Actually you're the ass. The audit was funded PRIVATELY as you've been told before, so how much did AZ Sen. Repubs "pay"?
And I'll remind you that I told you this audit was the perfect outcome; Repubs hand-picked FOUR audit companies would either declare fraud or no fraud. If fraud declared it would have to withstand it's own very public audit. If no declaration of fraud, game over both in AZ and nationally. What will you now spend the next five months fretting over? Or the next four years, for that matter? That's at least how long you've been an insipid mess.
Voting laws should be passed. Democrats waged hundreds of lawsuits around the country to ILLEGALLY bypass state legislatures, and courts/governors, sec. of states/election boards ILLEGALLY enabled or functionally carried out those violations of the U.S. and state constitutions.
Next time you need to know what to think, tune out MSNBC and just ask me.