Try to keep up, these audit won't ever be "finished" and the premise for them is conjecture by the losers wrapped up to be an exercise in truth. In reality, the entire premise was a seed of mistrust placed onto our election system by Trump LONG BEFORE the first vote was cast. And there it will remain for as long as the trump nut huggers can keep it there. ANYTHING to undermine the legitimacy of the certified election without regard to the harm it's doing to a pillar of our Republic. And all of it because some people want to appear loyal to Trump, one of the most unpopular presidents ever.
These ballots have been counted, recounted and counted again with no evidence of widespread fraud; just cobbled together "irregularities" that turn out to be more about the "auditor" not understanding wtf they're doing than an issue with procedure, let alone fraud.
Seriously, how ******* stupid are these people that it's taking them MONTHS to count the same things people do in a few days? Now the whackos are looking to audit the 13 counties trump lost in Texas? LOL If it wasn't evident before, it should be clear now.
These audits will never end, because when they do - it will be expected that the claims of fraud will have to go to court. Where it will be summarily dissected and tossed out on it's head. No, now it's about the story and what politician is going to be deferential to Donny so that he may curry a little political favor their way. Meanwhile, confidence in America's electoral system diminishes without evidence or reason, just butthurt.