At what point do you expect the $8,000,000 man play up to his compensation level?

Between this and the thread suggesting a 'board of directors' including fans (!) to help coach the team, this board has officially jumped the shark.

It used to be fun coming on here and talking ball, but it has turned into a depressing mix of the angry and the absurd.
This is the exact reason that I completely avoid Volnation after a loss (or even now a win over the gators). How quickly a fan base can forget the total suckage of being bottom feeders and hoping to make a bowl game. (That is all my 16 year old daughter remembers about Tennesee football). It wasn't pretty at all but they have got to be one miserable human being if they are complaining about beating the gators 2 out of the past 3 years.
Is Nico's, or anyone else's NIL money guaranteed? If he indeed got 8 million simolians shouldn't there be a performance clause?

its based on appearances or advertisements that is scheduled through the collective. That is all has has to do to collect whatever money the contracts call for. Show up every time he is scheduled to.
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When I am the one who has to sign his checks. If it isn't my money I'm not gonna bitch about it.
I agree to an extent except that technically that is spyre money which are donated and could be allocated elsewhere.

It’s kinda like saying you won’t care about crap roads until you’re the one writing the check. Technically you are.
This is an annoying aspect of NIL.

its the way NIL has worked for years. Professional athletes and entertainment people have gotten it for many years based on their "name" and not their performance. They don't lose a nickel of NIL money based on performance. As long as people want to see them, they earn the NIL money.
its the way NIL has worked for years. Professional athletes and entertainment people have gotten it for many years based on their "name" and not their performance. They don't lose a nickel of NIL money based on performance. As long as people want to see them, they earn the NIL money.
No fans complaining about a 6-1 QB not earning his 8 million is annoying.
This is an annoying aspect of NIL.
Don't know why it bothers anyone that private entities are throwing cash at players based upon potential, when no one, nor the state or university is spending a penny more than on any other player. Even a disgruntled contributor to an NIL can stop any time they like.
No question he’s been under a lot of pressure due to the OLine not blocking well. And he is a freshman who is learning. One minute he’ll make a great play and the next minute it’s a dropped handoff or forcing a pass into triple coverage. (Both happened Saturday night.) If folks don’t understand that, they don’t have a clue about quarterback development. It takes game experience for a QB to mature but they also need help. And you take the good with the bad until the light bulb comes on and stays on.

But it is woefully naive to think that these NIL payments aren’t putting more pressure on players like Nico to perform. This is NFL Lite and people are going to expect a return on the investment. It’s now just business as some (including Nico) are getting paid like pros and employee contracts are coming which will ratchet up the heat. Foolish to think otherwise. The athletes wanted to get paid like pros and they’ll have to deal with the criticism like pros. I don’t necessarily like the situation but it’s just the way it is. Whether fans like it or don’t, it just doesn’t matter.
I'd blame it on who gave him the money to begin with. I for one don't think College football should be the mini NFL... This is all fan crazy driven madness anyway. These kids should be kids and try and enjoy those years.. They all want the money and to be grown already. It's overrated kids don't get in such a hurry to get here..
A couple of interesting stats
10 sacks since SeC played started
1 in all prior games before

His passing drop off dramatically in the 4th quarter but he has yet to take a sack in the 4th...
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Is Nico's, or anyone else's NIL money guaranteed? If he indeed got 8 million simolians shouldn't there be a performance clause?
No because it can not be tied to performance or school. It is Name, Imagine and Likeness by its very definition. Although you could argue success increases popularity which brings jersey sales, tickets to see him etc. That is what he is paid on. Excitement. As much as everyone believes that it is the NFL it is not
Of the top 10 quarterbacks in the 2023 class only two are starting, Nico and Avery Johnson. Five have transferred from their original school and are buried on the depth chart. Only Manning has looked better, but he has yet to face a good defends, and only played due to Ewers getting injured.

Remember , these kids highschool development was stunted due to Covid, and Nico being from California didn’t help that situation.

As Aaron Rogers once said RELAX.
I'll agree he is a "redshirt" freshman; But he is not a kid. He's over 18. He's old enough to vote. He's old enough to marry. He's old enough to lead a patrol in combat. He's old enough for the Supreme Court to allow him to be paid to play. Ask him if he thinks he's a man. College football stopped being a kid's game a long time ago. It's a business.

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