Asheville- San Fran east./Who's Rich?

You're sticking up for someone who moronically rushed to the defense of a notoriously racist poster bragging about how wonderfully white his town is.

For someone who allegedly went to medical school, you have the spacial awareness of a chromosome-heavy goldfish sometimes.
I didn't defend anyone. I called both out and you're incapable of calling out the BS when your tribe does it. You're just a loudmouth blowhard that talks sh*t constantly to anyone you disagree with. STFU and take your own advice of be better and do better.
The only thing important is that I'm not an Infectious Disease expert, or so I've been told by the Branch Covidians.

Experts don't say athletes are dying way more than before and then run away and change the subject every time they're asked to prove it
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Glad the expert victim could share their delusions.

Rushing to kiddiedoc's defense in just over 5 minutes with this weak garbage 😭

Rushing to kiddiedoc's defense in just over 5 minutes with this weak garbage 😭


Lol. Even if you question him he isn’t wrong. The looney libs and their Covid fear mongering was nothing but their typical idiocy. It’s undeniable especially now. Go get you a booster though. 🤣😂
Experts don't say athletes are dying way more than before and then run away and change the subject every time they're asked to prove it

See? Lol this is like the 5th time the “expert” has dodged this, once he’s outside of his prepared talking points he’s no smarter than you @C-south
See? Lol this is like the 5th time the “expert” has dodged this, once he’s outside of his prepared talking points he’s no smarter than you @C-south
I'm not dodging anything. I have said, repeatedly, that we should at least entertain the possibility that something has increased the risk for cardiovascular events with the number of athletes that have suffered from MI and clotting issues. That's how science works.

Two players on the same team had heart attacks. That's a statistically-miniscule probability. When the media immediately tells everyone that it's not the shots, I ask questions.

Remember when they told you that shots don't affect fertility, and now there is peer-reviewed research showing that they do?

Remember when they told you that if you take the shots, you won't catch CV19? Remember "pandemic of the unvaccinated?" Remember masks and social distancing? The stupid arrows on the grocery aisles?

I don't have an agenda other than wanting to know the truth, and if there is a new risk, to learn what could be done to help prevent future adverse events, including in my own patients. Aspirin/anticoag prophylaxis, for example?
I'm not dodging anything. I have said, repeatedly, that we should at least entertain the possibility that something has increased the risk for cardiovascular events with the number of athletes that have suffered from MI and clotting issues. That's how science works.

Two players on the same team had heart attacks. That's a statistically-miniscule probability. When the media immediately tells everyone that it's not the shots, I ask questions.

Remember when they told you that shots don't affect fertility, and now there is peer-reviewed research showing that they do?

Remember when they told you that if you take the shots, you won't catch CV19? Remember "pandemic of the unvaccinated?" Remember masks and social distancing? The stupid arrows on the grocery aisles?

I don't have an agenda other than wanting to know the truth, and if there is a new risk, to learn what could be done to help prevent future adverse events, including in my own patients. Aspirin/anticoag prophylaxis, for example?

Entertain whatever you want. You said there is a "growing number" of athletes dying from what has long been the #1 cause of death for athletes and we will all die before you provide a shred of evidence on athletes to support that
Two players on the same team had heart attacks. That's a statistically-miniscule probability. When the media immediately tells everyone that it's not the shots, I ask questions.

Also, spell this out instead of insinuating. Players are vaccinated all over the country. What is it about the USC program specifically that is "causing" cardiac arrest (which is not a heart attack, doctor?????) in its athletes?
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Also, spell this out instead of insinuating. Players are vaccinated all over the country. What is it about the USC program specifically that is "causing" cardiac arrest (which is not a heart attack, doctor?????) in its athletes?
If my math is right, given a 15 man squad and expected rate of roughly 1:50000, that would be 1:166,666,667
Here is the number of deaths in 2019 and 2021 for football in the US. This totals approx. ~4MM participants per year from youth to NFL.

2019 - 10 Cardiac Deaths (41/46 of pdf)
2021 - 8 Cardiac Deaths plus 1 "Other" (43/48 of pdf)
Deaths are not applicable. With AEDs and access to rapid emergency care, you have to look at events.
Deaths are not applicable. With AEDs and access to rapid emergency care, you have to look at events.

When the argument is players are dying all over the place, deaths matter....

Yes, # of events matter as well.

There was AEDs and emergency care in place in 2019.

This is just moving the goalposts

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