Ideally RSing would be best, I agree, but there are many examples just in the past 2 years of true freshman starting all or majority of the season in the SEC across the entire oline.
The RT spot is up for grabs. Kid is an EE and was the best oline coming out of HS. I think the staff gives him every opportunity to win that job.
This is just perception, not reality.
None of the SEC teams in the playoffs had any starting true freshman without injuries.
Texas had one freshman get the job late after the starter got injured. no other first or second year guys. it sounds like the veteran is back and the freshman is back on the bench for the playoffs.
Georgia didn't have any true freshman start on OL. Georgia has a true sophomore who is starting now, but again, he came in after injury. no other first or second year guys.
We have Heard as a true sophomore.
even amongst the non-playoff teams you don't see freshman playing too often unless there was a ton of turnover.
Bama had Proctor last year, but he walked into a void, and didn't take a veterans job. no other first or second year guys
Arkansas has one Freshman listed as a starter for the bowl game, but he is the only listed guy at his position. so either there were transfers or injuries to get him the job. they do have a sophmore with multiple starts this year.
Auburn has a sophomore and red shirt freshman starting.
Florida has a sophomore and red shirt freshman starting as well.
Kentucky has one sophomore who starts but he was a transfer, so he clearly didn't start in the SEC as a freshman.
LSU has a RS Freshman starter
Ole Miss none
Mississippi State has none
Missouri has a sophomore starter who is a transfer, so didn't start in the SEC as a freshman.
Oklahoma has 2 RS FR starting
TAMU has 1 starting Sophomore
South Carolina has 1 starting true Freshman
Vandy has none.
so all told:
2 True Freshman are starting, with maybe a 3rd depending on injury
5 RS Freshman are starting
8 Sophomores, several of those were transfers. and it looks like only 2 of those started as true freshman.
in reality no team is really saying they expect a true freshman to start. 2/70 players on the oline in the SEC started as first year guys. 13/70 as second year guys. and that's not accounting for however many injuries it took to get some of those 15 starting jobs.