At what point do you expect the $8,000,000 man play up to his compensation level?

SEC Little10 BIG8 ACC.................Its over
It is now the NFL Minor League and $$$$ does matter.
We should have higher expectations for players who are making more money that most of the Coaching Staff.
You want the Jack.............then put up the numbers.
I hear a UNLV QB is available........................for the right price......
SEC Little10 BIG8 ACC.................Its over
It is now the NFL Minor League and $$$$ does matter.
We should have higher expectations for players who are making more money that most of the Coaching Staff.
You want the Jack.............then put up the numbers.
I hear a UNLV QB is available........................for the right price......
They are getting paid for their marketability. In that manner it's entirely different than the NFL. The parity will be similar because of it, with the transfer portal. Fans who have no use for detail and nuance will complain.
No, they want high return on their investment in his marketing power. Of course he needs to perform on the field, but the bashing he's taking is inappropriate at this point. Lots of know nothing's think he's suppos

ed to immediately produce because of the money. That's actually not the intent of the contract.It's for the entirety of the time he will be here. Lots of dumbed downed comments flowing about him

I agree. But it's still speculation on their part on performance. Their expectations might be out of sight but that is not reality as your statements reflect.

People give to support a kid then what do they get if he has a career ending injury? Not even enjoyment of watching him play.
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I agree. But it's still speculation on their part on performance. Their expectations might be out of sight but that is not reality as your statements reflect.

People give to support a kid then what do they get if he has a career ending injury? Not even enjoyment of watching him play.
Why bring up the possibility of a career ending injury? That has nothing to do with the specific point here. If he has a career ending injury, the contract might be in question. Unless, of course, his likeness still sells merchandise. That's the specifics of the NIL contracts with entities not directly associated with the University operations. Both benefit from it.
You must have low expectations. It’s ok.
The world needs ditch diggers too.
This makes me smile. First because of how wrong you are about my expectations. I have an open preseason bet on Tennessee winning a natty. Second because of how right you are about me being a ditch digger! I just started a side hustle a couple months ago seeking to install French drains. So far I’ve only dug 2 ditches but MAN was it fun.
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All I can think of is the Dave Chappelle bit where he describes an audience demanding their money back at one of his shows.

“Now I want you to listen to me closely.”

“That will never happen.”

“I’m like Evel Knievel. I get paid for the attempt.”
This makes me smile. First because of how wrong you are about my expectations. I have an open preseason bet on Tennessee winning a natty. Second because of how right you are about me being a ditch digger! I just started a side hustle a couple months ago seeking to install French drains. So far I’ve only dug 2 ditches but MAN was it fun.
Hardscaping is fun work actually.
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Imagine hiring a builder (Nico) to build your home. He’s somewhat new, he’s built some nice sheds (high school) but he’s really inexperienced building homes (college), and he has a lot to learn but you pay him top dollar anyway while he learns through his many mistakes.
At least the builder would have insurance to cover it if/when the house collapsed.
Why bring up the possibility of a career ending injury? That has nothing to do with the specific point here. If he has a career ending injury, the contract might be in question. Unless, of course, his likeness still sells merchandise. That's the specifics of the NIL contracts with entities not directly associated with the University operations. Both benefit from it.

I was not clear. Not talking about Nico but any kid coming into any program. Fans give to collective to help get them in with no idea how long they will be available or if they might get hurt. I already know that close to 60% of signed recruits fail to complete their time at the school they sign with for various reasons. Georgia has already lost 50% of their 2022 class. that number likely goes to about 65% after this season.
There is some interesting info in the “I Rescind and Reconsider” thread from Stoerner Fumbles that sheds some light on the situation with both offensive tackles that’s affecting the offense. Check it out and you may have a different take on Nico and what he’s working with. Hopefully both guys get better soon.
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Here’s another one for the financial advisors here: who cares how much Nico or anybody is paid? It’s not your money, you really don’t have a say in how it is spent, and it makes you look weird complaining about it.

Maybe you missed your calling advising coaches and NIL fund managers on talent evals and cost analysis.
"Hes a kid."
"Hes a Redshirt Freshman."
"He's only played 7 games."

All of that is fine and good.however, the money drastically changes expectations. This is now a professional sport.
This is exactly why I have said that I dreaded the day the NIL became what it is. The minute NIL becomes the reason to change the expectations of a player is the minute that you stop being a fan. Money should never have been a factor in college sports. My question to you, everything the same, would you feel like you do if there was no NIL and he was playing for a scholarship and not a paycheck? Think really hard and forget about money.
"Hes a kid."
"Hes a Redshirt Freshman."
"He's only played 7 games."

All of that is fine and good.however, the money drastically changes expectations. This is now a professional sport.
no NIL is the same as endorsement money not pay for play (i.e. money Peyton received from Gatorade, not money from Colts/Broncos). Thus the only ones who should be worried about Return on Investment is the entity which negotiated any contract (which was never confirmed only speculated that Nico was the recipient of). We are fans, plain and simple. The only thing we have to do is support our team, it’s not for us to worry about what they’re getting paid in endorsements.

The truth is Nico has played some really good ball & in the last couple of games has had a rough couple of outings; as Coach Heup has said, some of that is Nico, but some of it is the other 10 guys around him.

The bigger problem is the expectation of near perfection that is placed on college kids. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see them perform at a very high level, but I’m not going to declare a player “isn’t it” or “isn’t ready” or any of the other garbage I’ve seen flowing from some. That is the coaches call, and Coach Heup has made us competitive again. So, those calling for his job need to come back to reality. Recall the later Fulmer, Kiffin, Dooley, Jones and Priitt years. There’s a reason ESPN put the graphic up showing 3rd win in last 20 years instead of simply 2nd win in last 3 years. Because the other coaches were lost in the woods. The thing I’m seeing are too many fans expecting too much too fast! “Fast food” mentality is the bigger problem, it isn’t Burger King; you don’t get to have it your way and right now. Kids have to develop & I believe we have to coaches to do just that.
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Man I would love it if money could turn anyone into Superman. He's still human. Whether he's getting 0 or 8 BILLION dollars...he's not going to develop any faster. You can't make a (RS) Freshman play like a Junior by electronically transferring money into his account. If your expectations are through the roof and unrealistic just because he is being paid...well you are getting exactly what you deserve - disappointment. He's getting paid because he was one of the best in his (recruiting) class...and guess what? He is playing more and outperforming everyone in his class. He delivered. What more do you want? He'll be better by the end of this year. He will be better next year. And he will be better the year after that. That's how this works.
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"Hes a kid."
"Hes a Redshirt Freshman."
"He's only played 7 games."

All of that is fine and good.however, the money drastically changes expectations. This is now a professional sport.
would we rather be asking this question while he was wearing another teams jersey? He has to do his part, but it is a team game, with flaws at most all but RB position. He will be fine.

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