Ask Ron Mexico Anything, Except For Life Advice

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My date isn't my type. She's my bestfriend. That's the only reason I am taking her. There's a girl who goes to the local community college around here, who wanted to go prom with me, but understood why I didn't take her. So she's not mad and wants me to come over after prom to have some fun.

First of all, condoms are for queers. If you're worried about her getting pregnant, there are other holes.

You're welcome.
Ron, I have yet to get a infraction yet. I get my posts deleted all the time though. How long til they give me a infracture and how many times have you been banned?
Ron, I have yet to get a infraction yet. I get my posts deleted all the time though. How long til they give me a infracture and how many times have you been banned?

I have yet to figure the system used to apply infractions. So I don't know. I have had one infraction and one 7 day suspension.
The fact that you have asked this question tells volumes about your knowledge of the Endzone.

St. Matthew Chapter 10.

Yes i have read and understood we are to cast out demons and to heal all kinds of sicknesses "missionary Discourse" so you will choose 12 of us and instruct us and prepare them

What is your preferred hangover cure?


A hangover is a result of dehydration. I recommend finishing the night with a large glass of water and/or gatorade. The next day when you wake up, keep drinking water until your pee is clear.
Yes i have read and understood we are to cast out demons and to heal all kinds of sicknesses "missionary Discourse" so you will choose 12 of us and instruct us and prepare them

As of now, we only have 6. The numbers may grow in the future, that's up to Horsemen as a whole.
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