless person with zero morals.

This will be a very expensive life lesson for Arian as well as all of the emotional pain this affair has on his family. Adults make their own decisions and have to live with the consequences. His mom had nothing to do with this but I am sure she will still be there for him as she should.
Must be following in Travis Henry's footsteps.

Following in many footsteps, learning nothing. What is it with athletes and not knowing that a rubber keeps that from happening? A fitty cent rubber. When this gold digger is done with him she'll be pulling down 50k a month(tax free child support), laying by the pool at her house and laying somebody new. LOL! It's comical really because it happens so regularly. It's like some of these guys couldn't open a can of corn without a tutorial.
Go easy on the upbringing assumption, bub. I have known vile pieces of dog $hit who came from the highest social strata. Off-springs of preachers, cops, the ultra wealthy, the ultra religious and so on who do the same thing. Indeed, during my college years I was introduced to things I never knew by daughters of what you'd call high society. And the wildest time I ever had was being trapped, yes I said trapped, in a VW T-1 Microbus by two sisters from a very well-to-do Mormon family. You can raise a kid and be from the highest station in society. But if said kid is going to be contrary to their upbringing, that's what they will be.

Oh, this happens all the time 7 days a week. The act is bad enough, but to produce a baby from it is retarded at best.
Yes, the biggest freak I ever met was a preachers daughter. I wont go into detail.
Per her own comments it doesn't sound like he's doing much pressuring - certainly not at scandal level. Granting for a moment she's telling the truth, Arian saying think of my kids/we can't bring a baby into this world like this is hardly pressure but rather pretty standard for a guy in panic mode or even a guy who just isn't ready and ultimately she has the right to decide of the fetus goes to term not him.

Pushing for a DNA test prior to the fetus being born is a bit unusual -- will she terminate if it's not his?

I suspect she's also taking advantage of the fact that they're in Texas which we all know is a conservative state that's trying to outlaw abortion. That strengthens the likelihood of winning over jurors and a better settlement should Foster being the dad.

She may well be telling the truth about paternity since it looks like they were indeed together but her anguish appears fake and as hammed up as it gets.

If it's his then obviously he's on the hook for ensuring the child is taken care of.
I like Foster as a RB. However, anyone that cheats on a spouse is a vile piece of dog $hit. ZERO character and morals.

Selfish narcissistic behavior that comes from upbringing. Yes Fostermom, that means you too.

He wasn't thinking about his wife or kids when he was banging this chick. Classless person with zero morals.

~50 percent of the US population cheats at one time or another and most are otherwise ok people. Is it stupid, selfish, and wrong? Hellz yeah. I don't think anyone, even the cheaters, would argue that. But it doesn't really speak to character or morals unless one is the Tiger Woods type or trolling for nookie constantly. It IS however a red flag when it comes to the way people are in relationships. Cheating is complicated in terms of why people do it but it's not some unforgivable sin. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and hurtful to everyone but not unforgivable.

Just like everything else people make mistakes and hurt people emotionally. It's up to their spouse/bf or gf as to whether or not they should be forgiven. And no - I'm not a cheater, just a realist.
~50 percent of the US population cheats at one time or another and most are otherwise ok people. Is it stupid, selfish, and wrong? Hellz yeah. I don't think anyone, even the cheaters, would argue that. But it doesn't really speak to character or morals unless one is the Tiger Woods type or trolling for nookie constantly. It IS however a red flag when it comes to the way people are in relationships. Cheating is complicated in terms of why people do it but it's not some unforgivable sin. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and hurtful to everyone but not unforgivable.

Just like everything else people make mistakes and hurt people emotionally. It's up to their spouse/bf or gf as to whether or not they should be forgiven. And no - I'm not a cheater, just a realist.

I could care less is 95% of the population cheats. If you cheat on a spouse, you are a piece of $hit. Especially if you have kids.
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Per her own comments it doesn't sound like he's doing much pressuring - certainly not at scandal level. Granting for a moment she's telling the truth, Arian saying think of my kids/we can't bring a baby into this world like this is hardly pressure but rather pretty standard for a guy in panic mode or even a guy who just isn't ready and ultimately she has the right to decide of the fetus goes to term not him.

Pushing for a DNA test prior to the fetus being born is a bit unusual -- will she terminate if it's not his?

I suspect she's also taking advantage of the fact that they're in Texas which we all know is a conservative state that's trying to outlaw abortion. That strengthens the likelihood of winning over jurors and a better settlement should Foster being the dad.

She may well be telling the truth about paternity since it looks like they were indeed together but her anguish appears fake and as hammed up as it gets.

If it's his then obviously he's on the hook for ensuring the child is taken care of.

LOL! All this talk about IF it's his. The fact she has it out there means it's HIS. 50K a month for 18 years. That's after he's worn out as a RB to.
Foster isn't representing the big Orange very well. The taco thing was bad and this just adds to it.
I could care less is 95% of the population cheats. If you cheat on a spouse, you are a piece of $hit. Especially if you have kids.

I think it means you're a lousy husband or wife (bf or gf). But I don't agree with people acting like it's murder -- yeah it feels that way when you've been cheated on ( It sucks to have your heart ripped out, I know that firsthand) and I'm not arguing that but it's not the worst mistake a person can make by a longshot. The heart can and does heal if the person who has been wronged is willing to move past it. People who treat their wives/gfs or husbands/bfs like crap and intentionally emotionally manipulate and emotionally abuse them are far worse that your average cheaters, imo. I say that because emotional abusers have intention but not every cheater goes out there thinking "I'm gonna cheat" or "I'm gonna do whatever I want and not take others into consideration" (those who do are awful as they fall close to the emotional abuser/manipulator because they really don't give an ish if they're harming others just they're own gratification) but some people are more impulsive and don't really plan that out.

But really we're arguing over degrees. I believe some cheaters are worse than others whereas you don't appear draw that distinction. I also believe lousy husbands/wives or gfs/bfs can be otherwise decent people even if they continue to be lousy at relationships. However, I think we both agree it's wrong and hurtful.

I also believe that people can and do change or find redemption if they want to change or seek true redemption which doesn't come without change, imo. Ultimately I also believe in forgiveness when they do change -- doesn't mean you take the person back or even can (sometimes things get broken and can't be fixed) but forgiveness is good for the spiritual and emotional soul of the person wronged and often does more good for their person forgiving than the person who did wrong.
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LOL! All this talk about IF it's his. The fact she has it out there means it's HIS. 50K a month for 18 years. That's after he's worn out as a RB to.

He cheated, imo, but so did she and she may or may not have been playing the field too. That's why there's an *if* rather than certainty. And who cares what he pays? If it's his kid any child support is for that child not some reward for her getting knocked up or gaining primary custody whether you're the mother or the father. Doesn't matter if it's $15 bucks a month or 50k - the law says a child is entitled support and that includes a a living standard on par with the non-custodial parent's standard of living.
This thread has given me the aids.

So confused...

Take two aspirin, you'll be fine...


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