Ask Ron Mexico Anything, Except For Life Advice

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The- why do gator fans etc. Come here to troll? Why can't they troll their own teams site? Seems like they are sfraid of the Zone. One of my favorite things about this place.
The- why do gator fans etc. Come here to troll? Why can't they troll their own teams site? Seems like they are sfraid of the Zone. One of my favorite things about this place.

They have been rejected by their own fan base. They come here because VN accepts everyone. It's a shame they have to come here to get the attention they so desperately need.

the i went to the ff and did not make it back for 12hrs . they take there internet serious over there i was just trying to the boot why
Ron, why do you think the FF hates us Zoners? Is it bc our IQ levels are greater than theirs by a large amount? Anytime I venture there I get blasted for logic!
Ron, why do you think the FF hates us Zoners? Is it bc our IQ levels are greater than theirs by a large amount? Anytime I venture there I get blasted for logic!

They don't understand logic or reason. The answer is simple as that. Apparently idiocy is ok as long as it is followed up by "GBO" or "VFL".
Are you saying you got kicked out of the Football Forum? Are you allowed to go back?
I guy said something insulting I let it rip and he apologized . I said I got respect for that and told him to visit the zone they deleted it I reposted it and they kicked me i am sure I can go back they just ain't cool like the zoners
Thought I would never be back
I have a hot date tonight. Should I bring her by your place to make sure she is up to par?

No, just make sure she is clean. Ask for a letter from her gynecologist, dentist and pastor. Inspect her hair for signs of lice. Finally, make sure to check between her toes for marks that may show she's been shootin' up.
Well I am not trm but being that nooga is abbreviation of Chattanooga no just don't do it on the ff they take there Internet serious . I will hang up now and see what Ron says
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