Arkansas to allow guns at football games

Yeah, I have lived in the fort the past two years and I don't know anyone that has been mugged.

Over that time span there have probably only been like 4 threats reported from UT.

Assaults were down, from 135 to 107 reported incidents, but sex crimes were up from eight to 15 reported incidents - though the significance of the latter category is unclear. Of 10 reports of forcible rape in 2007, police said only one could be prosecuted.
107 in one year would be consider a bunch imo while unspecific this lists Fort sanders as more dangerous than the rest of knoxville, with a much higher percentage of attacks per population.
Bottom line is a law abiding American citizen gun owner, who has obtained a lawful concealed carry/open carry permit, has accepted the responsibility cc demands. Those who freak out around guns cannot handle that responsibility and develop hysterical reactions caused by their own fear.

Again I will ask: Look around you today and point out the person who is armed and the person who is not. Irrational fear is all you have.
Bottom line is a law abiding American citizen gun owner, who has obtained a lawful concealed carry/open carry permit, has accepted the responsibility cc demands. Those who freak out around guns cannot handle that responsibility and develop hysterical reactions caused by their own fear.

Again I will ask: Look around you today and point out the person who is armed and the person who is not. Irrational fear is all you have.

Hilarious considering you said this:

Daft analogy. You want me and my gun around when some fan starts yelling allahu snackbar and starts knifing fans.

You have no room to lecture anyone about hysterical reactions and fear.
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I know their are some nuts around, but most people that has went to the HGCP class, done the training, and paid all the big fees that go into getting that permit isn't going to go popping shots off at refs.

I know you are joking in a way about the ref thing, but have gone through getting one myself most people that get a HGCP are smarter then to start waving a gun around. :)

why does this make me even more nervous?
Football + Rivals + Alcohol + Guns + Wins or Losses + Best Buddies + Best Girlfriend + TESTOSTERONE

= ____________________________

fill in the blank
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Assaults can include drunks fighting, of which the Fort has plenty.

Don't forget Pellet guns........I do realize that the last reported Pellet gun assault occurred at the bottom of Cumberland and for some reason was highly publicized.

Football + Rivals + Alcohol + Guns + Wins or Losses + Best Buddies + Best Girlfriend + TESTOSTERONE

= ____________________________

fill in the blank

No man, dont you know ALL CC holders are just perfect law abiding citizens and would never do anything crazy?
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what's wrong with having Juicy Fruit at a ball game? I could see why no bubble gum but a little Wrigley's shouldn't......oh wait......sorry......
lol exaggeration of the week. You know many people beaten and robbed in the fort after UT games? I call huge BS there.

I didn't say it was after a game. The fort at night is shifty at best. And yes I know people who were mugged or beat up walking there at night. You have college kids selling drugs out of ****ty apartments and houses, that attracts a certain element that won't hesitate to pull a gun or knife on someone. You also have groups of drunk guys walking to the bars or back. You have no idea if one or more of them is looking to fight someone for no reason. Add a home loss to the mix and it can certainly get dicey.
I didn't say it was after a game. The fort at night is shifty at best. And yes I know people who were mugged or beat up walking there at night. You have college kids selling drugs out of ****ty apartments and houses, that attracts a certain element that won't hesitate to pull a gun or knife on someone. You also have groups of drunk guys walking to the bars or back. You have no idea if one or more of them is looking to fight someone for no reason. Add a home loss to the mix and it can certainly get dicey.

Lol you sound like you've never been to a city before. This stuff isn't new, I've lived here for 3 years it isn't that bad. Things only happen if you go looking for trouble. Those people selling drugs don't pull guns on you if you don't deal with drugs, pretty simple.
Arkansas is a rural, poor, backward state full of rubes. Hence the politics and policies we see coming from there--and from other Southern states very much like it. Fact.
Arkansas is a rural, poor, backward state full of rubes. Hence the politics and policies we see coming from there--and from other Southern states very much like it. Fact.

The R-Kansas state politicians are in the clutches of the NRA and risk losing their job if they don't do what special interest tell them. That actually makes them just like every other state.
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