As of right now in the SEC, Tennessee is...

Last week we were assured by folks whose posts are about as negative as yours that WKU was a quality opponent about to play UT close or even beat the Vols.

Now that UT smacked them around pretty good... suddenly they aren't a quality opponent.

Don't care which way you go... but a little consistency would be real nice.
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Seriously? After you play games against Austin Peay and WKU, whereas UGA played Clemson and USCe, Florida played Miami, and other teams played some decent opponents?


Seriously? After UF with all that talent had a tougher time with Toledo than (a still not SEC quality roster) Mizzou did and lost to a Miami that still can't get out of its own way by stinking up the field all afternoon long?

No one is suggesting anything that would have prompted your reaction. Worry about your own team and underperforming coach.
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Bad fbs, yes. Average sun belt....NOPE. Average sun belt doesn't beat even the worst sec team

Yeah leading into the WKU game. Bobby Petrino this and that and they return from a bowl appearance. After we Beat them soundly Oh WKU is a bottom feeder Sun Belt team. Ha What a difference a Saturday beat down in Neyland will do.
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Last week we were assured by folks whose posts are about as negative as yours that WKU was a quality opponent about to play UT close or even beat the Vols.

Now that UT smacked them around pretty good... suddenly they aren't a quality opponent.

Don't care which way you go... but a little consistency would be real nice.

You are assuming they are one of the ones that said WKU would/could beat UT.
Despite the quality of opponents its nice to be at or near the top in a lot of categories. That'll probably change as we go but nice none the less.
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This...all day long. As I stated in another thread, it's funny how we heard that this WK team is better than last year's Troy team, had several NFL players, and an offensive genius as a coach. Now, they suck after a beat down.

People amaze me. Can't enjoy anything and want to find the worst in every situation.

WKU is a decent team. They had almost 3x the total yards we had in the first half despite 5 consecutive series with a TO.

Glad we made 2nd half adjustments and ran it down their throats. Good win.
Keep in mind that the first team only played the first half of the APSU game when you complain.
Why can't you guys just enjoy what we have accomplished... Ut fans always look at the negatives. Our team has improved, they play as a team, rush to the ball, tackle, and play with intensity. Congrats to our defense don't let these Debbie downers ruin what your doing

Beating WKU and AP is not an accomplishment, it's a given. How long have you been a UT fan? The "negavols" simply have higher expectations and it's hard to celebrate mediocrity.
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I totally agree with neyland05... support your team.can't say something good about our Vols then don't say a darn thing..ESPN know it alls predicted us to get beat. when the game was over we beat the crap out them. In the end Ten could have put more points up on pee and wku if 2st string had stayed in. Our team plays with intensity that's why you see them causing turnovers and scoring well.. go vols..
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Maybe with this coaching staff we will get better each week instead of worse each week like we did with the last staff!
I just think it's crazy that we have scored 97 points in the first two games. BTW, most since 1994. Given up 20 and people are complaining. That's an average score of 48.5-10. I don't care who you are playing, I'll take those numbers all day. I hate to call fans out, but you guys suck. We go out and take care of business and all we hear is how it's not good enough. I only go back as far as the Andy Kelly days but this is as well a disciplined team as I have seen here in a long time. Have a good week and GBO and beat those Ducks.
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