Again, my experience (running elections and party for that matter in big Dem controlled city) tells me conclusively that cheating happened. I can look at the aggregate numbers and
know. I also have a pretty good idea of HOW they cheated, at least in some of the methods because they are things I myself could replicate with an expanded version of my old team + the incentive - the morals (legal I wouldn't worry about much since almost no one ever gets caught). The changes in mail in balloting simply ramps up a rather common method of cheating in absentee ballots.
For example, I had this race that I wanted to put in a up and coming ethnic community leader and I wanted him to get his feet wet with a smaller race. Meanwhile, in this district, I have an old dragon who is the party district leader and feels threatened by this guy since he would be a big deal and she would lose her grip on doling out what little patronage Rs have around there - so she sets up her son to run for the slot instead, who will run against my guy in the primary. Normally, I would defer to one of my district leaders but mind you I run party ops for almost 30 districts like this one and I am not having it. State honchos are looking on because they are hoping to use this guy to revitalize R in this community. So I know she is going to cheat but how? I run the entire voting machine operations and appoint most of the poll workers for the party so she cant futz with that, much at least. Absentees, thats how. There were an unusual number of requests for absentee ballots which were sent out and then her team picked up, filled out and returned. That was illegal by state law. But how do I prove that is what she is doing? I hired a recently retired detective who spoke the language and he went door to door to the absentee addresses on election day. So the primary day happens and he is up by just a decent bit after the polls close. The detective goes out and some people were home. Some said they gave it to her to fill it out, some said they didnt even request it and he records much of this. I have got her. Sure enough, when the absentees are counted a few days later, her son pulls ahead to win by maybe 20 votes out of a couple thousand cast. But when I go to invalidate them and throw the dragon in jail, I find out that because my evidence was not recorded by a licensed private investigator, it was deemed inadmissible. Her son wins and state guys are pissed at me. Granted, I put the guy in a better slot the next year and won it and they were happy again - until the guy eventually flipped to Dem for a committee chairmanship. Oh well.
Point is, this is but a single example of how election fraud happens (and this was a Republican doing it). Now imagine that the laws are changed so that everyone is sent a ballot (no request needed) and anyone can pick them up and return them to the election board. Even better, their are dropboxes for you place them in and then other "volunteers" take the whole anonymized bundle back to the board. Doesnt take a lot of imagination to see how the dragon's methods could be expanded a bit.
And mind you, that is just a single method. Consider all the hard work that Stacy Abrams did to get people from other states to register in GA (illegally) to vote in the Senate special, who were then able to mail their ballot in. Again, so many different tricks to use. If you have someone inside who is willing you can stuff the ballot boxes in other ways. Also, its not that Republicans are unwilling to cheat but it is simply much MUCH easier to do so in a highly dense population area like big cities, where you don't need to control but a few county party political machines (which control and operate election boards). If I am given time before the election (like having these nice 60 day voting periods), it is even easier to fill in the ballot, match it against the voter rolls for someone unlikely to show up at the polls and even fake their signature on the return card (which would make it difficult to catch even with an audit). Similarly, most GOP are playing defense of trying to catch bad behavior instead of playing offense and flooding the elections with illegal ballots of their own. All this happens at the level of a seal team or two, not the rank and file soldier much less the civilians (voters). Thats why ol Joe probably genuinely believes he was elected fair and square.
My other thinking for why this was probably the prime method, is the desperation of Dem congress to enshrine all these mail in ballot concepts into law to protect them. Some are probably stupid enough to believe the whole disenfranchisement thing but the leads understand it for what it is - a way to keep winning the way they did in 2020. If GOP can stave this off and correct the crap that happened in last minute changes to swing state laws, it will be harder for them to repeat the same trick.
Now what really interests me though is the claims of cheating via the machines themselves aka software or OS being corrupted. I have not seen any proof of that so far. It would be a big deal and surprising to me since it would indicate the conspiracy is deeper than the operative level I have experience with. Still boils down to two things tho I think. 1. no reason for any network card hardware 2. Once certified, no need to update software or OS.
@ClearwaterVol I am not ranting at all since none of the above is "feelings" (except for the irksome dragon). That is my experience at a level which I dare say few here on this board have (or likely even in TN, since my city is bigger than your state). That experience guides my opinion to extrapolate outcomes based on what my expert eye can see in the circumstances. I leave this thread with the above however, as I can only give so much time into it