Arkansas to allow guns at football games



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2012
If you are a gun permit holder, you may be able to carry your gun to a football game.

This might improve officiating.....
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"Shall not be infringed, except at football games"

Nope, not in my COTUS
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"Shall not be infringed, except at football games"

Nope, not in my COTUS

I'm afraid it's a tad more complicated than that.

You also have the right to free speech, but if you stood and screamed at the top of your lungs non-stop at the game, they can make you leave.
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If you are a gun permit holder, you may be able to carry your gun to a football game.

This might improve officiating.....

I know their are some nuts around, but most people that has went to the HGCP class, done the training, and paid all the big fees that go into getting that permit isn't going to go popping shots off at refs.

I know you are joking in a way about the ref thing, but have gone through getting one myself most people that get a HGCP are smarter then to start waving a gun around. :)
I'm a permit holder and this is stupid as hell. No one needs a gun inside a football stadium
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I'm a permit holder and this is stupid as hell. No one needs a gun inside a football stadium

I wouldn't personally do it myself. I like to jump around to much. Plus I would be paranoid as all heck that someone would be grabbing at it.
I'm afraid it's a tad more complicated than that.

You also have the right to free speech, but if you stood and screamed at the top of your lungs non-stop at the game, they can make you leave.

Daft analogy. You want me and my gun around when some fan starts yelling allahu snackbar and starts knifing fans.
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Daft analogy. You want me and my gun around when some fan starts yelling allahu snackbar and starts knifing fans.

Hilarious; you call my analogy daft yet then drum up the same ol scare tactics. I must have missed all those terrorist attacks at Arkansas football games the past 15 years.
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I can see it now, Arkansas scores a 70 yard run play, but there's a flag on the field.

Ref: "Holding, number 77, offense" dot appears on his forehead.

Ref: "There is no penalty for holding, Touchdown Arkansas!"
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I wouldn't personally do it myself. I like to jump around to much. Plus I would be paranoid as all heck that someone would be grabbing at it.

If you are carrying concealed correctly no one would even know and cheering at a game would not present a problem.

Unless of course you want to be like a rapper or guys in movies, carrying a double stack with 15+ rounds, full size pistol and just tuck it in the waistband of your elastic sweatpants. :p
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This will amount to nothing. All the democrats said Tennessee would turn into the Wild West when they allowed permit holders to carry in places that sell alchohol. Blood in the streets from nonstop drunken shootouts. I don't think I've seen a single story where a permit holder has shot someone at a bar or restaurant since that law was passed. This has to do with continuity more than anything. I want to carry from my tailgate to the game and back. This allows that.
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Fanatics, testosterone, showing off for their women, beer, and disappointment. Add guns.

What could possibly go wrong?
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I have a safe full of guns and even I think this is stupid.

If they want to start some kind of Guardian Program that would allow off duty police/military/qualified retired service members/people with enhanced training to carry concealed while also meeting certain standards (i.e. no alcohol on gameday, training, signing in, etc), that's one thing.

But to act like the typical HCP course is sufficient for that situation is asinine. 100 rounds and 8-ish hours led by almost any hack with a pulse is not enough for that type of responsibility.

The thought of most of my permit class drawing a gun in the middle of 10k people is terrifying.
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This will amount to nothing. All the democrats said Tennessee would turn into the Wild West when they allowed permit holders to carry in places that sell alchohol. Blood in the streets from nonstop drunken shootouts. I don't think I've seen a single story where a permit holder has shot someone at a bar or restaurant since that law was passed. This has to do with continuity more than anything. I want to carry from my tailgate to the game and back. This allows that.

thats because we conceal carriers actually obey the law and know you cant legally drink and carry a gun or you lose your license.

Its more liberal scare tactics against law abiding citizens exercising their rights.
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Daft analogy. You want me and my gun around when some fan starts yelling allahu snackbar and starts knifing fans.

Yeah, start poppin off, I'm sure we'll all be safer. Hell, if we're lucky there will be a handful of your kind shooting at each other in the frenzy and we'll be stuck in the middle.

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